
Efficacy and function of Rabdosia rubescens

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of Rabdosia rubescens

Ophiopogon japonicus, also known as Wuzhu, Yujinshan grass, Yuejingshan grass and so on, is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. It has the effects of nourishing yin and promoting fluid, detoxification and anti-cancer, clearing away phlegm, nourishing yin and moistening dryness. It has therapeutic effects on lung dryness and dry cough, fatigue cough, Tianjin injury and thirst, upset and insomnia, internal heat and thirst, intestinal dryness and constipation, diphtheria and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of Ophiopogon.

Medicinal effect of Rabdosia rubescens

The taste is sweet, bitter and cold.

Lung, kidney, stomach and large intestine meridians.

[efficacy] Nourishing yin and promoting fluid, eliminating toxin and anti-cancer, clearing momentum and resolving phlegm, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, mainly treating lung dryness and dry cough, fatigue cough, Tianjin injury and thirst, restlessness and insomnia, internal heat and thirst, intestinal dryness and constipation, diphtheria.

Discussion on the Medicinal use of Rabdosia rubescens

1. Benjing: the main storms are dampness, strengthen bone marrow and kill three insects.

2. "Don't record": Baoding lung qi, to cold and heat, nourish skin, benefit strength, benefit urination, cold and can tonify.

3. "Drug Theory": main lung qi cough, wheezing, eliminating heat, invigorating kidney qi, treating lung impotence and carbuncle vomiting, treating dampness scabies, relieving thirst, eliminating heat and stroke.

4. "Qian Jin Fang": treat deficiency and fatigue, old age, emaciation, withering, rheumatism, cold arthralgia, accumulation of confidants, acne, carbuncle, swelling and leprosy, as well as impotence, deafness and dark eyes.

5. "Rihuazi Materia Medica": calming the heart, moistening the five internal organs, benefiting the skin, pleasing color, tonifying five labors and seven injuries, treating lung qi and coughing, eliminating phlegm, wind arthralgia and heat toxin, traveling wind, upset and vomiting blood.

Selection of Medicinal prescription of Rabdosia rubescens

1. Treat lung impotence, cough, saliva, warm heart, dry pharynx but not thirsty: take 1 liter of juice, 1 dou of wine, 1 liter of Yee, Aster Sihe, fry it to the pill on the soup. Take it like a pill of apricot, three times a day.

2, treatment of lung and stomach dryness and heat, phlegm and astringent cough: Tianmendong (heart-free), Maimendong (heart-free) and so on. Boil the ointment with two flavors, refine the honey and swallow it with heat from time to time.

3. Treat women's asthma, hot hands and feet, sweat, dry mouth, swollen face: ten taels of Tianmen, eight taels of wheat, and three jin of raw Rehmannia glutinosa (extract juice as ointment). The last two flavors are at the end, and the ointment and pills are as big as Wuzi. For every 50 pills, fry Xiaoyao and send them away. Go to licorice and ginseng in Xiaoyao Powder.

4. Treatment of blood deficiency and lung dryness, skin splitting, and lung impotence and hemoptysis: no matter how many new diggers are, clean wash, remove heart and skin, mash carefully, extract juice and slowly boil into ointment in a casserole. Mix with hollow warm wine for every one or two tablespoons.

5. To treat kidney disease with deficiency of true yin: Tianmendong, Huaidihuang, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Phellodendron Phellodendri. The four flavors are fried three times, remove the dregs, and wash the Black Tortoise glue to collect the plaster.

6, treatment of tuberculosis: many mothers, 100 parts, 15 grams of ground bone skin, 9 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 30 grams of ear root. Simmer water or stew to eat.

7, treat hematemesis, hemoptysis Tianmendong: (blisters, remove heart) one or two, licorice (broiled), almonds (peeled, pointed, fried), Fritillaria (de-heart, stir-fry), white Poria cocos (peeled), donkey-hide gelatin (broken, fried into beads). The top is fine, and the honey balls are as big as marbles. If it contains one pill of pharynx, ten pills can be taken day and night.

8. Treat lung fatigue, wind and heat. Use Tianmen winter (peeling, heart) to cook, or check dry for the end, add honey to make balls to take.

9, treatment of pertussis: 15 grams of Tianmeng, 15 grams of Ophiopogon, 9 grams of Baibu root, 6 grams of Trichosanthes seed, 6 grams of orange. Pan-fry twice, 3 meals at 1-3 years old, 2 meals at 4-6 years old, and 1 meal at 7-10 years old.

10, treatment of small intestinal eccentricity: use Tianmen winter three money, black medicine five money, water decoction to take.

11, cure carbuncle gangrene: use Tianmen winter three or five taels, wash, mash fine, filter juice with good wine, take it at one time. If it doesn't work, you can take the medicine again and it will be cured.

12. Treat lung impotence and cough, salivate, return to dryness but not thirsty: use Shengtian winter to pound juice, wine, Yee Yicheng, Ziyuan Sihe, thick fried into balls. Each pill is as big as almonds. Take it three times a day.

13, to treat the wind attack (ears such as cicadas, pain on both sides): use Tianmendong (to remove the heart, skin), dry in the sun, and pound it to the end. For each spoonful, the wine will be delivered. Take it three times a day for a long time.