
Treatment methods of lily blight

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lilium is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Liliaceae, which is native to China. At least 120 varieties have been found in the world. Lily stem blight harms the lily bulb and root system, causing the bulb to rot, the root system to rot, and finally the plant to die upright. So what should be done after discovering the disease of lilies?

Lily (details) is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Liliaceae, which is native to China. At least 120 varieties have been found in the world. Lily stem blight harms the lily bulb and root system, causing the bulb to rot, the root system to rot, and finally the plant to die upright. So what should be done after discovering the disease of lilies?

Lily (details)

First of all, the disease-free bulbs should be selected before planting, and the bulbs should be soaked in 0.1% limewater clarification solution for 10 minutes for disinfection.

Secondly, in the process of field management, it is necessary to donate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer in order to improve disease resistance. Generally, 20 to 30 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or high efficiency biological phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied to the root of each plant once a month, or rotten human and animal fecal water is applied once a month.

Third, after the disease occurs in the field, the roots should be irrigated with 600x dimethazone solution or 1000 times cupric sulfate solution in time, once every 10 days, for 3 times in a row, each plant 2ml 3kg each time.

Control methods of Broad Bean Blight

The crops harmed by blight include Cruciferae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Leguminosae, Umbelliferae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Liliaceae and other vegetables. Next we mainly introduce the prevention and control methods of broad bean blight.

Control methods of Broad Bean Blight

The main results are as follows: (1) rotation should be advocated with wheat and barley for 3 ~ 5 years to avoid continuous cropping with rice.

(2) sowing seeds at the right time. Spring broad beans should be sown late, while winter broad beans should avoid late sowing.

(3) strengthen the field management, avoid too wet soil, increase the application of calcium superphosphate and improve the disease resistance of the host.

(4) seed treatment, seed dressing with 40% seed weight of 0.3% double powder or 50% thiram wettable powder.

(5) the nursery bed can be mixed with 40% pentachloronitrobenzene powder and 50% thiram wettable powder at 1:1 and mixed well with 10~15kg fine soil per m ^ 28g.

(6) at the initial stage of the disease, 58% metalaxyl ·manganese-zinc wettable powder 500x liquid or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x solution, 20% methyl richos EC 1100g 1200x liquid, 72.2% Prichos water-soluble liquid 600x liquid, 5% Jinggangmycin water agent 40~50rag/kg were sprayed once or twice every 7 days.

Control methods of diseases and insect pests in lilies

Lilies are often put in the living room for decoration only. The bulbs of lilies are rich in starch, and some of them can be eaten as vegetables. So what are the prevention and control methods for lily diseases and insect pests? The following is to explain the lily disease and pest control methods and the role of lilies.

Control methods of diseases and insect pests in lilies

Common diseases are rotten rot, standing blight, virus, leaf blight, black stem disease.

Prevention and cure

① did a good job of seed ball disinfection, ② rotation, ③ trench drainage, ④ removal of weeds, ⑤ application of competitive fertilizer, pulling out diseased plants and burning, and spraying with carbendazim, thiophanate and Dysen zinc for 3 times and 4 times.

Lily blight

It is one of the common diseases of lily, which occurs seriously in rainy years, which causes stem and leaf rot and seriously affects the yield of bulbs. The pathogen can invade stems, leaves, flowers and scales. After the base of the stem was killed, the water-stained constriction occurred, which led to the rapid withering and death of the whole plant. Leaf disease, disease spot water stains, light brown, showing irregular large spots. When the disease is serious, flowers, pedicels and scales can be killed, resulting in discoloration and corruption.

Prevention and control methods:

① implements crop rotation.

② chooses plots with good drainage and loose soil for cultivation or adopts high box, deep trench or super ridge cultivation, which requires that the border surface should be flat in order to facilitate the elimination of the water system.

③ pre-seed bulbs were soaked with Fumishuang of 1RU 500 or soaked in 40% formaldehyde and 50 times water for 15 minutes.

④ should strengthen field management, pay attention to ditching and drainage, adopt formula fertilization technology, properly increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improve disease resistance and make seedlings grow healthily.

⑤ sprayed 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 200 Bordeaux solution before emergence, sprayed 50% carbendazim 800 times 2 times after emergence for 3 times to protect seedlings; at the initial stage of the disease, spraying 40% aluminum triethyl phosphate wettable powder or 58% metalaxyl, manganese zinc wettable powder, 64% poisonous alum wettable powder, 72% DuPont Kelu wettable powder. After the onset of the disease, the diseased plants were removed in time, burned or buried deeply, and the disease area was treated with 50% lime milk.

