
The efficacy and function of blood sorrow

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The efficacy and function of blood sorrow

Blood sorrow is also known as mountain patchouli, blood hibiscus, Budijin and so on. it is the whole herb of perennial herbs of Labiatae family. It has the effect of hemostasis and promoting blood circulation. It has therapeutic effect on irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, hematuria, sore and carbuncle, and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of blood loss.

The medicinal effect of blood sorrow

The taste is sweet, but the sex is flat.

Meridian of heart, lung, large intestine and small intestine.

[efficacy] stop bleeding, activate blood circulation, mainly treat irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, hematuria, sore and carbuncle.

Pharmacological effects of blood sorrow

1. Bacteriostatic effect: patchouli ketone has obvious inhibitory effect on fungi such as Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Rhizopus black, and also has a certain inhibitory effect on bacteria such as A-hemolytic streptococcus. The fresh juice of Herba Epimedii also has a definite inhibitory effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus Albus and Bacillus subtilis.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect: total saponins of patchouli can inhibit the foot swelling of rats induced by carrageenan, antagonize the increase of skin capillary permeability induced by histamine and stimulate the function of adrenocortical. The warm extract has bactericidal effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and dysentery in the test tube.

3. Hemostatic effect: 1g or 0.5g of Herba Epimedii pollen was applied to rabbit carotid artery, femoral artery incision, liver and hindlimb skin and muscle cutting wounds, which significantly shortened the hemostatic time, and the effect was stronger than that of Yunnan Baiyao. The alcohol extract 5.4 g / kg was given to mice once a day for 5 consecutive days, which significantly shortened the tail bleeding time and capillary clotting time, and reduced the amount of bleeding.

4. Antagonism: the aqueous extract of Herba Epimedii significantly inhibited the contraction of isolated colonic zone of guinea pigs induced by high potassium, indicating that it had calcium antagonism of 3 × 10 ~ 4 g / ml, and the inhibition rate was 17% of 30 × 10 ~ 4 g / ml. The inhibition rate was 91%. The effective component was Herba Epimedii alcohol, and the antagonistic parameter of calcium antagonism was 5.95, IC50 was 4.7 × 10 ~ (- 5) mol / L.

The medicinal compatibility of blood sorrow

1. It is used for dampness to block the symptoms of middle coke and epigastric stagnation, and it is often used in the same way as Perrin in clinic. Used for dampness and temperature, can be used with peppermint, wormwood, Scutellaria baicalensis.

2. For feeling turbid, vomiting and diarrhea, it can be used with perilla, Pinellia ternata, Magnolia officinalis, tangerine peel and so on.

3. For stomach cold and vomiting, it can be used with Pinellia ternata; if it is damp and hot, it can be used with Huanglian and bamboo rushes.

4. Patients with weak spleen and stomach can be equipped with Codonopsis pilosula and licorice; pregnancy vomiting can be used with Amomum villosum.

5. It can be used to treat the disease of summer-dampness, no matter it is cold or hot, and it is often used in combination with Perrin in clinic.

6. it can be used for exogenous wind-cold and dampness blocking middle coke, and it is often used with perilla and tangerine peel.

The Medicinal prescription of Blood sorrow

1. Treatment of falling: patchouli, nine-story tower, Touguxiao, black ginger, fried service.

2, to treat testicular swelling and pain: Herba Epimedii leaves one to two money, research end, make wine clothing.

3. Cure joint rheumatism, flowing fire (lymphangitis caused by filariasis): Herba Epimedii decoction, smoked first and then washed.

4, to treat lung carbuncle, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematemesis: patchouli (fresh) one to two, rock sugar one or two, water frying.

5, treat cold, fever and cough: patchouli (fresh) one to one or two five dollars, fried in water.

6. Treat the wound of the mad dog: one jin of patchouli (fresh), smash the stringed juice with a little boiled water, and take a stew.