
The efficacy and function of Fritillaria thunbergii

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Fritillaria thunbergii

Fritillaria thunbergii, also known as Fritillaria thunbergii, is the dry tuber of Fritillaria thunbergii of Cucurbitaceae, distributed in Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and other places. It has the effect of dispersing poison and relieving carbuncle. It has a therapeutic effect on breast carbuncle, phlegm nucleus, ulcers and insect venom. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of Fritillaria.

Medicinal effect of Fritillaria thunbergii

[taste] bitter taste, slightly cold nature.

Meridian of lung and spleen.

[efficacy] detoxification, dispersing knots, detumescence, mainly treating breast abscess, phlegm, phlegm nucleus.

Medicinal discussion of Fritillaria thunbergii

1. "Materia Medica from the new": treatment of surgical phlegm and toxin.

2. "Baicao Mirror": it can disperse carbuncle poison, suppurate and stagnate, relieve wide sore and toxin, remove rheumatism, benefit phlegm, apply evil sore and collect sore mouth.

3. "Shaanxi Chinese herbal medicine": clearing heat, detoxification and detumescence. Treatment of lymphoid tuberculosis, acute mastitis at the beginning, carbuncle swelling.

Medicinal selection of Fritillaria thunbergii

1. Treat breast abscess at the beginning: Angelica dahurica, Fritillaria thunbergii and so on. For fine powder, three dollars per service, old wine hot service, warmth and sweat will disappear. If it's heavy, take it again. If you are sturdy, it costs five yuan per service. Two Baizhi shoots, Fritillaria thunbergii and trichosanthin each cost three dollars, and frankincense (de-oiled) is one and five cents. Stir-fry the end of the research, mix the liquor pulp, and then use the liquor pulp to serve the three coins.

2. Milky rock treatment: Yanghe Tonga Fritillaria five-coin fried service.

3. The milky rock has been broken: Fritillaria, walnut bucket, honeysuckle. Forsythia forsythia costs three dollars each. Fried clothes with wine and water.

4. Cure the back of hands and hair: raw licorice, roasted licorice, soap thorn, fried shellfish, Pinellia ternata, tablet two and five (fried black) and Anemarrhena anemarrhenae. Add spring onions, ginger, water and wine.

5. The kebabs are cured regardless of whether they are broken or unbroken: half a kilo of Fritillaria and four taels of cowhide glue (broken, fried with oyster powder, finely powdered). Shuifa pills, mung beans, every morning and evening, with purple back sunflower root three money, or with seaweed, Kunbu each half, fried soup to swallow three coins.

6. Kraft glue (boiled in water) one or two, the last five dollars of Fritillaria in the earth, paste it on oil paper.

7. Cure rat sore: one big crucian carp, the only son in Zaojiao, one per year, two dollars for Fritillaria chuanensis and two coins for Fritillaria thunbergii. Will soap horn, Fritillaria, into the fish belly, wrapped in yellow mud, Yin and Yang tile charcoal baking dry, storage, fine powder. Three dollars per service, rice wine after eating, avoid meat for a hundred days.

8. Unbroken patients with cervical lymphoid tuberculosis: three coins of Fritillaria thunbergii, fried in water, grinding powder with Fritillaria at the same time, external application with vinegar.

9. Cure snakebite: drink a bowl of sesame oil urgently, avoid poison and attack the heart, then use four or five dollars of Fritillaria for the end, take it with hot wine, and then drink all the drunkenness. When you lie down a little, the medicine power is everywhere, water is sprayed out from the wound, Hou water is exhausted, and the residue of Fritillaria in the bowl is applied to the wound.

10. Cure knife, cut axe, clip scissors, gun, arrow wound: Fritillaria silently, stop bleeding.