
Efficacy and function of gynostemma pentaphyllum

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Efficacy and function of gynostemma pentaphyllum

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, also known as seven-leaf gall, five-leaf ginseng, seven-leaf ginseng, small bitter medicine, etc., is a herbaceous climbing plant of the cucurbitaceae family. The medicinal content of gynostemma pentaphyllum growing in the south is relatively high, and the folk call it a magical "non-aging longevity herb". In the national "Spark Program", it is listed as the first place of "precious traditional Chinese medicine" to be developed. let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of gynostemma pentaphyllum.

Medicinal effect of gynostemma pentaphyllum

[taste] bitter, slightly sweet, cold.

The meridians of lung, spleen and kidney.

[efficacy] tonifying qi and spleen, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, clearing heat and detoxification, mainly treating body deficiency and fatigue, fatigue and azoospermia, leukopenia, hyperlipidemia, viral hepatitis, chronic gastroenteritis, chronic tracheitis.

Dietotherapy effect of gynostemma pentaphyllum

1. Replenishing qi and invigorating the spleen: gynostemma pentaphyllum Ganren spleen meridian, which can replenish qi and strengthen the spleen and treat diseases such as deficiency of spleen and stomach, fatigue and anorexia.

2. Resolving phlegm and relieving cough: gynostemma pentaphyllum enters the lung meridian, which can benefit lung qi, clear lung heat, and has the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough. it is suitable for the treatment of deficiency of both qi and yin, dryness and heat in the lungs and sticky sputum.

3. Heat-clearing and detoxification: gynostemma pentaphyllum has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, which can be used to treat the symptoms of heat toxin caused by tumor.

4. Reducing blood lipids: gynostemma pentaphyllum can significantly reduce cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, increase high density lipoprotein, protect the inner wall of blood vessels, prevent the deposition of lipids in blood vessel walls, and resist arteriosclerosis.

5. Prevention and treatment of thrombosis: gynostemma pentaphyllum can obviously reduce blood viscosity, adjust blood pressure, prevent microthrombosis and increase the endurance of cardiomyocytes to hypoxia.

6. regulating blood sugar: gynostemma pentaphyllum can protect adrenal gland, thymus and endocrine organs from atrophy with age, maintain the normal function of endocrine system, reduce blood sugar and improve glucose metabolism.

7. Help sleep: gynostemma pentaphyllum tonifies the brain and calms the mind, regulates the balance of excitatory and inhibitory responses in the cerebral cortex, has a two-way regulating effect on the central nervous system, and has the effects of sedation, hypnosis, anti-tension, relieving fatigue and enhancing memory.

8. Anti-aging: gynostemma pentaphyllum can participate in cell resurrection, prolong the generation of cell reproduction, prolong cell life, and enhance the activity and endurance of superoxide dismutase.

9. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: gynostemma pentaphyllum can prevent the carcinogenesis of normal cells, mainly acting on the DNA synthesis process of tumor cells. Anti-cancer pharmacological experiments have proved that gynostemma pentaphyllum can not only prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous, but also promote cancer cells to return to normal gradually.

10, improve immunity: gynostemma pentaphyllum can improve the ability of macrophage, significantly increase the number of leukocytes, at the same time increase the phagocytosis of leukocytes themselves, promote the secretion of interleukin in the body, and increase the production of serum immune protein.

Edible method of gynostemma pentaphyllum

1. Gynostemma pentaphyllum tea

[materials] 10 grams of gynostemma pentaphyllum and 2 grams of green tea.

[practice] first bake gynostemma pentaphyllum, grind it into fine powder, and then brew it with boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink tea frequently.

[efficacy] tonifying the five internal organs, strengthening the body, anti-cancer, suitable for general health care, especially for weak and sickly people.

2. Gynostemma pentaphyllum porridge

[materials] 150 grams of fresh stems and leaves and 100 grams of black rice.

Wash the tender leaves, blanch them with boiling water, soak them in cold water and cut them up with controlled water. Wash the rice, add the right amount of water and cook porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add gynostemma pentaphyllum, buckle rock sugar and mix well.

3. Gynostemma pentaphyllum salad

[materials] 250 grams of fresh stems and leaves, 50 grams of vermicelli and 25 grams of cooked sesame.

Wash the fresh tender leaves of gynostemma pentaphyllum, scald it with boiling salt water until it is broken, wash it in cold water and cut it into sections under control of water. Soak the vermicelli in boiling water, soak in cold water and cut into sections under water control. Mix minced garlic, cooked sesame seeds, refined salt, vinegar, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil and serve.

4. Gynostemma pentaphyllum and jujube soup

[materials] 15 grams of gynostemma pentaphyllum and 8 red dates.

[practice] wash gynostemma pentaphyllum and red jujube in a pot, add proper amount of water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.

[efficacy] invigorating the brain and intelligence, calming and calming the mind, it can treat mental fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia and forgetfulness, frequent nocturnal urination and other diseases.

5. Gynostemma pentaphyllum tea

[material] 50g gynostemma pentaphyllum.

[practice] after washing gynostemma pentaphyllum, add 1000 ml of water, fry for 15 minutes, and take juice. Or take 15 grams of gynostemma pentaphyllum, make tea to light taste, several times on behalf of tea to drink.

[efficacy] replenishing qi and nourishing blood, eliminating blood stasis and dispersing knots, strengthening and preventing disease.