
Planting techniques of pomegranate

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of pomegranate

The history of pomegranate cultivation in China can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. According to Lu Gong, Zhang Qian was introduced from the Western regions. It is cultivated in both north and south of China, with a larger planting area in Jiangsu, Henan and other places, and some high-quality varieties have been cultivated. Chinese traditional culture regards pomegranate as the mascot and the symbol of many children and blessings.

Growth environment of pomegranate

Pomegranate is born on a mountain at an altitude of 300-1000 meters. Like a warm and sunny environment, resistant to drought and cold, but also resistant to barren, impatient, non-waterlogging and shade. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is suitable to be cultivated with sandy soil with good drainage.

Main application of pomegranate

Pomegranate can watch both flowers and fruits, and can be eaten. Small potted pomegranates can be used to set up potted flowers or for indoor viewing, while large fruit pomegranates can be planted in large pots for three-dimensional display or background materials in flower decoration. Flower pomegranate likes light and bears early, so it is a suitable flower for balcony and roof to grow flowers. The old pomegranate pile can make elegant tree stump bonsai. The pomegranate planted in the ground is suitable for planting in front of the steps, in the courtyard, beside the pavilion and in the corner of the wall.

Pomegranate has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, which can purify 6.33 grams of sulfur dioxide per kilogram of dry leaves, but the leaves are not damaged. It is also resistant to chlorine. It is suitable for planting in factories with pollution sources and arid areas.

Propagation methods of pomegranate

There are many propagation methods of pomegranate, including seedling, ramet, striping, grafting and cutting, but cutting is the most widely used.

1. Cuttage propagation

The main producing areas of pomegranate take cutting as the main propagation method, taking hardwood in winter and spring, and softwood cutting in summer and autumn.

The selection of ① mother plant and cuttings: the mother plant should choose the healthy plant with pure variety, vigorous growth and less than 20 years old. Cuttings choose the crown and branches that grow sturdily on the sunny side. Hardwood cuttings choose 2-year-old cuttings, 1-year-old cuttings are too tender, grow poorly, and bear fruit late; softwood cuttings choose current-year-old, full semi-lignified branches.

② cutting period: although the four seasons can be carried out, but each place should be combined with their own reality to ensure the appropriate warm and humid conditions when cutting. In the north, it is mostly in spring and autumn, and the hard technology of 1-2 years which has been Lignified is used for cutting. In addition to hardwood cuttings in the south of the Yangtze River basin, softwood cuttings were taken for softwood cutting in the rainy season or early autumn.

③ cutting method: there are two kinds of cuttings: long cuttings and short cuttings. Direct planting in arid areas and gardens in the north, with long strips. The cuttings are about 100 cm. Lintong County, Shaanxi Province adopts the method of digging trenches with a length of 50-70 cm and a depth of 30-50 cm. Deep insertion is required, about 2-3-3-3-4, steadfast. Short cuttings are often used to cultivate seedlings in large areas. The length of hard cuttings is 15-20 cm; the length of twig cuttings is 4 mi 5 cm, and several leaflets are retained at the top. Softwood cuttings should pay special attention to cover-up and heat preservation, the humidity should be controlled between 18 and 33 ℃, and the humidity should be kept at about 90%. No matter which method is used for cutting, the upper cut of the cuttings should be flat, and the lower cut should be cut into the shape of Mal. When cutting, in order to ensure the survival rate, it is necessary to do as you pick. In order to promote the early healing and rooting of cuttings, growth hormone can also be used before cutting.

2. Ramet propagation

The pomegranate root has strong sprouting and tillering ability, and the strong root tiller seedlings can be selected when the early spring buds are just sprouted, and the method is simple and easy to survive.

3. Striping propagation

It can be carried out in spring and autumn, and some tillering branches of the root are pressed into the soil before bud germination. after taking root in summer, they are cut off from the mother, and seedlings can be formed in autumn. But in general, it is easier to survive when transplanted in the next spring. More new plants can also be obtained by using earth pressing.

4. Grafting propagation

Commonly used cutting method, mostly choose 3-4-year-old acid pomegranate as rootstock, Dongting Mountain, Wu County, Jiangsu Province commonly used this method. When the bud is about to sprout in spring, the scion is taken from the excellent mother plant, which is 10 cm long and 10-15 cm at the base of the rootstock. It takes about 5-6 years to cultivate after cutting.

5. Sowing and reproduction

It is generally used in breeding new varieties or cultivating dwarf pomegranate in large quantities. Sowing can be winter or spring sowing, mostly using on-demand and strip sowing methods. Sowing in winter can avoid the storage of seeds, but the seedbed should be covered through the winter. If the seeds sown in spring have been buried in the river sand in winter, they can be sown directly into the seedlings. Dry seeds should be soaked in warm water for 12 hours before sowing, or soaked in cold water for 24 hours. Sow seeds after water absorption and expansion. After sowing, the thickness of the covered soil is 3 times that of the seed, and the seedlings can emerge in about half a month. As for the tissue culture of pomegranate, it is still in the exploratory stage.

Cultivation techniques of pomegranate

The cultivation of pomegranate mainly includes garden cultivation, fruit tree cultivation, bonsai and pot cultivation and so on.

1. Garden cultivation in open field

Garden cultivation in open field should choose the site with sufficient light and good drainage. It can be planted alone or in clusters in a corner of the lawn. If planted on the outer edge of the bamboo bushes or planted on the sunny side not far from the trees, when the new buds are in full bloom or the pomegranate flowers are in full bloom, the red flowers and green leaves match each other with the beauty of harmonious colors. Dwarf flower pomegranate can be used as a hedge, summer pomegranate flowers in full bloom, especially elegant, if used to plant rocks is more appropriate.