
Efficacy and function of nutmeg

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Efficacy and function of nutmeg

Nutmeg, also known as nutmeg, nutmeg, jade fruit, hemp tip, etc., is the dry kernel of nutmeg, which belongs to the nutmeg family. It has the effect of warming qi, astringent intestines and relieving diarrhea. It has an excellent therapeutic effect on diseases such as deficiency of spleen and stomach, persistent diarrhea, epigastric pain, eating less vomiting and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of nutmeg.

Medicinal effects of nutmeg

The taste is pungent and warm.

Spleen, stomach and large intestine meridians.

[efficacy] warming qi, astringent intestines to stop diarrhea, mainly treating spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, long diarrhea, epigastric distension and pain, eating less vomiting.

Processing method of nutmeg

1. Dough: wash the nutmeg, knead the white flour with water and wrap it. Heat the clam powder or talcum powder in the pan, pour in the wrapped nutmeg, stir-fry until the outside noodles are scorched yellow, remove the dough and slice it.

2, steaming: soak nutmeg for 1 hour, remove and place in the cage, one layer of wheat bran, one layer of nutmeg, steam for about 2 hours, the oil is moistened into the bran, remove the bran and cut into thick slices in time, dry, or mash.

3. Stir-fry: pour the wheat flour into the pan, stir-fry the nutmeg over low heat, pour in the nutmeg, stir-fry it to a yellowish color, get out of the pan, sift the flour, spread it, let it cool and mash the formula. 100 kg per nutmeg, 50 kg of wheat flour.

4. Soil: take fine loess, heat it in a pot until foaming, pour in nutmeg, constantly turn, simmer until nutmeg is hot through, oily (to prevent stir-frying), remove, sift loess and mash it when used.

5. Make frost: take nutmeg and grind it up like mud. Wrap it in multi-layer papyrus, press to remove the oil, and press repeatedly until you run out of oil.

Pharmacological effects of nutmeg

1. Sedative effect: methyl isoeugenol contained in nutmeg volatile oil can inhibit central nervous system. After iv50 mg / kg, righting reflex, pain reflex and auditory reflex disappear during sleep, and the average sleep time is 20 minutes and 8 seconds, which can enhance the sleeping effect of pentobarbital.

2. Antibacterial activity: MIC of methyl isoeugenol against Staphylococcus aureus and Diplococcus pneumoniae was 0.4mg / ml and 0.6mg / ml, respectively. Malabazone B has a strong bacteriostatic effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus aureus. The MIC of the former two is 1 μ g / ml, the latter is 2 μ g / ml, and the MIC of malabazone C against Bacillus subtilis is 2 μ g / ml.

3. Anesthetic effect: methyl eugenol and elemin in nutmeg volatile oil have anesthetic effect on mice, rabbits, cats and dogs after iv administration.

4. Other effects: the volatile oil contained in nutmeg can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and dispel wind, a small amount can promote the secretion of gastric juice and stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, while a large dose can inhibit it. In addition, it has the effect of reducing serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase in rats.

Medicinal prescription of nutmeg

1, the treatment of water dampness and distension such as drum, do not eat, the disease can go down: nutmeg, betel nut, light powder each one point, black petunia (take the end of the head). The top is the end, and the batter is a pill, such as mung beans. Each take 10 to 20 pills, fried forsythia soup, after eating, three times a day.

2. Treat diarrhea due to spleen deficiency and intestinal ringing: nutmeg, gouge out tricks, add three small pieces of frankincense, simmer with noodles, cooked noodles, remove noodles and grind them into fine powder. One yuan for each service, rice drink, half money for children.

3, treat spleen and kidney weakness, defecate is not solid, diet is not thinking: nutmeg, psoralen, Schisandra chinensis, Evodia rutaecarpa. Forty taels of ginger and fifty red dates. In a bowl of water, boil ginger, dates, remove ginger, water dry, take jujube meatballs Tongzi big. Take 50 or 70 pills each and take it before hollow food.

4, treatment of spleen diarrhea: two cardamom, rice vinegar noodles wrapped, simmering in ash to make yellow coke, and noodle milling, but also to stir-fry Dangzi end one or two, harmony. At the end of the fried Chen Mi, it costs two yuan and seven yuan each, and the first two things and three dollars for the fried drink, one for each at the end of the day.

5, the treatment of excessive diarrhea, intestinal ringing and abdominal pain: nutmeg (shelled, for the end) one or two, ginger juice two, white flour two. On the three flavors, make a cake with ginger juice and noodles, simmer the nutmeg to make it ripe, and grind it into fine powder. Take two yuan for each drink, adjust the hollow rice drink, and take it again in the afternoon.

6. cure cholera vomiting: nutmeg or two (shelled), ginseng or two (Reed head removed), Magnolia officinalis (peeled, ginger juice smeared, cooked). If you smash the medicine, the rough will be scattered. Take three yuan each, take a large cup of water, add half a minute of ginger, two pinch of corn, fry to five points, remove me, regardless of the time to warm up.

7. Cure diarrhea: five dollars for nutmeg, one or two cents for white talc in spring and winter, five cents for two or five in summer and two in autumn. The top is fine powder, mixed with ginger juice, the divine comedy is made into paste, and the pill is taken.

8. Treat diarrhea for a long time, stomach deficiency and cold, intestinal slippery, dregs do not gather: nutmeg (simmer), cosmetics (stir-fry), keel (calcined), alum (calcined). For the end, paste pills. Measure and size, under rice soup.

9, treat spleen and stomach deficiency and slippery, diarrhea is red and white, there is no cure: nutmeg (cut into slices, stir-fry yellow), poppy shell (mashed, mix well with honey, stir-fry black and black), licorice (chopped, fried yellow and black), dried ginger (chopped, fried yellow and black). The top is divided into equal parts at the end, and each service costs five yuan.