
How to raise a rich tree in summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In China, the main function of the wealth tree is to attract money, because it is green all the year round, coupled with thick, round and full green leaves, it looks very pleasing to the eye, so it has become one of the best choices for congratulations and gifts. Especially for businessmen.

In China, the main function of the wealth tree (details) is to attract money, because it is green all the year round, coupled with thick, round and full green leaves, it looks very pleasing to the eye, and it has become one of the best choices for congratulating and giving gifts. Especially for businessmen, they almost always choose to put a fortune tree in the store to seek good fortune. And how to raise the rich tree in summer is also a problem that many people want to pay attention to. The editor of Boqi Network will take you to understand it.

Fortune Tree (details)

1. The rich tree likes warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The hot and humid season in summer is very beneficial to the growth of the rich tree, which is the fastest growing period, so the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened at this stage, direct sunlight should be avoided and placed in places with scattered light to make it grow healthily.

2. The rich tree has strong adaptability to water, and it will not die even if it is short of water for a few days, but providing appropriate water at the right time is helpful to its growth. It should be watered every day in summer. It is suggested that it should be combined with the soil to keep the soil tide. In addition, water should be sprayed on the leaves of the rich trees every day to ensure that the leaves are green.

3. The rich trees are fertilizer-loving flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than that of other common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1 / 3 or even more. Fertile soil comes from a wide range of sources, which can be collected from deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees and mixed with a little pastoral soil and mixed bean cake dregs. This fertile soil is highly effective and easy to obtain, but attention should be paid to full maturity so as not to "burn" the leaves. In addition, in the growing period of rich trees (May-September), mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can be applied every 15 days to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

How to raise a rich tree in summer

How to make a fortune grow sunshine in summer

Rich trees like hot, humid, sunny environments. The temperature in summer is more suitable. The indoor temperature is generally less than 30 ℃, as long as the wealth tree is kept indoors for maintenance, there is no problem.

How to put the indoor rich tree to make it grow better? When placed, make sure that the leaves face the sunny side, so as to avoid distorting the growth of the whole plant because of the positive direction of the leaves. In addition, during indoor maintenance, spray water on the leaves every 3-5 days or 2-3 days to ensure a certain degree of humidity, and is conducive to photosynthesis and beautiful leaves.


Watering rich tree growth process in my important link, less water, branches and leaves growth stagnation, more water, will lead to rotten root death, moderate amount of water, branches and leaves will be hypertrophy, full of vitality! Therefore, the watering of rich trees should adhere to the principle that it would rather be dry than wet. The indoor temperature and moderate condition in each family are different in summer, and watering should be determined by the dry and wet condition of the basin soil.

Fertilizer application

The growth period of the rich tree is from May to September every year, that is to say, the indoor rich tree has the greatest nutrient demand in the whole summer. During this period, fertilization was mainly based on rotten liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer, about once every 15 to 20 days, promoting branches and leaves to flourish.

The problems in the breeding of the rich tree in summer; the rich tree is not very yellow, but half dead.

Does the wealth tree put in the house turn yellow in the summer and make a fortune as promised? It doesn't matter. It's not a big deal. The main reasons are as follows:

Too much watering of ① will cause root rot.

② diseases and insect pests, yellow leaves

Excessive fertilization in ③ causes fertilizer damage.

When the above situation occurs, there is only one solution: take out the rich tree and deal with the rotten roots, soak the carbendazim and rooting powder, cut off the yellow leaves, replant them in the flowerpot and see if they can be reborn in the fire.

How to change the basin?

Can I change the basin in summer? It is really a problem that many flower friends are more concerned about, under normal circumstances, except for the emergence of rotten roots. The rich trees are big and small. Generally, the merchants have already prepared the soil at the time of purchase, so they can stick to it for 1-2 years, and consider the problem of changing the soil after a period of maintenance. For the rich trees with small pots, they can change the pots in the spring.

How to raise a rich tree? How to raise a rich tree in summer?

[FAQ] how to raise a wealth tree? How to raise a rich tree in summer?

Picture: fortune tree

[expert answers]

The Culture method of ● Rich Tree

1. Light. For semi-finished wealth trees mainly rely on photosynthesis, wealth trees need strong light before sprouting, so wealth trees do not need shade in winter and spring. As for summer and autumn, due to the strong sun, shade should be carried out, otherwise it will lead to the phenomenon of dead braids on the rich trees.

2. Temperature and humidity. The rich tree should close the greenhouse film after the first watering, which can increase the humidity and effectively raise the temperature. Before sprouting, the temperature should be kept at 25-38 ℃ and the humidity should be about 50%. At the same time, proper ventilation should be carried out every day. Water should be sprayed on the ground in time at noon in summer to increase humidity and cool down. After the buds of the rich tree grow to 7cm, the ventilation should be increased to reduce the temperature in the shed. Therefore, the optimum temperature for rich tree growth is between 20 ℃ and 35 ℃. The temperature in the shed should not be too high. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, it is easy to cause the fallen leaves of the rich trees, and in serious cases, it will cause death. At the same time, the humidity should not be too high, otherwise it will breed germs. Watering is the best way to keep the basin soil evenly moist.

3. Fertilization management. The rich tree is strong and needs plenty of fertilizer for its rapid growth. After sprouting on the rich tree, liquid fertilizer should be sprayed regularly once a week. Nitrogen, ∶, phosphorus, ∶ and potassium are 500,600 times of compound fertilizer at 20 ∶ 20:20, and organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied to the soil once a month. Avoid the application of nitrogen fertilizer in the peak growing season to avoid excessive growth. The rich tree should apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in a balanced way to make the plant strong, make the leaves green and enhance the ornamental effect.

The maintenance methods of ● summer rich trees are as follows:

1. Pay attention to the sunshine. The rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, so it can't be shaded for a long time. Therefore, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors during maintenance and management. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, spray water to the leaves every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

2. Pay attention to watering. Watering is an important link in the process of maintenance management. If the amount of water is small, the development of branches and leaves will stagnate; if the amount of water is too large, it may lead to the death of rotten roots; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic. The first principle of watering is that it would rather be wet than dry, followed by "two more and two less", that is, more watering in summer and less in winter.

3. Pay attention to fertilization. The rich tree is fond of fertilizing flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than other common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1 / 3 or even more. Fertile soil comes from a wide range of sources, which can be collected from deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees and mixed with a little pastoral soil and mixed bean cake dregs. This fertile soil is highly effective and easy to obtain, but attention should be paid to full maturity so as not to "burn" the leaves. In addition, during the growing period of rich trees (from May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can be applied every 15 days to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

[editor's summary]

The rich tree is a common indoor potted plant, which is loved by many consumers because of its good name. In the cultivation of rich trees, watering is the most critical, more or less watering will cause damage to the leaves of rich trees and affect the ornamental value of rich trees. In this article, the editor of the first Agricultural Economics introduces to you "how to raise rich trees?" How to raise a rich tree in summer? I hope it will be of some help to you.