
Common diseases and treatment of hanging golden bell upside down

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The shape of the inverted golden bell is very special, like an upside-down lantern, planting a pot in the home can be said to be a very good embellishment. However, the upside-down Admiralty has higher requirements for the growth environment, and if you do not pay attention to prevention, diseases and insect pests are very likely to occur. The editor has sorted out for you the common diseases and insect pests of hanging Admiralty upside down.

The shape of the inverted golden bell is very special, like an upside-down lantern, planting a pot in the home can be said to be a very good embellishment. However, the upside-down Admiralty has higher requirements for the growth environment, and if you do not pay attention to prevention, diseases and insect pests are very likely to occur. The editor has sorted out for you about the common diseases and insect pests of hanging Admiralty upside down. Interested friends can learn about it together.


1. Grey mold

Botrytis cinerea occurs in rainy weather or when there is too much nitrogen fertilizer or not enough light. It mainly harms stems, leaves and flowers, resulting in water-like spots on the affected parts. If it is not prevented in time, the hyphae will gradually expand and be covered with gray hairs, and in serious cases, the plants will die.

Solution: at the initial stage of the disease, 65% zinc or 50% carbendazim and other new agents with 500 times solution were sprayed every 7 to 10 days, continuously for 3 times, and pay attention to ventilation and light, so as to make the plant grow well and improve the plant's disease resistance. After the disease, the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off and treated in time to reduce the source of the disease.

2. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew mainly harms stems, leaves and buds. After being infected, there is a layer of white powder on the surface, which shrinks the leaves and makes the flowers smaller.

Solution: pay attention to ventilation and light, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improve plant disease resistance. After the onset of the disease, spray 70% Tuobu body liquid or 2500 times liquid strychnine or other appropriate agents in time, spray every 10 days, spray 2 times 3 times continuously.

3. Root rot

Root rot is a physiological disease, which often occurs in too much watering or continuous rainy days and hot summer, resulting in hypoxia, causing root blackening and rot, light branches and leaves wilting, and severe death of the whole plant.

Solution: after the onset of the disease, irrigate the rhizosphere soil with 50% of 300-fold solution in time. At the same time, pay attention to ventilation and cooling in summer, and basin soil watering should not be too much.

Fusarium wilt

Solution: 1000-fold solution of 10% antimicrobial agent 401 was applied to soil control.

5. Rust

Solution: spray control with 20% withered rust EC 400 times.


White whitefly

White whitefly mainly harms the tender leaves of the golden bell and absorbs mesophyll juice; after hatching, the nymphs are fixed on the back of the leaves, piercing and sucking, causing the leaves to curl and dry up. In addition, the honeydew secreted by whitefly can easily cause soot disease after contaminating the leaves.

Solution: spray 1000 times of omethoate or 2000 times of chlorhexidine in time when insect pests are found. Spray once every 7 days, spray for 3 or 4 times in a row, pay attention to both the positive and negative sides of the blade.

Aphids, red spiders

Aphids, red spiders and other pests mainly absorb leaves, buds and flower leaves, affecting the normal growth and development, and the whole plant dies in serious cases.

Solution: spray with 1, 000 times dimethoate solution, 10% dimethoate solution or 2000 times aphid pine solution.

Although hanging the golden bell upside down has higher requirements for the environment, it is not difficult to raise a healthy and beautiful inverted golden bell as long as you are familiar with the growth properties of the inverted golden bell.

The efficacy and function of Dioscorea angustifolia Culture method of hanging bell flower

The bell flower, also known as the inverted golden bell, is a beautiful ornamental plant. it is a perennial semi-shrub with erect stems, originally produced only in Mexico, and later introduced to all parts of the world, and now it is a common green potted plant indoors. Unlike other indoor plants, bell flowers have certain medicinal effects. What are the efficacy and effects of bell flowers? What are the breeding methods of bell flower? Let's go with the editor to get to know it.

