
The efficacy and function of Scutellaria paniculata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Scutellaria paniculata

Stretch tendon grass, also known as oxtail, big shunjin vine, water shake bamboo, etc., is the dry whole grass of Pinus massoniana, which is harvested when the stems and leaves are luxuriant in summer and autumn, and is used in medicine to dispel wind and dampness, relax muscles and activate collaterals. it has a therapeutic effect on joint soreness, unfavorable flexion and extension, and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of Extensible Grass.

The Medicinal effect of Artemisia mandshurica

The taste is bitter, slightly pungent and warm.

Meridian of liver, spleen and kidney.

[efficacy] dispelling wind and dehumidification, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, mainly treating joint soreness, adverse flexion and extension.

Clinical effect of Tripterygium paniculata

1. Relaxing muscles and activating collaterals: it can be used for skin, muscle and joint cripple syndrome caused by cold, dampness and stasis. It is used for skin numbness, and people with weak body are often affected by disease, wind, cold and dampness, invading blood inside, using this product to carry qi and blood, and to clear meridians and collaterals. It is used for arthralgia of wind-cold-dampness, dispelling wind and dispelling cold, dryness and dampness, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. It is used for fall injury, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

2, lower qi dehumidification: stretch tendon grass hard temperature, with lower qi dehumidification function, for qi knot stomachache, can soothe liver and relieve depression, lower qi relieving stagnation. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" said, "low breath, eliminate ruffian and horizontal qi in the chest, push the food in the stomach, and the firm accumulation in the abdomen for a long time last year, eliminating edema."

3. Dehumidification and detoxification: Shengjin grass is used for snake sore, that is, herpes zoster, mostly due to qi deficiency and inability to carry water, blood stasis and dampness accumulation, using this product to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, dryness and detoxification. There is no heat-clearing and cooling effect in traditional Chinese medicine, but pharmacology reports that its active ingredients can lower body temperature, so it can treat rheumatism and fever.

4. Cooling and diuresis: the water extract of Radix Rehmanniae has a cooling effect on experimental fever in rabbits, and its effective components are stone pine, bar stone pine poison. Intravenous injection of lycopine also has a cooling effect on cats. Artemisia angustifolia has the effect of diuresis and promoting uric acid excretion. It can also relieve spastic urinary retention in children and has a laxative effect.

Selection of Medicinal prescription of Artemisia mandshurica

1, to treat wind arthralgia muscles and bones not comfortable: wide-gluten rattan, each with three to one or two, fry.

2. to treat joint pain: stone pine three money, Polygonum cuspidatum root five money, big blood vine three money. Pan-fried suit.

3. Cure hand and foot paralysis: one or two Phoenix tail tendon grass, five dollars for loofah, five dollars for Parthenocissus, and three dollars for promoting blood circulation. Half-fried with water and half with wine.

4. treatment of polio sequelae: Phoenix tail tendon, south snake vine root, pine joint, bone-hunting wind five dollars each, Weilingxian three money, Qiancao two money, du Zhi five cents. Fried clothes.

5. Anti-edema: five cents for cross-mountain dragon (fine powder), five cents for chaff ladle (fire calcinations), and one coin for betel nut. Betel nut, chaff ladle simmering soup has eaten the end of mountain dragon, with diarrhea as the degree. Use it for those who are honest, and avoid it for those who are empty.

6. treatment of herpes zoster: stone pine (baked) powder, green oil or sesame oil into paste, apply to the affected area, several times a day.

7. to treat rheumatic joint pain: 30 grams of tendon grass, 15 grams of mountain dragon, 15 grams of geranium, 10 grams of Fangji, water frying clothing.

8, treatment of cervical spondylosis: 20 grams of tendon grass, 12 grams of Notopterygium, 12 grams of Pueraria lobata, 15 grams of mulberry branches, water frying service. It is suitable for people with dizziness and numbness of fingers.

The Edible method of Scutellaria paniculata

1. Shengjin Cao decoction

[materials] 3 grams each of Scutellaria paniculata, Radix Safflower and Carthamus tinctorius.

[square solution] in the prescription, Radix Rehmanniae, Safflower to stop blood stasis and pain, but also to soak, the medicine acts directly on the part, so the effect is better.

[efficacy] relaxing muscles, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, mainly treating hand and foot contracture after stroke, such as hand and foot clonus, finger gripping first, inability to stretch, complete loss of function, local obvious swelling, light red tongue, thin white coating, pulse string.

2. Shengjin grass wine

[materials] 15g of Aconitum chinense, 15g of Aconitum chuanense, 15g of Achyranthes bidentata, 10g of Achyranthes bidentata, 15g of Chicken Yateng, 500g of liquor.

[practice] cut into pieces of Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes bidentata, Achyranthes bidentata and Aconitum multiflorum and put them in a container. After adding the spirit and soaking for 3-5 days, filter and remove the residue.

[efficacy] dispelling wind and cold, removing dampness and detumescence, relaxing muscles and activating blood circulation, suitable for patients with rheumatism, waist and leg pain, waist and knee weakness, limb numbness and other diseases.

3. Stewed pig's hoof with tendon grass

[materials] 250 grams of pig's feet, 10 grams of tendon grass, appropriate amount of sliced ginger, salt and chicken essence.

[practice] rinse the tendon grass, depilate the pig's feet, wash and cut into pieces. Boil water in the pot, put in the pig's hoof and roll off the surface blood stains, then remove and wash. Add the right amount of water to the pot, and then put all the ingredients into the stew cup. Add the right amount of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for 4 hours and season.

[efficacy] tendon grass stretches tendons and invigorates collaterals, and pig's feet are rich in calcium. It can relax muscles and invigorate bones, which is suitable for those whose joints are not convenient after muscle and bone injury.