
Main points of propagation of Catharanthus roseus in winter

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Catharanthus roseus is a common indoor flowering plant, which is deeply loved by flower friends because of its large color, neat plant shape and resemblance to plum blossom. Raising Catharanthus roseus in winter needs to be well taken care of, and you can breed at home if you are interested, however, due to the characteristics of the geographical environment of our country

Catharanthus roseus (detailed introduction) is a more common indoor flowering plant, its large color, neat plant type, very similar to plum blossom (detailed introduction), deeply loved by flower friends. Raising Catharanthus roseus in winter requires good care, and you can breed at home if you are interested. However, due to the characteristics of the geographical environment of our country, breeding methods with and without heating in winter will be different.

Catharanthus roseus (details)

1. Family reproduction with heating in winter: seeds mature from August to October, and can be collected after maturity. if family potted plants, there is no need to collect seeds and raise seedlings, after loosening the soil in the flowerpot of Catharanthus roseus, the seeds are ripe, the beak of beans is split, and then the seedlings come out automatically. when the seedlings grow to 3 to 4 true leaves, they can be transplanted into flowerpots with fertile soil. You can transplant it into a prepared flowerpot, water it, and water it again every 3 to 5 days.

2. Family reproduction without heating in winter: the seeds were collected from August to October, and the seedlings could be raised in flowerpots in late March of the following year. The seeds were sown with a mixture of fertile sandy loam and fine sandy soil, and then the pot mouth was covered with a layer of plastic film. Keep the temperature and humidity in the pot and emerge in 20 to 25 days. At this time, the weather gradually warms up. When the seedlings grow 3 to 4 true leaves, they can be transplanted into prepared flowerpots and watered. Just water it again every 3 to 5 days.

Key points of propagation and cultivation of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus, also known as sunflower, alum, five-petal lotus, five-petal plum and so on, is a perennial sub-shrubby herb of Apocynaceae, but it is cultivated as an annual flower in temperate regions. Under general cultivation conditions, the plant height is about 40 cm. Leaves opposite, membranous, Obovate moment rounded. Cymes, Corolla salverform, petals 5, pink or white, yellow and complex. The flowering period is from June to October, and greenhouse growers can blossom in four seasons. Catharanthus roseus has luxuriant leaves, fresh color and long flowering period. it is not only a good material for arranging flower beds and flower borders in summer, but also suitable for potted plants for indoor beautification and decoration.

Catharanthus roseus is native to tropical eastern Africa. Strong sex, like warm and humid climate, like sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-shade, more resistant to high temperature and drought, not resistant to cold, avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging. The sandy loam with loose fertility and good drainage is required, which is not suitable for saline-alkali soil.

Catharanthus roseus can be propagated by sowing or cutting. Sowing is best carried out indoors in early spring. The most suitable temperature for germination is 15-20 ℃. When the seedlings grow 4-5 true leaves, they are transplanted once, and when they have 7-8 leaves, they are planted in the open field or in the pot. Cutting propagation can be in spring or autumn, select the twigs from the old plant, cuttage on the sand bed, the suitable temperature for rooting is 20-25 degrees. Summer high temperature season can also use water cutting method, pay attention to every 2-3 days to change the water, about 20 days can take root.

The key points of Catharanthus roseus cultivation are as follows: watering and fertilization should be paid attention to at the initial stage of planting, and liquid fertilizer can be applied every half a month to promote early growth. The heart should be removed for 1 or 2 times during the growth period, which can promote its multi-branching. Catharanthus roseus likes the sun. If there is enough light, it will grow vigorously and bloom luxuriantly and brightly; on the contrary, it is not only easy to grow plants, but also reduce the number of flowering trees. Therefore, the growing season of potted plants should be cultivated in the sunny place outside. Summer hot season, to ensure adequate water supply, in case of continuous rain, should pay attention to timely drainage. Winter move into the indoor sunny place to overwinter, the lowest temperature should be maintained above 5 degrees, control watering. If the room temperature can be kept above 15-20 degrees and enough light, it can blossom continuously. After growing and blooming in a growing season, the potted plant is tall and loose, so it should be retracted and pruned. After its new buds germinate, the fertilizer and water management can be strengthened to grow and blossom continuously for many years.

When planting in flower beds, the residual flowers should be cut off in time, otherwise the plant will consume too much nutrients. If you need to collect seeds, you should pay attention to timely harvest, so as to prevent the seeds from cracking and seed loss.

Seven main points of cultivation methods of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus (scientific name: Catharanthus roseus), also known as Richun, Nissan, Rishin, 30000 Flowers, 04:00 Spring, clock Flower, Yanlai Hong, etc., are perennial herbs. Stem erect, much branched. Leaves opposite, long elliptic, petiole short, entire, smooth on both sides, main vein white. Cymes terminal. Flowers are red, purple, pink, white, yellow and other colors, Corolla butterfly-shaped, 5-lobed, there are dark holes in the center of the flower. At the top of the twigs of Catharanthus roseus, two flowers appear in the axils of each leaf, so it has many flowers, long flowering period, luxuriant and vibrant flowers. It blossoms non-stop from spring to autumn, so it has the reputation of "every day and spring". At present, many varieties have been bred in Taiwan, and there has been a growing trend in flower breeding in recent years. Catharanthus roseus is very suitable for planting in potted plants for home furnishing. here are a few key points of Catharanthus roseus culture:

1. Soil: fertile and well-drained soil, resistant to barren soil, but must not be alkaline. Clayey soil with hardening and poor ventilation results in poor growth of plants, yellowing leaves and no flowering.

2. Sunshine: Catharanthus roseus is a light-loving plant. During the growing period, there must be sufficient sunshine, green leaves and bright colors. If you grow in the shade for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

3. Temperature: like warm, slightly dry and sunny environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 18: 24 ℃ from March to July, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

4. Watering: Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, too wet affects growth and development. In particular, indoor winter plants should be strictly controlled watering, it is better to dry, otherwise it is easy to freeze. Open field cultivation, midsummer showers, pay attention to timely drainage, so as not to cause the whole area to die by waterlogging.

5. Fertilization: compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer can be applied alternately every ten days. The bottom of the Catharanthus roseus pot soil should also be covered with a layer of base fertilizer as far as possible to ensure the nutrient content of the pot soil.

6. Insect pests: Catharanthus roseus plants are poisonous, so they are more resistant to diseases and insect pests. The main diseases in seedling stage are: seedling quenching disease, Botrytis cinerea and so on. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and drug damage in seedling stage. If it happens, it should be watered with clean water immediately to strengthen ventilation and reduce the harm.

7. Pruning: Catharanthus roseus is a herbaceous plant, which is more suitable for potted plants, but it should be careful not to let the plant grow too high, affecting indoor decoration and ornamental, so after surviving in the pot, it is necessary to pick the heart several times to promote multiple branches and blossoms, and the residual flowers must be cut after flowering.


Catharanthus roseus has a long flowering period, beautiful colors and graceful gesture. In recent years, the varieties of flowers cultivated are also getting bigger and bigger, and it is very suitable to be a bonsai ornamental plant. It has an unexpected effect in home layout. I hope it will be helpful to all of you.