
The efficacy and function of Qingdai

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Qingdai

Indigo flower, green clam powder, cypress flower, indigo flower, etc., are dried powders, lumps or particles made from the leaves or stems of Isatis indigotica, a plant of Polygonaceae, Polygonaceae, and Isatis indigotica. The medicine has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and eliminating spots, purging fire and calming. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of indigo.

The Medicinal effect of Qingdai

The taste is salty and cold.

Liver Meridian.

[efficacy] Heat-clearing and detoxification, cooling blood and eliminating spots, purging fire and calming shock, mainly treating febrile toxin spots, blood-heat vomiting and bleeding, chest pain and hemoptysis, mouth sores, gills, throat arthralgia, infantile epilepsy and so on.

Pharmacological effects of Qingdai

1. The effect of anti-pathogenic microorganisms: Qingdai alcohol extract has inhibitory effect on Bacillus anthracis, pneumococcus, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro, but it is also reported that it has no inhibitory effect on typhoid bacillus, Vibrio cholerae, staphylococci and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which may be due to different extraction solvents and methods.

2. anti-tumor effect: indirubin has a good effect on chronic myeloid leukemia. The activity of synthetic indirubin on sarcoma and the efficacy of synthetic indirubin on chronic granulocytic leukemia are similar to those of natural products, when 200 mg / kg is injected intraperitoneally or subcutaneously. It has a certain inhibitory effect on rat W256 sarcoma.

3. Other effects: the therapeutic dose of indirubin can improve the phagocytic function of animal mononuclear macrophage system, has an effect on dysplastic granulocytes and eosinophils, but does not cause myelosuppression, and its mechanism remains to be studied. At the same time, indigo can reduce liver injury in mice after carbon tetrachloride poisoning.

Clinical application of Qingdai

1, warm toxin hair spot, blood heat vomiting bleeding: Qingdai cold can clear heat, salty to enter the blood, so it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood, stopping bleeding and eliminating spots. Good treatment of warm poison hair spots, often used with raw plaster, raw gypsum, gardenia and other drugs, such as Qingdai gypsum soup. If it is used to treat hematemesis and hematemesis in vain, it is often used with raw ground, moutan bark, white thatch root and other drugs.

2. Sore throat, mouth sore, fire sore: Qingdai has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and detumescence. For the treatment of hot toxin, sore throat and throat arthralgia, it is often used with Radix Isatidis and licorice. If the mouth and tongue has sores, it is often used with borneol and sprinkled on the affected area. Use to treat fire-toxic sores, swollen gills and pain, can be studied together with cold water stone for the end, external application, such as Qingjin powder.

3. Cough, chest pain, blood in sputum: Qingdai salty cold, the main clearing liver fire, and purging lung heat, and can cool blood and stop bleeding. Therefore, the main treatment of liver fire invading the lungs, cough, chest pain, blood in sputum, often used with sea clam powder, such as Dai clam powder. If the lung heat cough, phlegm yellow and thick, can be used with sea pumice, melon betel kernel, chuanbei mother and so on, such as Qingdai Haishi pills.

4. Heat shock, wind convulsion: Qingdai salty cold, good at clearing liver fire, dispelling summer heat, relieving wind and stopping spasm. Used to treat summer heat shock, often used with licorice, talc, such as Jasper Powder. For the treatment of infantile convulsions, it is often used with Uncaria and bezoar, such as Liangjing pills.

The Medicinal prescription of Qingdai

1, to treat typhoid fever of pregnancy, heat Yu Yangming, extreme heat and purple black spots, pulse flood number, if not urgent treatment, the fetus is about to: Zhenqindai money half, fresh ground two taels (messing juice), raw plaster eight dollars, cohosh six cents, Scutellaria baicalensis two coins, Jiao gardenia three coins, onions three. Pan-fried suit.

2. Treatment of hemoptysis: Qingdai has one coin and 40 almonds (peeled, pointed, fried yellow with yellow wax, taken out and refined). The first two pieces are then ground together, but a little of the fried wax is melted and mixed to make a big cake of money. For each serving, use a dried persimmon, break it in the middle, add a cake of medicine, fix it, wrap it in wet paper, simmer over slow fire, take it out and chew it with glutinous rice porridge.

3. For coughing and spitting, those with red face and nose: Qingdai (very fine water flying, dried and then used) four dollars, clam powder three dollars. Two flavors make honey into pills, such as big fingers. Lie down with three pills.

4. for the treatment of cough in the lung meridian with heat and phlegm: Qingdai, Haishi, Gualouren, Fritillaria chuanensis.

5. treat epigastric pain, depression becomes depression for a long time, and depression becomes heat: Qingdai, mix it with ginger juice into the soup.

6. cure sores in the mouth and tongue: Qingdai one penny, Asarum one cent, Huangbai one point (file), ground bone skin one point, Mituo monk one point. The last piece of medicine, pounded fine Luo for powder. Take a little and stick it on the sore. If you salivate, you spit.

7. Cure all heat toxins, pus sores: Qingdai one or two, cold water stone one or two (calcined, Su Weidu). Top with fine powder and mix with sesame oil.

8, treatment of pemphigus: Qingdai appropriate amount, fresh towel gourd leaves mix juice to apply to the affected area. Mix it with a little vegetable oil.

9, treat infantile eczema: White glue incense two taels (research), clam powder half, Qingdai two and a half. Grind evenly into fine powder, dry mixed with sores.