The efficacy and function of hanging bell flower:

When it comes to the efficacy and function of the bell flower, in addition to the ornamental function of conventional plants, it also has outstanding medicinal effects, which can treat falls and injuries. Its specific function is to take a look at the following introduction:

1. The bell flower can be enjoyed by people:

For people to watch is an important effect of hanging bell flowers, its strange shape, colorful, give people an elegant and beautiful feeling, can be made into potted plants for people to watch, put it on the balcony, windowsill and study can play a role in beautifying the environment and pleasing the body and mind.

2. The medicinal effect of Dianzhong flower:

The whole plant of Dianzhong flower can be used in medicine. After being used in medicine, it tastes slightly astringent and flat, and it can return to the liver meridian and kidney meridian. Expelling wind, removing dampness and dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain are its most important drug efficacy. It is usually used in the treatment of diseases such as human rheumatic pain and postpartum abdominal pain, mainly in decoction, and the dosage will not exceed 60 grams.

3. The bell flower can cure the injury caused by falling and hitting:

The hanging bell flower has the effect of dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain, and has a good therapeutic effect on human injury. During the treatment, the fresh leaves of the bell flower can be taken, mashed vigorously and applied directly to the injured site. After several times, the symptoms of pain and swelling can disappear. In addition, this method can also be used for the treatment of human low back pain and joint pain, and the analgesic effect is particularly excellent.

Such as the above is a brief introduction to the efficacy and function of bell flowers, I believe that through the above introduction, we will have a further understanding and understanding of the role of bell flowers, of course, because the role of this kind of bell flowers is more prominent, so more and more people breed at home, breeding bell flowers is not easy, need to pay attention to methods, in the end what are the breeding methods of bell flowers? Let's take a look at the following introduction:

The culture method of hanging bell flower:

1. Soil requirements:

The substrate of potted bell flower should be cultivated with fertile, loose and well-drained soil. generally, rotten leaf soil and Gaza loam soil can be evenly mixed with rotten organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, without the need to apply base fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. The clayey and heavily consolidated soil is disadvantageous to the growth of the bell flower, and it is not suitable for the seedlings that have just survived cuttage.

2. Lighting conditions:

Although the bell flower likes the shade, it does not mean that it does not need sunlight. In the case of lack of sunlight, it is not only easy to grow, but also causes the flower color to fade and the flower to become smaller or even fall into buds. Therefore, in the process of planting bell flowers in the family, they can be placed on a sunny balcony or terrace for photosynthesis.

3. Temperature conditions:

The temperature for the growth of the bell flower is 10 ℃ 28 ℃, and the temperature in summer should not exceed 30 ℃, so the cooling work should be done well in summer. Sufficient sunshine is required in winter, and the temperature of the culture soil should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it will cause frost damage and heat preservation measures must be taken. In addition, we should pay attention to ventilation in both winter and summer.

4. Watering method:

It is necessary to grasp the principle of dry and wet when watering hanging bell flowers. In dry spring and hot summer seasons, you can spray water on branches and leaves twice a day. If you water too much, it will cause stagnant water in the basin soil. If the room temperature is low in winter, watering should be strictly controlled and fertilization should be stopped to prevent rotting roots. Loosen the soil in time after each fertilization and watering to facilitate ventilation.

5. Rational fertilization:

Because the bell flower grows fast and blossoms many times, it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently during the growth period, applying thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer about every 10 days, and applying liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium once a month during flowering, but stop fertilizing in high temperature season. The basin soil should be dry before fertilization, and spray water with fine sprinkler once after fertilization to avoid leaf rot.

Culture method of keel flower | Culture method of keel flower | appreciation of keel flower picture

Culture method of NO.1 keel flower | appreciation of keel flower picture

The dragon bone flower is also known as Bawang flower, sword flower, seven-star sword flower and so on. It is a plant of the genus Opuntia, so its flower is also very similar to other flowers of the cactus family, such as epiphyllum, arrow lotus, and cactus. The stem of the dragon bone flower is stout, dark green, with trigonous edges, and its flowers are white, large in shape and faint fragrant. Now let's take a look at the picture of keel flower.

