
Green pineapple climbing all over the wall? Reveal the correct way of forming Green Luo Waterfall

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green radish must be the most well-known variety among many green plants. it has fresh leaves and elegant posture, it belongs to a kind of vine with ornamental value, and its style is so versatile that it can be given to home in any place in the home.

Green radish must be the most well-known variety among many green plants. it has fresh leaves and elegant posture, and it belongs to a kind of vine with ornamental value, and its style is very versatile, no matter it is placed in any position in the home. can bring a touch of bright color to the home environment.

When it comes to protecting green pineapple at home, many flower friends must have seen the photos of green Luo waterfall posted by someone on the forum or post bar, which not only looks magnificent, but also adds freshness and greenness to the home environment.

(the picture is from green pineapple.)

However, it is not so easy to develop a green pineapple waterfall. Many flower lovers have complained that their green pineapple grows too slowly, or that they only grow leaves but not vines. Next, the editor will introduce in detail the correct way to develop Luluo Waterfall, so that it is no longer a difficult problem to develop Luluo Waterfall.

(the picture is from green pineapple.)

Foundation maintenance

1. First of all, we should pay attention to the basic maintenance of green pineapple, and grasp these most basic key points, which is the starting point and key to the formation of green Luo waterfall.

As the green pineapple is more sensitive to light and can not accept too strong direct sunlight, the best way is to maintain the green pineapple at home where astigmatism can shine, which is helpful to speed up its growth.

2. The cultivated soil can choose the relatively loose and fertile slightly acidic soil, and some fully mature organic fertilizer can be properly mixed into the soil before conservation, and the effect will be better.

3. Then there is the problem of watering. For the maintenance of green pineapple, watering is undoubtedly an important part, but there is no need to be too nervous. Water thoroughly at a time on weekdays, and the frequency can be maintained at about once every two days.

Develop skills

1. Proper pruning can promote the growth of green pineapple, stimulate it to sprout new vines and leaves, and accelerate its growth. If you want to develop a green Luo waterfall, regular pruning is quite necessary.

When pruning, we should pay attention to skills, carefully observe the surface color and growth trend of green pineapple, and try to cut off the old leaves and branches with deep color, so as to promote the germination of young leaves.

2. Changing pots regularly every two years is also a great skill to develop waterfalls. Because green puccinellia oleifera grows faster and its roots grow faster than other plants, changing pots regularly is beneficial to promote the respiration of its roots and accelerate the healthy growth of green pineapple.

The best time to change the basin is in the early spring or June and July of each year. When changing the basin, some unhealthy roots can be cut off appropriately to promote the germination of new roots.

3. Another point is that in the process of conserving green pineapple, in addition to the conservation methods and techniques mentioned above, some substances can also be added to the water of watering flowers to increase nutrients and fertilize outside the roots.

As for the specific substances to be added, in fact, there are many options, such as fermented rice panning water, fish culture water, aspirin solution, vitamin B12 solution and so on, which are all good choices for fertilizing green radish roots. However, before use, be sure to mix in a certain proportion of water before use.

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