
The efficacy and function of Pteris vittata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Pteris vittata

Pteris vittata, also known as hundred-leaf tip, centipede fern, Xiaoguanzhong, etc., is the whole grass or rhizome of Pteridaceae. It has the effects of dispelling wind and dehumidification, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, detoxifying and killing insects, and has therapeutic effects on rheumatism, low back pain, adverse flexion and extension of limb numbness, hemiplegia, injury caused by falling, cold, dysentery, mammary carbuncle, sore, scabies, ascariasis, snake bite and so on. Now let's take a look at the efficacy and function of centipede.

The medicinal effect of Pteris vittata

The taste is light, bitter and cool.

Meridian of liver, large intestine and bladder.

[efficacy] dispelling wind and dehumidification, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, detoxification and insecticidal treatment, mainly for rheumatic muscle and bone pain, low back pain, limb hemiplegia, hemiplegia, fall injury, cold, dysentery, breast abscess, scabies, ascariasis, snake bite.

Related discussion on Pteris vittata

1. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": treat all falls and injuries, muscle and bone pain, limb numbness, rheumatism impotence soft, soak wine to take it. It works like a god. It's okay to apply the wound.

2. "Picture of Materia Medica in Southern Yunnan": the main treatment is pain in muscles and bones, left paralysis and right hemiplegia. Hemiplegia, partial withering and numbness, with wine as the guide.

3. "Guizhou folk medicine": to treat scabies.

Selection of Medicinal prescription of Pteris vittata

1, cure rheumatism numbness: centipede grass 15 grams, small blood vine 9 grams, chase wind umbrella (an umbrella) 9 grams, bubble wine clothing.

2. Treat the injury caused by falling: proper amount of centipede grass and acid pulp grass. Mash the affected area.

3. Treat boils: 30 grams of Pteris vittata, 15 grams of wild chrysanthemum and 15 grams of garlic. Wash it with fried water.

4, cure nameless swelling poison: 15 grams of centipede grass, 15 grams of Huatou grass, 15 grams of dandelion, 9 grams of Poria cocos, fried in water.

5. Treat dysentery: 30-60 grams of Pteris vittata. Fried clothes.

6. treatment of urinary tract infection: 15g of centipede fern. Shiwei 15 grams. Fried clothes.

7. Cure flu: 9 grams of Pteris vittata, 15 grams of Radix Isatidis, 6 grams of dry shoot. Fried clothes.

8, smelting scabies: 60 grams of Pteris vittata, 120 grams of light, 120 grams of garlic rod (dry products). Pan-fry and wash 3 times a day. And internal administration of disinfectant, Poria cocos, white fresh skin, dandelion each 30 grams, Octopus Jinlong 12 grams. Fried water suit, 3 times a day.

9. Treatment of ascariasis: Pteris vittata rhizome 6~l2 g. Pan-fried suit.