Enjoy all kinds of decorative flowers in the picture of keel flower! Highlight the high-end taste of life! Click to view > > for many decorated office buildings and family houses, the content of formaldehyde and other toxic gases is relatively high, perhaps many people do not know it, the dragon bone flower has the role of adsorbing this kind of toxic gases, is a good air purification plant. So if you master the breeding method of keel flower, you can raise your own pot and put it in the office or home. Potted keel flower is a climbing plant with epiphytic habits, which can be used outdoors to grow on tree trunks, walls and other buildings. Indoor cultivation of keel flower culture methods are mainly as follows: 1. Cultivation soil: keel flower likes loose, fertile, humus-rich soil. Pot soil can be mixed with 1 part of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of coarse sand and mixed with a small amount of mature chicken manure or cow manure. Dragon bone flower picture appreciation 2, light and temperature: summer should be kept in a semi-overcast environment. In winter, sufficient light is required, put in the sunny place indoors, the temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, and freezing injury is easy to occur when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃. 3. Water application and fertilization: watering in spring should not be excessive, watering should be done every 10-15 days, but water should be sprayed to the plant every day to increase air humidity. It should be watered once a day in summer, preferably in the morning or evening. The basin soil should be kept moderately dry in winter, and plastic film can be used to cover the basin to protect the overwintering. The overwintering cultivation environment should maintain both high temperature and high air humidity. In addition, in order to prevent the keel plant from aging prematurely and maintain the vitality of its base, attention should be paid to frequent pruning. Cut off some old branches that are not very flowering, and at the same time remove the weak buds growing below, so that the terminal buds are fully developed, elongated, and bloom more. After reading the introduction of keel flower and enjoying the picture of keel flower, do you know something about keel flower? do you know how to raise keel flower?

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Expansion: culture method of keel flower / culture method of keel flower / pruning of culture method of keel flower

The culture method of NO.2 dragon boat flower, the role of dragon boat flower in the center at home

The collocation of dragon boat flowers and home style

Dragon Boat Flower is also known as Shandan, Zimu, Yingdan, Bairi Red, Xiandan Flower, Yingdan Flower, Hydrangea and so on. Dragon Boat Flower has beautiful plant shape, dense flowering, rich flowers and colors, and is an important potted woody flower. Dragon boat flower is one of our common flower plants, which is often seen in roadside flower beds, and some people choose potted plants to decorate their homes.

Dragon Boat Flower is the national flower of Myanmar, with low plants, beautiful flowers and leaves, rich flowers and colors, such as red, white, orange, yellow, two colors and so on. Planted in the open field in southern China, it is suitable for the layout of courtyards, hotels and scenic spots, with scattered height, bright colors, excellent landscape effect and long flowering period, and can blossom from March to December every year.

So far, it is widely used for potted plants at home and abroad, with small Qiao Lingmei and luxuriant flowers and leaves. Potted plants are especially suitable for windowsill, balcony and living room, and the blossoms are stable and heroic as a whole. Put a pot of dragon boat flowers in the customer to show that although a petal is small and shaped like a melon seed shell, it is numerous in number, and it is often clustered on the branches, and the color is bright red, like a beautiful picture of flaming flames, becoming one of the beautiful potted plants to decorate the family.

The bedroom is also the key decoration object of dragon boat flowers, showing a lovely style. Dragon boat flower is a very lovely plant. If you see it every day when you wake up and before you go to bed, you must feel much better, because it is lovely.

Dragon boat flower [dragon boat flower] the culture method of dragon boat flower, the role of dragon boat flower in the center at home

Fengshui Application of Dragon Boat Flower

According to the custom handed down in Chinese history, dragon boat rowing activities are held every year during the Dragon Boat Festival. In order to avoid evil spirits, exorcise demons, go to the disease and seek good luck, the people put the flower and calamus and moxa grass on the doorpost, and over time they called the flower the dragon boat flower. On the other hand, people in southern Fujian, Chaoshan, Guangdong, and other places used to hang bunches of "Wu Rui" tied with red ropes at the lintel, door knocker and even under the eaves of the Dragon Boat Festival, that is, wormwood, calamus, pomegranate, garlic and dragon boat flowers, which are used to ward off evil spirits and exorcise the epidemic. Therefore, the dragon boat flower is considered to be a kind of auspicious plant which can ward off evil spirits and accept happiness and protect the health of the family. At present, the dragon boat flower is still the national flower of Myanmar.

