
The efficacy and function of Zaojiao Rice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Zaojiao Rice

Gleditsia millet, also known as Saussurea seed, Gleditsia seed, etc., is the fruit of Gleditsia officinalis. It belongs to high-energy, high-carbohydrate, low-protein, low-fat food and contains plant dietary fiber. It has the effects of nourishing the heart, dredging the pulse, clearing the liver and eyesight, etc., and has a therapeutic effect on explosive stool, intestinal wind, dysentery, severe dysentery, hernia, dysentery, swelling, ringworm and so on. Now let's take a look at the efficacy and function of Zaojiao rice.

The medicinal effect of Zaojiao rice

The taste is pungent, warm and poisonous.

Lung Meridian and Colorectal Meridian

[efficacy] moistening dryness and relieving defecation, dispelling wind and detumescence, mainly treating explosive stool, blood under intestinal wind, severe dysentery, hernia, dysentery, swelling and tinea.

Related discussion on Zaojiao Rice

1. "Records of famous doctors": Gleditsia, born in Yongzhou Sichuan Valley and Luzou County. If the pig tooth is good, pick pods in September and October and dry in the shade.

2. This Sketch Sutra: Gleditsia, where it is now, is won by those who are in Mengzhou. There are very tall people in wood. There are three kinds, doctors make Shufeng Pill decoction, use long Gleditsia, treat teeth and take accumulated medicine.

3. "Benjing Fengyuan": according to the size of the second soap, the treatment is slightly different, with the treatment of wind-phlegm, dental soap is the best, if the treatment of wet phlegm, big soap is excellent.

Edible method of Zaojiao Rice

1. Boil porridge: take the right amount of soap kernels, clean them, soak them in warm water for 2 to 3 hours, then cook gruel with your favorite foods (such as glutinous rice, peanuts, dates, barley, lotus seeds, mung beans, etc.). Add sugar and you can eat.

2. Clear stew: according to 5 soap kernels per person, Amoy, soak in warm water for 2 to 3 hours, add juice to a plate, stew in a pot, then add 2 to 3 times cold boiled water, and then add sugar and honey to eat.

3, stew: according to each chicken with 10 to 15 grams of soap kernels, Amoy clean, directly cooked with chicken or ribs, add edible salt to eat, can make the maternal milk smooth.

4. Bubble drink: take 15: 20 soap kernels, clean them, put them in an 8-pound thermos, pour in boiled water, and serve with sugar after 6 hours.

The medicinal prescription of Zaojiao rice

1. Treat the wind constipation of the large intestine: three hundred acacia seeds. Break into two pieces, slowly stir-fry dry, into the crisp one jujube effect and effect, and fried dry, and into the crisp to scorched black for the degree, for the end, honey pill Tongzi big. Each take 30 pills, fried Tribulus terrestris, sour jujube kernel efficacy and effect soup, hollow, not benefit for a long time, then take, gradually add to a hundred pills, in order to pass for the degree.

2. To treat the blood caused by intestinal wind: Gleditsia seed and Fructus Sophorae are one or two respectively. Stir-fry with sticky chaff, remove the chaff, and drink some money from Chen millet.

3. The treatment is urgent and heavy: accumulated shell, acacia seed and so on. Stir-fry to dry for the end, rice drink into pills, such as Wutong seed. Take 30 pills and drink hollow rice.

4, treat dysentery more than: Zaojiao tile baked for the end, rice paste pill, Wu Zi big. Each take 40 or 50 pills, under the efficacy and effect of Chen tea.

5, treat waist and foot wind pain, can not walk on the ground: Zaojiaozi. Wash, with less crisp to boil incense as the end, honey pills, Wuzi big. Each hollow with Tribulus terrestris, sour jujube kernel soup under 30 pills.

6. Treat the pain without breaking the neck, swelling and pain: do not eat 300 soap seeds, one and a half liters of wine, melt the sand or two, soak the soap seeds together for seven days, boil with the fire of civil and military fire, and wait for the wine as much as the degree, including three tablets each time you lie down.

7. To treat qi and poison, it is swollen and hard as stone, and pain: one or two seeds of acacia (ash) and one or two of mistletoe white skin. With the research order fine, every time before eating with warm wine mixed two money.

8. Cure all swelling: the seed of Gleditsia sinensis is used as the final application.