
The efficacy and function of ringing bell grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of ringing bell grass

Bell grass, also known as horse bell, bell beans, false peanuts, etc., is the root or whole grass of leguminous Crotalaria plant pseudo-ground blue or striped Crotalaria bean. It has the effect of nourishing kidney and liver, relieving cough and asthma, removing dampness and detoxification. It has therapeutic effect on tinnitus, deafness, dizziness, spermatorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhea, chronic expectoration, asthma, nephritis, dysuria, etc. Let's take a look at the efficacy and function of bell grass together!

The medicinal effect of bell grass

[Taste] bitter taste, slightly sour, mild nature.

[Channel tropism] Lung, liver and kidney channels.

[Efficacy] Nourishing kidney and liver, relieving cough and asthma, removing dampness and detoxifying. Indicated for tinnitus, deafness, dizziness, spermatorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhea, prolonged expectoration, asthma, nephritis, dysuria, tonsillitis, mumps, furuncle swelling.

Related to Bell Grass

1. Diannan Materia Medica: astringe lung qi, cough, phlegm, asthma.

2."Vegetation and Bread Prescription": Buzhong Yiqi, cure tinnitus, dizziness, collapse. It also purges fire and clears heat, calms liver wind and reduces swelling and pain.

3. Sichuan Annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Buzhong Yiqi, tinnitus and deafness, dizziness, kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea, and dry blood fatigue of women.

Pharmacological effects of Cymbidium annatum

1, anti-cancer effect: bell grass can inhibit transplanted tumors.

2, antibacterial effect: bell grass on Staphylococcus aureus, type B hemolytic streptococci and large intestine, diphtheria, typhoid fever, pyocyanea, dysentery and other inhibitory effects.

Herbal selection of bell grass

1. Treatment of tinnitus due to qi deficiency: 24 grams of bell grass, 9 grams of Acorus tatarinowii, decocted in water.

2. Deafness after treatment: 30 grams of bell grass. Stewed pig ears 1 pair, add salt clothing.

3. Treatment of nocturnal emission: 15 grams of bell grass, 15 grams of night cold Su, 15 grams of climbing rock dragon, 15 grams of hairy medicine, 9 grams of double kidney grass, stewed meat clothes.

4. Treatment of weakness: 15 grams of bell grass roots, 9 grams of a cloud, stewed meat to take.

5, cure furuncle poison, evil sore: bell grass whole grass mashed, apply affected area.

6, hernia treatment: bell beans 30~60 grams, boil water fumigation.