Dragon boat flower is native to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other mountains and fields in China. Its plant shape is beautiful, the flowers are always in bloom, and they gather on the branches in clusters. The flowers of red varieties are like burning flames, which can be used as potted plants or used in gardens in the south, and mainly as potted plants in greenhouse in the north. Dragon boat flower is also a kind of potted flower which is very suitable for family planting.

Dragon boat flower [dragon boat flower] the culture method of dragon boat flower, the role of dragon boat flower in the center at home

The role of Dragon Boat Flower in the Center at Home

The dragon boat flower, the evergreen small shrub, the old stem black has the crack, the tender stem smooth glabrous. Leaves opposite, almost sessile, thinly leathery or papery, Corolla lobes and stamens 4. The berries are nearly spherical and red and black when ripe.

Dragon Boat Flower has medicinal value, such as dispersing blood stasis and hemostasis, regulating menstruation, reducing blood pressure, clearing liver, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. For hypertension, irregular menstruation, muscle and bone fractures, sores. Root, stem: pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis, stomachache, rheumatic joint pain, fall injury.

Dragon boat flowers are quite common in southern China and are now widely planted in tropical cities for garden viewing; their flowers are bright red and beautiful and have a long flowering period. Dragon boat flowers are beautiful in shape, dense in flowering, rich in flowers and colors, and have flowers to enjoy all the year round. It is an important potted woody flower widely used for potted ornamental plants. Dragon boat flowers like the hot, humid and sunny environment, it is best to be exposed to the sun when planting, and the soil surface planted in the pot can be watered after the soil surface is obviously dry. Planted in the open field in the south, suitable for courtyards, balconies and scenic spots. Potted plants are especially suitable for window sill, balcony and guest room furnishings.

Dragon boat flower [dragon boat flower] the culture method of dragon boat flower, the role of dragon boat flower in the center at home

The Culture method of Dragon Boat Flower

Dragon boat flowers like warmth, moisture and plenty of sunshine. It is an indicator plant of acid soil, which needs to be cultivated in acid soil, which requires loose soil and good drainage. During the growth period, attention should be paid to fertilization and coring to promote its branching. Dragon boat flowers like a warm, moist and sunny environment. Not resistant to cold, semi-overcast, moisture and strong light. The optimum temperature for growth was 15-25 ℃, 24-30 ℃ from March to September, and 13-18 ℃ from September to March of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 0 ℃, and it is easy to suffer frost damage if it is too low. Dragon boat flowers like to be wet and afraid of dry.

Dragon boat flowers need plenty of sunshine, especially during the growing period of stems and leaves, the leaves are green and shiny, which is conducive to the formation of inflorescences, neat flowering and bright colors. It can also grow in semi-overcast environment, but the leaves are light green, lack of luster, few flowers and light color. However, proper shading in strong light in summer can prolong the flowering period.

Dragon boat flower propagation with sowing, striping, cutting can be used. Cutting can be carried out in the growing season, especially from June to July. Take 2-3 nodes of one-year-old branches. Striping is carried out at the beginning of spring. For the newly propagated seedlings, keep them in a semi-shady place after potting, and pay attention to spraying water to humidify them when the weather is dry. When the seedling grows to about 15 cm, it is necessary to pick the heart to promote the lateral branches and make the plant type plump. It is better to carry out it from June to July. Select semi-mature branches, insert them into the sand bed, and take root 40-50 days after insertion. The rooting period can be shortened by soaking the cuttings in 0.5% indolebutyric acid solution for 3 seconds. Seeds are collected in winter and sown in spring. The suitable temperature for germination is 22-24 ℃, and germinates 20-25 days after sowing. When 3-4 pairs of true leaves grow, the seedlings can be transferred to 8 cm pot. The plants with many branches and dense branches were peeled 20 cm away from the top and wrapped with peat and film, which could heal and take root for more than 2 months.

