
The efficacy and function of Zijin cattle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Zijin cattle

Zijinniu, also known as short foot Saburo, no forest, cool umbrella cover pearl, etc., is a small shrub or sub-shrub of Zijinniu family. It has the effects of relieving cough and phlegm, expelling wind and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. It has therapeutic effects on bronchitis, lobar pneumonia, infantile pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, acute nephritis, urinary tract infection, dysmenorrhea, injury caused by falling, rheumatism, muscle and bone pain, etc. Now let's take a look at the efficacy and function of Purple Taurus.

The Medicinal value of Zijin cattle

[taste] bitter taste, slightly cold nature.

Lung and liver meridians.

[efficacy] relieving cough and phlegm, expelling wind and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, mainly treating bronchitis, lobar pneumonia, infantile pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, acute nephritis, urinary tract infection, dysmenorrhea, falling injury, rheumatism, muscle and bone pain, external use to treat skin itching, lacquer sore.

The Medicinal effect of Zijin cattle

1. Relieving cough and resolving phlegm: external pathogens invade the lungs, phlegm-heat accumulates in the lungs, lung qi is suppressed, the purging order is abnormal, the airway is disadvantageous, the lung qi is reversed, and the phlegm-heat cough is characterized by fever, cough, sputum, yellow and sticky sputum, or even blood in sputum, chest tightness, dry mouth, bitter mouth, sore throat, yellow greasy tongue coating, smooth pulse and so on. Purple Taurus flat cold, bitter settlement, the function of clearing hot phlegm, soothing the lungs and relieving cough, it is quite suitable for phlegm-heat cough syndrome.

2. Qufeng Tongbi Yin deficiency patients accumulate heat in the body, and rheumatism-heat pathogen invades the human body by taking advantage of deficiency, resulting in poor operation of qi and blood, obstruction of channels and collaterals and heat arthralgia. Symptoms of limb joint pain, pain red hot, swelling pain is severe. The muscles and veins are tight, the hands are inaccessible, the day is light and the night is heavy with fever and thirst, upset, like cold and hate heat, red tongue, yellow and dry fur, pulse slippery. Zijinniu has the function of treating menstruation, dispelling wind and dehumidification, clearing heat, and treating heat arthralgia.

3, cool blood to stop bleeding: purple Taurus is flat and cold, and the function of entering blood is to cool blood and clear heat, promote blood circulation and stop bleeding, and can often be used to treat hematemesis.

4. Detoxification and detumescence: Zijinniu is bitter cold, cool, functional heat-clearing and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and detumescence, suitable for the treatment of swelling and dysentery.

5. Diuresis and wetting: Zijin cattle has the function of diuresis and wetting. It is suitable for jaundice and gonorrhea.

Related discussion of Zijinniu

1. "Li's Grass Secret": treat falling hernia and take half a bowl of wine with juice.

2. "Research on the name and reality of plants": treat swelling and poison, blood dysentery, antidote snake venom, save heatstroke.

3, "vegetation convenience prescription": treat rheumatism stubborn arthralgia, lung impotence cough for a long time. Smear cold poison and swelling pain.

4. "classified herbal medicine": for hematemesis, cough and shortness of breath.

5. "Modern practical traditional Chinese medicine": it is a strong agent and has the effect of hemostasis. Treatment of tuberculosis cough and hematemesis, alcohol service, treatment of injury, swelling and pain of testicles.

Pharmacological effects of Zijin cattle

1. Antitussive effect: the decoction and its extract atheasin 1 have obvious antitussive effect on cough caused by electrical stimulation of superior laryngeal nerve in cats and cough in mice caused by ammonia spray, especially in mice. It may be the main antitussive component of Aidi tea. The intensity of its antitussive effect was equivalent to that of cocaine in dose terms, and it was not tolerated even if it was given to cats for 23 days.

2. Expectorant effect: Aidi tea decoction has obvious expectorant effect on mice, the intensity of effect is similar to that of Platycodon grandiflorum, the effect of intraperitoneal injection is stronger, but it has no obvious irritation to rabbit eye conjunctival membrane, indicating that its expectorant effect may be caused by absorption. The effective component of expectorant may be flavonoid glycosides. Intragastric administration of dwarf tea No. 1 has no expectorant effect and no obvious antiasthmatic effect.

3. effect on trachea-lung tissue respiration: Aidi tea can reduce the oxygen consumption of trachea-lung tissue in rats. Dwarf tea No. 1 acts on the enzyme system containing sulfur hydrogen group, so it reduces tissue respiration, but the effect is not strong.

4. Antiviral effect: Aidi tea decoction has a certain inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and influenza virus (chicken embryo test). After the tannin was removed, the antibacterial activity was lost. Although the volatile oil and flavonoid glycosides had bacteriostatic effect in vitro, it was difficult to reach the effective concentration in vivo.

5. effect on experimental tracheitis in rats: in rats with chronic tracheitis caused by daily inhalation of sulfur dioxide, oral administration of dwarf tea No. 1 has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect, which is characterized by the decrease of goblet cells. the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration, emphysema and pulmonary atrophy were alleviated.

6. Spermicidal effect: in 1995, Zhou and Jiming obtained a kind of saponin from the ethanol extract of Zijin cattle, which has spermicidal effect, showing low toxicity and minimal side effects, and shows that the spermicidal product has been used as a local anesthetic, fungicide, preservative, anti-inflammatory agent and so on.

7. Anti-aging effect: the crude products of Zijin cattle show the activity of scavenging oxygen free radicals. The main ingredients are 1Magne4-benzoquinone with 10.0 ethanol, 1.0 hydroxyethyl cellulose, 5.0 ethanol extract of Luo Umbrella leaves, and 84.0 water. The toner can inhibit the formation of wrinkles caused by ultraviolet radiation, inflammation and spots caused by carrageenan.