
The efficacy and function of iron-clad gold

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of iron-clad gold

Iron bag gold is also known as rat grass, rat nipple, black gold vine, etc., for rhamnaceae Gouercha is a rattan or dwarf shrub plant, because the cork hair of the root is brown like iron and its woody part is yellow like gold, the medicine has the effects of detumescence and detoxification, hemostasis and analgesia, dispelling wind and dehumidification, and has therapeutic effects on carbuncle, furuncle, cough, hemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, falling injury and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of iron bag gold.

The medicinal effect of iron-clad gold

[taste] bitter, slightly astringent, flat.

The heart and lung meridians.

[efficacy] detumescence and detoxification, hemostasis and analgesia, dispelling wind and dampness, main carbuncle, furuncle poison, cough and hemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, fall injury, scald, rheumatism and bone pain, wind-fire toothache.

Discussion on the Medicinal use of Iron-coated Gold

1. "Lingnan Medicine Collection record": relieving snake venom, regulating bad sores, pounding and applying it, regulating falls and injuries, relieving pain and relieving pain, treating small intestine air pain, water frying and taking.

2. Lingnan Herbal Medicine: it can remove blood stasis, remove hemoptysis and cough, and has the effect of dampness poison and relieving pain.

3. Hunan Medicine Chronicles: clearing heat, relieving cough and expectoration, stopping bleeding and relieving pain. Main treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomachache, burn injury.

4. Fujian Medicine Chronicles: solidifying kidney and replenishing qi, dispelling wind and dampness, detumescence and detoxification. Main treatment of wind-toxin injection, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, gastric ulcer, orchitis, spermatorrhea, rheumatic arthralgia, waist and knee pain, fall injury, lymphoid tuberculosis, urticaria, carbuncle, multiple abscess, wind-fire toothache.

Clinical application of iron-clad gold

The main results are as follows: 1. For the treatment of gastric stagnation in children, iron-wrapped gold whole grass (dry) plus water decoction is used, 2 taels a day for over 6 years old, 1.6 taels a day for 3 years old, and 1 taels a day for children under 3 years old. Take it for 3 or 5 days. Those who have Ascaris lumbricoides are given anti-Ascaris medicine. 126 cases were treated, the results were significantly effective in 98 cases (77.7%), improved in 18 cases (14.2%) and ineffective in 10 cases (8.1%).

2. treatment of mental illness: take 8 taels of iron clad gold, 2 taels of hibiscus, fried in water for 3 times, combine filtrate, concentrate into 1 jin with gentle fire, add 12 taels of sugar, and take it with sweet wine dregs for three times. A total of 30 cases of manic and melancholic psychosis were treated, 70% of them had significant effect, and no recurrence was found after 3-6 months.

3. Treatment of chronic tracheitis: take 2 taels of iron-clad gold stems and leaves and make 100ml syrup and take it three times. Continuous treatment for 15 days is a course of treatment. 56 cases were treated, 24 cases were controlled in the near future, 17 cases were markedly effective, 13 cases were improved and 2 cases were ineffective. The antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of effective cases appeared more than 3-5 days. No toxic effect was found in the course of treatment.

The Medicinal selection of Iron-coated Gold

1, treatment of acne: 30 grams of rat grass, smashed, add a little salt, apply to the affected area, and use 60 grams of white chrysanthemum, 5 grams of licorice, fried.

2, treatment of testicular abscess: mouse ear grass head 15 to 30 grams, a duck egg. Half-fried with water and half with wine.

3, treatment of external hemorrhoids: mouse ear fresh grass head 30 grams (wash, slice), pigtail oral 1 section. Stew with the right amount of water.

4. Treat the burning injury: proper amount of rat grass, mash it, and apply tea oil to the affected area.

5. Treat swelling, pain, light twig and hook tea fresh root bark, smash external application, or soak wine for external application.

6, treat joint rheumatism, flow fire: iron clad gold 60g to 90g. Fried in water and washed with yellow rice wine.

7. Treat epigastric pain: 30 grams of iron-clad gold and 15 grams of dried cycads. Pan-fried suit.

8, treatment of epistaxis, pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis, gastric bleeding: iron bag gold 30 grams, Bletilla striata, lily 15 grams each, peach kernel 6 grams, white thatch root 9 grams. Pan-fried suit.

9. Treat diabetes: 60 grams of iron-clad gold and 30 grams of Saxifraga. Stewed ice candy suit.