
The practice of braised eggplant in brown sauce

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The practice of braised eggplant in brown sauce

Braised eggplant is a traditional Han cuisine with a long history. This dish is a fine vegetarian dish, fresh and delicious, tender on the outside, delicious and juicy, popular food, but do you know the method of braised eggplant? The following editor will introduce to you the practice of braised eggplant.

The practice of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] 3 eggplants, 100 grams of minced meat, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 red peppers, a little chives, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of straw mushroom, right amount of oil.

[practice] ① eggplant is sliced and steamed in a pot, then put out to cool. ② flattened and peeled the garlic and chopped it into minced garlic. Cut red pepper and chives into pieces and set aside. ③ heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the minced meat, then stir in the soy sauce, then add the steamed eggplant and stir. Taste ④ eggplant and add minced garlic, red pepper and straw mushroom. Sprinkle with chives. Serve.

The second method of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] eggplant, pork, starch, spring onions, soy sauce, cornflour, oil, chicken powder, salt.

[practice] ① wash the eggplant and remove its head and tail, cut it into a hob, soak it in clean water, remove and drain, sprinkle with a little starch and mix well. Wash spring onions from head to tail and cut into sections. ② pork is washed and sliced, chopped into mud, then add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cornflour, 1 tablespoon oil and 3 tablespoons chicken powder. Marinate and taste for 10 minutes. ③ pour 3 tbsp oil into the pan and heat. Pour in the minced meat and stir until the meat turns white. Remove and set aside. ④ continue to add 10 tbsp oil, saute scallion, stir-fry eggplant over high heat and stir-fry quickly, add 5 tbsp water and stir-fry until eggplant is soft, about 5-6 minutes. ⑤ pour into the previously fried minced meat and fry for 1 minute, then sprinkle with 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon chicken powder and 1 tablespoon soy sauce to season.

The third method of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] eggplant, oil, onions, garlic, star anise, cooking wine, coriander.

[practice] ① squeezes the pickled eggplant hard to dry. Heat the oil in the ② pan until 30% hot, pour in the eggplant and stir-fry until yellow. Wash the ③ pan and add a small amount of oil. when it is 50% hot, stir-fry the chopped onions, sliced garlic and star anise and stir-fry the eggplant. When stir-frying ④ eggplant cubes, put in the wine and beans, and thicken with the last half cup of soup or water. Sprinkle ⑤ with parsley.

The fourth method of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] eggplant, onions, ginger, garlic, fungus, mushrooms, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, starch, tomatoes.

[practice] ① peeled the eggplant and cut it into thick slices, cut the surface with a light flower knife, then cut it into hobbing pieces, and deep-fried it in a frying pan until golden. Add a little soaked fungus and mushrooms to ② onions, ginger and garlic, mix well with cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and monosodium glutamate, leave bottom oil in the pan, pour in mixed juice, thicken with water and starch, add tomatoes and eggplant and stir well.

The practice of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] 500 grams of eggplant, 50 grams of meat stuffing, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 slices of ginger, 1 spring onion and 1 red pepper, 1 tablespoon of bean paste, 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.

[practice] wash all the ① material except meat stuffing, remove the head and tail of eggplant, and cut into 3 cm long sections. ② ginger, garlic peeled and chopped, chopped onion, red pepper thinly sliced. Heat 1 cup oil in ③ pan, deep-fry eggplant and remove. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in ④ pan, add ingredients An and ginger, garlic and spring onions to stir-fry, add meat stuffing and stir-fry until done, add ingredients B and eggplant and stir well, add red pepper slices before serving, sprinkle with C material and serve.

The sixth method of braised eggplant in brown sauce

[materials] eggplant, coriander, garlic cloves, soy sauce, sugar, salt, water, oil.

[practice] ① peeled the eggplant and cut it into pieces. Put it in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt evenly, sprinkle and stir. And put it aside for backup. At this time of ②, you can peel garlic and wash coriander. Cut the garlic cloves into minced garlic and put them in a bowl and pour a little soy sauce. Add a little sugar and water to make up a bowl. After about 30 minutes of chopping coriander, it's time to start the hard work. ③ grabbed the eggplant in the big bowl and clutched it as hard as he could, trying to dry the water. The drier the grip is, the more delicious the eggplant is. When the oil is 8 minutes hot, put the eggplant into a ball in the pot. Stir-fry the eggplant until it changes color into the soup that has just been configured according to the secret recipe. Turn down the fire after boiling, and remember to turn it over. Otherwise, eggplant must be like Bao Gong on the one hand and Cao Cao on the other. When the soup is almost finished, turn off the heat and pour in the minced coriander, turn the pot and count, and load the plate.