
Does the orchid green turnip grow slowly to the yellow leaf? Spray some of its leaves shiny, fat and big

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, This is the 922nd day of the blue demon's daily original article. Now, whether they like growing flowers or not, they all seem to put two pieces of green orchid and hanging orchid at home, because green apple and hanging orchid do have a very strong ability to purify the air.

This is the 922th day of the blue demon's daily original article.

Now, whether they like to grow flowers or not, they seem to put two pieces of green orchid and hanging orchid at home, because green apple and hanging orchid do have a very strong ability to purify the air, and the leaves are green and bright, and they are really full of vitality. It's really cute.

Green pineapple and orchid are very common indoor green plants, breeding is also very simple, but not everyone can keep it well. Many flower friends of green pineapple and hanging orchid are yellow and skinny, do not see the growth, or the leaves are yellow and dry.

Today, the blue demon will teach you how to make green pineapple and hanging orchid green and bright.

Two taboos for raising green orchids:

Green pineapple and hanging orchid are easy to raise, but we must be careful not to make these two taboos, otherwise it will be easy for green pineapple and hanging orchid to have short yellow leaves and even die.

1. Control lighting

Green pineapple and hanging orchid are indoor foliage plants, do not like direct sunlight, breeding must not let it in the sun exposure, especially in summer, can not be direct sunlight, otherwise it is easy to sunburn, yellow leaves.

Green pineapple and orchid can be placed in a bright hall or windowsill. It is OK to accept scattered light, and green pineapple and orchid can not be put in a dark and humid environment, which is prone to problems.

2. Proper watering

We often see many people hydroponically cultivate green pineapple, so some flower friends think that green pineapple likes water, and they are often watered when they are farmed. As a result, it is found that the leaves of green pineapple are slowly getting soft and not energetic.

Although green pineapple likes water, it can not accumulate water. Chlorophyllum is a fleshy root, let alone water.

Therefore, watering must pay attention to see dry and wet, and remember to water indiscriminately, resulting in rotten roots of green apple and orchid.

Green pineapple and hanging orchid grow very fast, if you find that your green pineapple or hanging orchid does not like to grow, yellow and skinny, and the root system is fine, it is probably due to the lack of fertilizer caused by not fertilizing for a long time.

If you want green pineapple and orchid to grow well, you can usually give us some waste water from our home.

Amoy rice water, which we have in every home, can be stored in a plastic bottle and fermented in the sun, and then a little is added every time it is watered. Amoy rice water is rich in nutrients after fermentation, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, which is conducive to the growth of branches and leaves.

In addition, if you have expired beer or carbonated drinks at home, Blue Devil suggests that you can dilute it with water and spray the leaves of orchid and green apple to make the leaves greener.

Of course, rice water may have some odor, beer and carbonated drinks are luxurious, so it is easiest to apply nitrogen fertilizer (urea) or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 10 days or so, which can also make green pineapple and orchid grow well.

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