Dragon boat flower [dragon boat flower] the culture method of dragon boat flower, the role of dragon boat flower in the center at home

Brief introduction of Dragon Boat Flower

Dragon boat flower, also known as Yingdan, Xiandan flower, hundred-day red, is a plant of the genus Rubiaceae. The plant is low, beautiful flowers and leaves, rich flowers and colors, such as red, orange, yellow, white, two colors and so on. Beautiful plant shape, dense flowering, rich flowers and colors, year-round flowers to enjoy, is an important potted woody flower, is the national flower of Myanmar, the plant is low, beautiful flowers and leaves, rich colors, such as red, orange, yellow, white, two-color and so on. Dragon boat flowers are beautiful in shape, dense in flowering, rich in flowers and colors, and have flowers to enjoy all the year round. It is an important potted woody flower. It is widely used to watch potted plants.

The dragon boat flower, the evergreen small shrub, the old stem black has the crack, the tender stem smooth glabrous. Leaves opposite, almost sessile, thinly leathery or papery, Corolla lobes and stamens 4. The berries are nearly spherical and red and black when ripe. Flowers 1-2 cm in diameter, Corolla tube 3-3.5 cm long, with 4 lobes, Corolla red or orange-red. Flowering in summer. Leaves opposite, sometimes 4 whorls due to very short distance between internodes, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, 6-13 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, apex obtuse or rounded, base mucronate or rounded. Inflorescences terminal, many flowered, shortly pedunculate; peduncle 5-15 mm long, red with branches, rarely powdery pilose, often supported by 2 small leaves at base; bracts and bracteoles minute, paired at base of receptacle; flowers pedicellate or absent. Dragon boat flowers and fruits subglobose, twin, with a groove in the middle, red and black at maturity; seeds long and 4.5 mm wide, convex above and concave below. Florescence from May to July

Expansion: Dragon boat flower culture method / dragon boat flower culture / home culture to make money

Expansion: Dragon boat flower culture method / dragon boat flower culture / home culture to make money

NO.3 dragon spit bead picture, safflower dragon spitting bead culture method

Longtuzhu in Europe and the United States, often used as a potted plant, dotted with summer balconies and courtyards, its posture is beautiful, bright and novel. Because of its tenacious vitality, a large number of flowers and few diseases and insect pests, if it is pruned in time after the summer flower fade, it is expected to bloom twice before the end of the year, which is the most suitable for home planting.

Pictures of dragon spitting beads, culture methods of safflower dragon spitting beads-

[plant archives]-

English name: Dragon spitting beads

Scientific name: Clerodendrum thomsonae

Aliases: Kirin spit pearl, pearl treasure grass, pearl treasure lotus, smelly peony vine, Hedyotis diffusa

Family: Verbenaceae of Verbenaceae

Genus: Clerodendrum L.

Distribution of origin: Senegal, native to tropical West Africa, western Cameroon.

Morphological features: perennial evergreen vines. Plant height 2-5 m, stem quadrangular; leaves opposite, oblong. Cymes axillary; blossoms in spring and summer, the flowers are very beautiful, the calyx is white and large, the upper part of the Corolla is crimson, and the red Corolla protrudes from the white sepals, just like a dragon spitting beads, hence the name. The fruit is fleshy globose, blue, with large seeds, long oval and black.

The growth habits of dragon spitting beads-

◆ Longtuzhu is native to the tropics. It likes warm, humid, sunny environment and is not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature for the growth of Longtuzhu is 18-30 ℃ from February to October and 13-16 ℃ from October to February of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 8 ℃, otherwise the leaves will fall lightly and the young stems will wither if they are heavy.

◆ dragon spit beads are sensitive to water. Stem and leaf growth period to keep saline soil moist, but not excessive watering, too much water will cause only long vines without flowering, and even leaves yellowing, withering, root decay and death. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered and properly shaded.

◆ dragon spit pearl needs sufficient light in winter, when the light is insufficient, it will cause vine growth and no flowering. Strong light can promote flower bud differentiation and development. It should not be placed for a long time in the dark.

◆ soil uses rich, loose and well-drained sandy loam. Potted soil is cultivated or a mixture of peat soil and coarse sand.

