
Maintenance skills of foliage plants

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Foliage plants are green plants that many flower friends like very much, and many flower friends will specially go to the flower and bird market to buy them and plant them at home. Although foliage plants are relatively easy to feed, there are still many flower friends who will kill foliage plants. The editor will introduce to you the four major conservation techniques of foliage plants.

Foliage plants are green plants that many flower friends like very much, and many flower friends will specially go to the flower and bird market to buy them and plant them at home. Although foliage plants are relatively easy to feed, there are still many flower friends who will kill foliage plants. The editor will introduce to you the four major conservation techniques of foliage plants.

Hanging orchid (details)

1. Control light and moisture

In the germination of new leaves, control light and water, slow down the growth rate of new leaves as far as possible, so that the stem germinates more leaves, the closer the new leaves are arranged, the more their growth will bend downward, which is conducive to the formation of natural and beautiful leaves.

2. Remove the old leaves

Remove the old leaves, make the terminal buds sprout new leaves ahead of time, and then remove the poorly shaped leaves after the new leaves are stereotyped, so as not to be wasted.

3. Appropriate watering

Appropriate watering to prevent stagnant water in the basin, otherwise the new branches will grow, while the old leaves will wither, resulting in an obvious imbalance in the number and shape of new and old leaves. Therefore, the amount of water should be controlled, and the foliage plants with strong drought resistance should wait until 2-3 cm under the basin soil to dry and then replenish water appropriately, the watering time is 10:00 in the morning, and then return to normal management after the new leaves are fixed.

4. Turn the basin regularly

The leaves are positive and phototactic, especially the new leaves are more inclined to the sun to grow, resulting in different sizes before the height of the old leaves. In order to make the branches and leaves grow evenly and gracefully, it is often necessary to turn the basin to change the direction. For example, when the slope of the leaf is large, the north side of the pot should be turned to the south, and the frequency of turning pot is 10-15 days.

Winter conservation skills of potted foliage plants most foliage plants are found in tropical and subtropical regions, and their growth temperature needs to be kept at about 25 ℃. In areas with obvious changes in the four seasons, entering the cold winter will cause plants to freeze to death or wither indoors and outdoors due to low temperatures. In order to make it through the cold season and maintain the foliage effect of next year, we must pay attention to the following problems: first, temperature foliage plants should be fully exposed to the low temperature weather in early winter outdoors before moving indoors, so as to enhance their cold resistance and gradually adapt to the low temperature environment. When winter comes, the temperature difference between day and night in the room should be as small as possible, the lowest indoor temperature at dawn should not be lower than 5 ℃ 8 min, and the daytime temperature should reach 20 ℃ or so. In addition, there will also be a temperature difference in the same room, so plants with weak cold resistance can be placed in a high place. The foliage plants placed on the windowsill are vulnerable to cold wind and should be blocked by thick curtains. Second, the leaves of potted foliage plants are easy to lose water and scorch when the indoor air is dry in winter, so they must spray water to their leaves twice a day to create a humid environment as far as possible. If the conditions can, it is best to often sprinkle water around the potted flowers to improve the air humidity in a small area. If the room is heated, the air will be very dry, causing the leaves to be scorched yellow. At this time, the full cover method of plastic bags should be used as soon as possible to seal and isolate the scorched yellow foliage plants. Of course, we should also often spray water on the leaves to ensure that there are certain humidity conditions in the bag. Third, the temperature of light is low in winter, and the angle of sunlight that can shine into the room is small and the time is short. Let foliage plants bask in the sun more, not only will not hurt their leaves, but will help to improve its cold resistance, is very beneficial to overwintering. When the sun shines obliquely in winter, some Xiyang foliage flowers and trees should be placed near the sunny south window. Foliage flowers and trees that have been placed indoors and in the shade for too long must not be suddenly placed in outdoor direct light, otherwise they are easy to cause leaf burns. Fourth, water and fertilizer foliage plants have many and large leaves, and their water evaporates quickly, but their growth basically stops because of low temperature in winter, and their root absorptive capacity is weak, so the water demand is greatly reduced, so the watering times of basin soil should be reduced. According to the standard of watering in winter, it is appropriate to water the basin soil surface 4 days after drying, but if there is heating and can maintain a certain temperature, you should still pay attention to watering at any time. Do not water too much to prevent root rot. Many foliage flowers and trees should stop fertilizing in winter to prevent dormant flowers and trees from sprouting when the temperature temporarily rises and not aging normally when the temperature falls, so that they can not dormant normally and reduce their cold resistance. Practical selection and purchase skills of foliage plants

Many novice flower growers will encounter a lot of problems when they go to the flower shop or market to buy flowers, for example, they are not familiar with the criteria for plant selection, and they are easy to choose bad varieties and plants in bad condition. Today, I would like to introduce to you the selection and purchase skills of foliage plants, so that you can choose good potted plants.

1. Choose flowers according to the season

Most foliage plants are native to the tropics, so they like a warm and humid environment. They grow most vigorously from spring to autumn. In places with lower temperatures, it is necessary to avoid buying tropical plants in winter. It is difficult to raise a family even with heating. Do not buy some rich bamboo with bare roots to take root in water culture in winter, it is much more difficult to cultivate and take root than in other seasons.

2. Variegated leaf varieties

If you choose some beautiful foliage plants, then be sure to choose plants with bright leaves, so that the markings will not be easily degraded and will be more ornamental when you buy them home for maintenance.

3. Selection of green plants with big leaves

Usually when buying foliage plants with large leaves, we should pay more attention to whether there are markings on the back of the leaves, whether there are small spots or yellow spots, and the leaves at the bottom should be thicker to ensure that the leaves are not damaged. it would be better to have small buds or small leaves in the upper part of the rhizome.

4. Pteridophyte selection

Pteridophytes must choose luxuriant plants, there are no obvious withered branches and leaves on the branches and leaves, the bottom stems are relatively simple, the veins are cleaned, the leaves are bright, and of course, we should also see if there are buds at the top.

5. Check to see if there are any diseases and insect pests in plants

The key to selecting foliage plants is to check whether there are any diseases and insect pests, such as whether there are disease spots on the leaf surface, it is best to carefully check and remove the leaf back and axils, so as to maximize the understanding of their symptoms.

6. Selection of large potted plants

As a foliage plant, we must choose dense leaves, round and full plant type, dense leaves at the same time to ensure that the leaves grow closely, the leaves are not necessarily large. In addition, pay attention to the gloss of the leaves, choose the plant with bright green leaves is the most robust, buy home can maintain adequate nutrients.