Viral disease

The damaged plants showed yellow leaves or yellow spots, yellow spots, acute defoliation, poor plant growth and atrophy. The buds are yellow and can not open, and in serious cases, the plants wither and die.

Prevention and control methods:

① should select disease-resistant varieties or propagate disease-free bulbs. If conditions permit, disease-free seed plots should be set up and diseased plants should be cleared in time.

② strengthens field management and appropriately increases the application of phosphate and potassium fertilizer to make plants grow healthily and enhance disease resistance; during the growth period, 1500 times of imidacloprid wettable powder or 2000 times of aldicarb ultra-fine wettable powder are sprayed in time to dig out virus-transmitting aphids and reduce the spread of diseases and pests.

At the initial stage of ③, 20% Dukexin wettable powder was sprayed 500 times 600 times or 0.5% antivirus agent 1 water agent 500 times, once every 7 to 10 days, 3 times in a row.

Prevention and control of gray mold

① should select healthy and disease-free bulbs for propagation, ventilation and light in the field or greenhouse to avoid planting too dense, promote plant health and increase disease resistance.

② in winter or after harvest to remove and burn the diseased plants, remove diseased leaves and diseased flowers in time, so as to reduce the source of bacteria.

In the early stage of ③, 30% basic copper sulfate suspension 400 times or 36% thiophanate methyl suspension 500 times, 60% Fangmaibao 2 water-soluble powder 700 times 800 times, 50% Sukeling wettable powder 2000 times, 50% propofol wettable powder 1000 times 1500 times. In order to prevent drug resistance, rational rotation and alternate use should be advocated and drug use should be stopped 3 days before harvest.

Control of bacterial soft rot

① chooses plots with good drainage to grow lilies.

If necessary, ② sprays 30% Ludebao suspension 400x solution or 47% Garinon WP 800x solution, 72% agricultural streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 4000 times.

Prevention and control of base rot

① can apply mature organic fertilizer to inhibit harmful microorganisms in the soil.

② rotation is reasonable. Remove the diseased plant in time. Keep ventilated to avoid high humidity and overheating.

③ seed ball disinfection, soaking seeds with 40% formalin 120x solution for 35 hours, the control effect is obvious.

④ sprays 36% thiophanate suspension 500x or 58% metalaxyl, manganese-zinc wettable powder 500x or 60% Fangmaibao 2 water solution powder 800mm 1000 times.

The role of lilies

1. The role of lilies in beautifying the home is beyond doubt. As we all know, the lily is known as the "cloud fairy". Because of its elegant and pure appearance, the Catholic Church takes the white lily as the symbol of the Virgin Mary, while the Vatican takes the lily as the national flower, and the seed head of the lily is made of scales. Take the meaning of "hundred years of harmony" and "Pepsi". China has been regarded as an indispensable auspicious flower for weddings since ancient times. Such a meaningful flower is kept at home. It undeniably reflects the elegant and pure home style of the host.

2. Its medicinal value is beyond your imagination. The lily has the function of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and calming the mind. For Yin deficiency and chronic cough, blood in sputum, vexation and palpitation, insomnia and dreaminess, trance.

3. It can be used for daily consumption. Lily has a high nutritional composition, but also has a high medicinal value, the commonly used lily medicine diet is honey fried lily, lily fragrant rice porridge, lily Dangshen pig lung soup, lily chicken soup, lily stewed meat and so on; the commonly used clinical prescriptions are lily anemarrhena decoction, lily Dihuang soup, lily slippery, dried lily powder, fresh lily juice and so on. Although lily is a good tonic and famous food, it is avoided because of its sweet, cold and moist texture, such as cold cough, diarrhea in stool, weakness of spleen and stomach, long stagnation of cold and dampness, and decline of kidney yang.

4. It plays an important role in greening the home. We know that vernacular is suitable for a kind of fragrance that can be talked about but not vulgar, and that strong fragrance will not stimulate everyone's sense of smell. Many people will choose it to visit a doctor, because it can purify the air in the ward, and it is the same at home. If lilies are kept at home for a long time, they can absorb the peculiar smell of the home for a long time and release clean oxygen and bursts of fragrance through photosynthesis.