The culture method of safflower dragon spitting beads-

◆ planting: potted dragon spits beads, usually change the pot every one or two years, the time can be in early spring or after the flowers fade. First, the drainage hole was covered with broken tiles, and then a small amount of bone powder was added as base fertilizer, and then loaded with new culture soil (4 parts of rotten soil, 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of sandy soil). The plants were planted and 2-3cm was left along the mouth for fertilization and watering. After changing the basin, pour through the water, put the seedlings slowly in the shade, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

◆ fertilization: do not fertilize too much, apply mature thin cake fertilizer and water every 7-10 days in flowering season, 3-4 times in a row. If yellowing is found, 0.2% ferrous sulfate can be applied to make the leaves gradually change from yellow to green.

◆ shaping: to shape the beautiful plant type of dragon spitting beads, when the cuttings or sowing seedlings grow to 15cm, cut branches 10 cm away from the pot mouth to promote the germination of sturdy new branches. During the growing period, we should strictly control the height of the branches and pay attention to topping and picking the heart, so that the branches will be neat and blossom in the future. Half a month after picking the heart, the height was controlled by the application of Bijiu or Daizhuangsu, which reached the height of short plant, leaf Mao and more flowers. In spring, the upper branches are cut short by changing pots, so that the plants are round, with many branches and flowers.

Conclusion: the appearance of the dragon spitting beads is very strange, delicate and lovely at the same time, but not delicate, with a tenacious vitality to resist the heat. Have you learned the breeding method of safflower dragon spitting beads?

[more Encyclopedia of plants]

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Culture method of NO.4 Dragon Boat Flower

Dragon boat flower, also known as Yingdan, Xiandan, Baizhihong, Shandan, Yingdan, Hydrangea, Baizhihong, beautiful plant shape, dense flowering, rich flowers and colors, year-round flowers to enjoy, is an important potted woody flowers, is the national flower of Myanmar, the plant is low, beautiful flowers and leaves, rich colors, there are red, orange, yellow, white, two-color and so on. The dragon boat blossoms for a long time and can blossom from March to December every year.

Dragon boat flowers like a warm, moist and sunny environment. Not resistant to cold, semi-overcast, moisture and strong light. The optimum temperature for growth was 15-25 ℃, 24-30 ℃ from March to September, and 13-18 ℃ from September to March of the following year. The winter temperature is not lower than 0 ℃, and it is easy to suffer frost damage if it is too low. On the contrary, the dragon boat flower is resistant to high temperature and grows as usual above 32 ℃.

Generally speaking, the dragon boat flower has a strong adaptability to temperature. Dragon boat flowers like to be wet and afraid of dry. Sufficient water is needed during the growing period of stems and leaves to keep the basin soil moist, which is beneficial to shoot germination and leaf growth. However, if it is too wet for a long time, it is easy to cause part of the root system to rot and affect the growth and flowering. If the soil is too dry or wet when dry, and the water supply is not timely, the phenomenon of fallen leaves will occur.

Dragon boat flowers need plenty of sunshine, especially during the growing period of stems and leaves, the leaves are green and shiny, which is conducive to the formation of inflorescences, neat flowering and bright colors. It can also grow in semi-overcast environment, but the leaves are light green, lack of luster, few flowers and light color. However, proper shading in strong light in summer can prolong the flowering period.

The acid sandy loam with fertile, loose and good drainage is the best soil for the cultivation of dragon boat flower. The mixed soil of culture soil, peat soil and coarse sand is suitable for pot cultivation, and the pH is 5-5.5.

The culture method of NO.5 keel and the effect of fengshui on keel efficacy and picture of keel flower

