
The efficacy and function of myrrh

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The efficacy and function of myrrh

Myrrh, also known as final myrrh, Ming myrrh, etc., is the dry resin of the olive plant Diding tree or Hadiding tree. It has the effect of dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain, detumescence and muscle production. It has therapeutic effects on chest arthralgia, epigastric pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis, abdominal pain, rheumatic arthralgia, falling injury, carbuncle and sores. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of myrrh.

The medicinal efficacy of myrrh

[taste] the taste is bitter, bitter and flat.

The meridians of heart, liver and spleen.

[efficacy] it mainly treats chest arthralgia, epigastric pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis, abdominal pain, rheumatic arthralgia, fall injury, abscess and sores and other diseases.

Medicinal taboos of myrrh

1. Unable to accept pregnancy.

2. It is not suitable for patients with bone pain and chest and abdominal pain due to blood deficiency due to non-blood stasis.

3. Postpartum malaise often goes away, and those with abdominal deficiency pain should not be used.

4. Carbuncle gangrene is not suitable for use.

5. If the eyes are red and the skin is not blood-hot, it is not suitable to use.

Pharmacological effects of myrrh

1. Hypolipidemic effect: the oleoresin part of Mukul myrrh, a plant of the same genus, can reduce hypercholesterolemia in male rabbits caused by feeding hydrogenated vegetable oil, prevent the formation of arterial plaques and reduce the weight of rabbits.

2. Convergence effect: myrrh tincture has a converging effect on mucous membrane. It can be used in oral lotion when mouth and pharynx ulcers, and can also be used to excite intestinal peristalsis when gastrointestinal weakness occurs.

3. Antipyretic effect: 500 mg / kg of myrrh oleoresin petroleum ether extract could significantly inhibit the inflammation caused by carrageenan and cotton ball granuloma in rats, and this extract also had obvious antipyretic effect in mice.

4. Anti-inflammatory effect: an effective part of Mukul myrrh was given 500mg / kg daily for 5 months, which had anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory effect on joint swelling (inflammation) caused by inactivated fungal agent injected into the articular cavity of rat ankle.

5. analgesic effect: the new pentacyclic triterpenoids extracted from the root of Mukul myrrh orally 100mg / kg could inhibit the inflammation induced by carrageenan in rats, and the writhing test proved to have analgesic effect.

6. Antibacterial activity: myrrh aqueous extract (1:2, 50% concentration) has varying degrees of inhibitory effect on many kinds of pathogenic fungi, such as Trichophyton pansy, Trichophyton concentric, Trichophyton xylanum and so on.

The medicinal prescription of myrrh

1. To treat stroke, the tongue is strong and silent: myrrh (research), amber (research) each one point, dry scorpion (all, stir-fry) seven. Top three flavors, tamping and research is the end. Every time you take three pears, use half of the pear juice, one piece of the soap pod, stir-fry the soup, mix it with the pear juice, spit out saliva poison for a moment, and then you can speak.

2, the treatment of blood gas is not good, heartache, or walking pain, irregular menstruation, fever and heat feeding, and it is appropriate to use: safflower, myrrh, Sichuan Gui, Xuanhu (fried) equal points, for the end. Two yuan for each service, children's stool and alcohol blending.

3. Treat heart and temper pain: Rhizoma Corydalis, myrrh, Wuling fat, grass and fruit. At the end. Three dollars per serving, mixed with hot wine.

4. Treat turbid urine such as essence: myrrh, wood incense and Angelica sinensis. At the end, take the natural juice of the thorn heart as a pill, such as Wutong Zi Wan. Take each Wuqi pill under salt soup before eating.

5. treat all kinds of hanging diseases in children: the angle arch is dilated, the chest is high and the navel is protruding with transparent myrrh, and ginger soup adjusts a penny.

6. Treat carbuncle, gangrene and sore, rot and remove new life: frankincense and myrrh are equally divided. Remove oil from the leaves over heat, apply them with milk and paste them with paste. If the poison of this medicine is not exhausted, it will lift pus and go out. If the poison has been exhausted, then shut up.

7. Treat children's intestinal pain, lumbar curvature, dry crying: myrrh, frankincense and so on. At the end. Bring the wood incense to the boil and mix it with a piece of money.

8, to treat all heartache, not ninja: myrrh, frankincense each three, Chuanshan Jia (broiled) five, Mubiezi four. The last is the last. Half to one yuan for each service, more than half of the wine, fried warm clothes, regardless of time.

Properties of myrrh

1. Natural myrrh: irregular granular masses of different sizes. The large ones are more than 6 cm in diameter. The surface is yellowish brown or reddish brown, the near translucent part is brownish black, covered with yellow dust. The quality is crisp, the broken surface is irregular and has no luster. It has a special aroma, bitter and slightly pungent taste.

2. Colloidal myrrh: irregular blocks and particles, agglutinated into clumps of different sizes, the larger ones are more than 6 cm in diameter, the surface is brown to brown, opaque, solid or loose, with special aroma, bitter and sticky taste.