
The efficacy and function of stone fairy peach

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of stone fairy peach

Stone immortal peach, also known as stone mountain lotus, stone olive, fruit upper leaf, etc., is the false bulb or whole grass of stone immortal peach of Orchidaceae. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lung, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting dampness and eliminating blood stasis. It has therapeutic effects on lung heat cough, hemoptysis, dizziness and headache, sore throat, rheumatism, damp-heat edema, falling injury and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of stone immortal peach.

The Medicinal effect of Shixiantao

The taste is sweet, slightly bitter and cool.

Lung and kidney meridians.

[efficacy] Nourishing Yin and moistening the lung, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting dampness and eliminating blood stasis, mainly treating lung-heat cough, hemoptysis, hematemesis, dizziness, headache, wet wet, sore throat, rheumatism, dampness-heat edema, dysentery, leucorrhea, accumulation, dysentery and injury.

Discussion on the Medicinal use of Shixiantao

1. "essential herbs": treating internal injuries, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.

2. "Guangdong traditional Chinese medicine": clearing lung and stagnant heat, nourishing lung yin, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. Treat internal injury cough and infantile heat accumulation.

3. "Lingnan Medicine Collection record": treat internal injury vomiting blood, and pig essence meat fried take. Treat asthma and cough, and fried tangerine peel and pork. Treat heart pain, water frying, brewing wine service. Treat rheumatism and bone pain, soak in alcohol. Treat white dysentery, fried in water and mixed with honey.

Edible method of Shixiantao

1. Shixiantao Qingfei porridge: Shixiantao and loquat leaves are washed and chopped together, put into a gauze bag, boiled with clear water, boiled porridge with rice, seasoned with rock sugar. The ingredients for cooking porridge can be added according to your preferences. For example, you can add some other condiments for seasoning. Porridge should be cooked over medium heat and then simmered over low heat. after an hour and a half, the porridge for clearing the lungs and nutrition will be completed. Eating regularly can help us recuperate and improve our health.

2. Shixiantao Pig Bone Soup: Shixiantao, Pig Bone, Ginger, Red Jujube and Salt. First, remove the pig bones from the water, then wash the peaches into the pot, boil them over high heat and then turn to a low heat to simmer. After an hour, you will smell a faint fragrance. At this time, remove the peaches and add accessories to the pot. Shixiantao pig bone soup can not only beauty, but also treat asthma and cough.

Selection of Medicinal prescription of Shixiantao

1. Treatment of tuberculosis, hemoptysis, chronic cough, acute gastroenteritis and chronic gastritis: one to two taels of fresh peaches or three to five dollars for dried products. Pan-fried suit.

2, to treat lung heat and cough, adverse urination, damp-heat edema, infantile accumulation: stone olive three to five dollars, water frying.

3. Treat cough and sore throat: five to one or two dried leaves on the table, fried in water, twice a day.

4. Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers: Shixiantao whole herb, five to one or two, fried in water.

5, to treat heat arthralgia, low back pain: Shixiantao fresh false bulb two to four taels, fried with wine.

6. Cure hot shower: Shixiantao fresh whole grass one to two two, water frying service.

7. Treatment of wet dreams: one or two fresh false bulbs of Shixiantao and five dollars of fresh whole grass of golden grass. Pan-fried suit.

8, treat stomach fire toothache, deficiency fire sore throat: Shixiantao fresh false bulb one to two, water frying.

9, treatment of chronic osteomyelitis: fresh stone on the whole plant, smash the affected area, or use dry products, soak in soft grinding juice with light rice wine, mix boiled water and rub the affected area.