Abstract: we all think that things linked to dragons are auspicious, so what kind of good omen will be the keel? What kind of home fengshui application does keel have? Key words: the culture method of keel, the effect of fengshui on keel, the effect of keel flower, the picture of keel flower is generally linked to dragon, we all think it is auspicious and desirable, so what kind of good omen will keel be? What kind of home fengshui application does keel have? The culture method of keel and the effect of keel fengshui the efficacy and picture of keel flower dragon fruit is actually the fruit of a plant called keel, which is very common in Guangdong. The so-called keel is a plant of the genus Cactus. The keel mentioned here is a plant of the genus Cactus. It is also called sword flower, measuring flower, overlord flower, overlord whip and so on. Its stem is very long, green, fleshy, often shrinks into nodes, has 3 broad ribs, the edges are wavy, the leaves degenerate into small pores in the armpits of the edges, use air roots to climb on shrubs or trees or walls, flowers are solitary, open at night, close during the day, white, large flowers, flowering in summer and autumn. Fleshy berries oval, about 10 cm long, red, scaly, nearly smooth when ripe, commonly known as dragon fruit. 1, the basic information of the keel is a climbing shrub, plant height 3~6cm, stem pole extension, about 8 meters or more long, green, fleshy, often contracted into nodes, stem triangular prism, much branched, margin with waves, after growing into an angle, with a small depression, long 1 to 3 inconspicuous spines, with aerial roots, the use of air roots attached to tree trunks, walls or other objects. Flowers large, white, sepals at the base of the synthesis of long tubular, wired lanceolate large scales, the periphery of the flower yellowish green, white inside, flowering in summer, opening at night, very short time, fragrant. Its fruit is dragon fruit. Suitable for planting, potted, or as a fence plant. Native to tropical and subtropical America, it is cultivated in other tropical and subtropical regions. China is mainly distributed in Guangdong and Guangxi, with Guangzhou, Zhaoqing, Foshan and Lingnan as the main producing areas. Its flower products are very popular in domestic and foreign markets, mainly used in the production of flower soup, to achieve the purpose of strengthening and tonifying health. Keel breeding method and keel fengshui effect of keel flower efficacy and picture 2, keel and home style with keel, in the application of home, in addition to the role of evil spirits, but also has a very good purification effect, for the newly renovated family and office buildings between the house, formaldehyde, benzene, radon, ammonia, TVOC has a good adsorption effect. However, we should pay more attention to planting the keel indoors, because there are sharp thorns on the fleshy stem of the keel, and the white milk in the stem is poisonous, especially not into the eye, so we should pay special attention to the location of home training in order to avoid stabbing and poisoning in children and the elderly. In addition, the keel flower is drought-resistant, sun-resistant, suitable for sunny places, and not suitable for indoor darker places, so the keel flowers for indoor viewing should be placed close to the window of the sun as far as possible. The flower of the keel is large and domineering, and the keel is of the cactus family, cactus, which gives people the impression that it is a plant with strong vitality growing in the desert, so plant a keel in the home and send it to the family to add domineering feeling and a lot of vitality. Generally speaking, the keel is often planted in the courtyard or corner, and the keel is planted in the corner and edge of the exhibition greenhouse, which can show the tropical rain forest scenery and can also be used as a fence plant. Potted plants can be used as rootstocks for grafting other cactus plants. 3. Water application and fertilization: keel is a drought-tolerant plant, so watering in spring should not be excessive, watering should be done every 10-15 days, but water should be sprayed to the plant every day to increase air humidity. It should be watered once a day in summer, preferably in the morning or evening. The basin soil should be kept moderately dry in winter, and plastic film can be used to cover the basin to protect the overwintering. The pruning method of bone flower: first, cut off the old branches that rarely bloom. Second, make use of the advantage of exuberant new buds and more blossoms at the top to remove the weak buds growing below, so that the apical buds can fully develop and elongate, and give full play to the apical advantage. Bawang flower blossoms from May to November, about 7-8 stages, with an interval of about 20 days. The size of the flower is 25-30 days after budding. At this time, it is also the best harvest time. The best harvest time is the morning or afternoon after blooming. The flowers on the market and for export are dried flowers processed. The cultivation soil of keel flowerpot should be mixed with humus soil, garden soil and river sand, and then mixed with a small amount of bone powder or plant ash. It can be cultivated in the open field in South China and South Fujian, often planted next to walls or trees for climbing. The northern area is only suitable for indoor cultivation, need to be potted, but there should be sufficient light, otherwise it is easy to grow poorly in the dark for a long time. There should be sufficient fertilizer and water in the growing season, generally applying rotten liquid fertilizer every half a month. The suitable temperature for growth is from 25 ℃ to 30 ℃. Move into the place with sufficient light before entering winter, control watering and stop fertilization in winter, and keep the temperature at about 8 ℃ to survive the winter safely. It is sensitive to low temperature, and the stem nodes are easy to rot under the condition of less than 5 ℃. The measuring ruler has aerial roots and can be adsorbed on walls, ancient trees or overhanging rocks. When the fleshy stem stretches, attention should be paid to the timely induction and arrangement according to the ornamental requirements, so as to improve the ornamental effect. The culture method of keel and the effect of fengshui on keel and picture 5. The action of keel can be used in medicine and has obvious curative effect on the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. it has the function of clearing away heat and moisturizing the lung, removing phlegm and relieving cough, nourishing and nourishing beauty, is an excellent tonic soup. Cantonese people are used to using it to cook pig bones, add dates or a little Luohanguo, and cook it for one or two hours to become old hot soup, which is both sweet, fragrant and beneficial, especially suitable for long-term smokers and drinkers. It can also be used to purify the air and has a good adsorption effect on formaldehyde, benzene, radon, ammonia and TVOC. The efficacy and function of keel flower, also known as overlord flower or sword flower, belongs to the cactus family. The dragon bone flower, which is rich in the world-famous longevity hometown of Dashi Mountain in Bama, Guangxi, has a superior geographical location and good climatic conditions, and is a local valuable specialty. Dragon bone flower is rich in nutritional value and medicinal value. According to medicine, dragon bone flower has obvious effect on the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It has the effect of clearing away heat and moisturizing the lung, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, nourishing and nourishing beauty. The local people are used to using it to cook pig foot soup and pig bone soup, which tastes sweet and fragrant and is an excellent tonic soup. How to eat: 1. Soak the keel flowers in hot water and tear them into small pieces and wash them. 2. Cut the pig's feet or bones into small pieces and float them in boiling water and add them to the soup pot. At the same time, add the prepared keel flower and the right amount of water, then add the right amount of salt, ginger slices and cooking wine and simmer for about 1 hour. The cultivation method of keel and the effect of keel fengshui effect of keel fengshui and picture 3. The fengshui application of keel everyone knows that there is a close relationship between plants and household fengshui. In ancient times, "every tree is auspicious to the house, the back is evil." it can be seen that the traditional fengshui believes that plants have a great influence on the fengshui of the house. Generally speaking, the places where fengshui has the function of prosperity, such as balcony plants, are relatively tall and sturdy, and the thicker the leaves are, the greener the greens are, the better, so the evergreen plants with large leaves in the strong position have the effect of thriving. In unfavorable directions, for example, if you look out of the balcony, the surrounding environment is bad, there is an angle nearby, the street is straight, the street is anti-bow, or facing temples, hospitals, cemeteries, and so on, plants that can ward off evil spirits must be placed. Usually, the difference between chemical evil spirit plants and thriving plants is that their stems or flowers and leaves have spines, so the placement of prickly plants such as cacti has the effect of "turning evil spirits", making them avoid giving up and protecting the home; as for other directions, it does not have much impact on any plant. Therefore, such as keel domineering and unique appearance of the plant, stem tall and straight upward growth, shaped like an upright dragon spine, full of power, the most suitable for placed in a disadvantageous position, the external evil spirit has a strong resistance effect. The culture method of keel and the effect of keel fengshui on the efficacy of keel flower and picture 4. The culture method of keel flower likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, and the plant turns yellow in direct sunlight. It can withstand drought, be afraid of low temperature and frost, the suitable temperature for growth is 25-35 ℃, and the winter overwintering temperature should not be lower than 7 ℃, otherwise it is easy to suffer frost damage and stem nodes are easy to rot. Like fertile loam with more humus, so we should pay attention to several points during cultivation: 1. Planting: it is better to use sandy loam rich in humus, so we can use 1 part of humus and 1 part of coarse sand mixed with a small amount of mature chicken manure or cow manure. 2, light and temperature: because the keel yellowed under the strong direct sunlight, it should be maintained in semi-overcast environment in summer, while in winter, it should be kept in the sunny place indoors, and the temperature should be kept above 10 ℃.