
Planting technique of cat shit melon

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting technique of cat shit melon

Cat shit melon is a kind of wild economic plant with great development value, also known as cat shit, ghost finger, cat shit tube, etc., is a deciduous shrub plant of the genus Mutong family, because its fruit is blue-purple and juicy after ripening, and its shape is very similar to cat shit, so it is commonly known as "cat shit melon" and has high planting value. Let's take a look at the planting technology of cat shit melon.

The planting environment of cat shit melon

Born in thickets on valley slopes or in shady and humid places next to deep gullies at 900-2200 meters above sea level, Maoshou melon is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and southwestern provinces and regions. It is a shallow-rooted tree species with light-loving characteristics. It must be cultivated in places with sufficient sunshine, requiring deep, fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation in order to obtain high yield, stable yield and high quality. Soil acidity and alkalinity choose slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, topsoil requires more humus.

Sowing techniques of Cat shit Melon

1. Seed treatment: the seeds of cat dung melon matured at the end of September, and the soft ripe or open fruits were selected in the early and middle of October. The picked berries were washed and rubbed off the pulp in time, and stored at room temperature from October to November for 30 to 35 days. Let the seeds complete morphological post-ripening and stratified germination.

2. Seed sowing: the suitable planting time for cat dung melon is from April to October. When the sun is inclined in cloudy and rainy days or sunny afternoon, the row spacing is 20-25 cm. The plant spacing can be determined according to the fertility of the soil, the thickness of management, and the difficulty of drainage and irrigation. After sowing the seeds in the ditch, cover the soil 2cm to 3cm and suppress it.

Planting techniques of cat shit melon

1. Land selection and land preparation: selecting mountain or woodland for sowing, seedling raising or hole sowing can make full use of the advantages of woodland organic matter content, fertility, buffering capacity to temperature and water, and soil physical and chemical properties better than farmland soil. Deforestation cultivation should be carried out one year before sowing, and it is very beneficial to fully decompose organic matter and increase soil available nutrients, to improve soil physical and chemical properties, to coordinate the ratio of soil solid, liquid and gas, to eliminate disease sources and pests, and to promote growth.

2. Scaffolding climbing: cat dung melon is a winding climbing vine. Camellia oleifera, citrus or small tree species with obvious slow growth are selected as climbing frames, and the living climbing objects are trimmed and intercropped with cat shit melons according to the row distance of 3 meters. The artificial climbing bracket can be made of double-row cement columns or double-row wood, with a vertical row of columns every 4 to 6 meters.

3. Seedling management: after the seedlings of cat dung melon are unearthed, the cover grass should be removed in time, and weeds should be removed and seedlings should be weeded. After the first true leaf is fully developed, the seedlings should be determined according to the plant spacing of 6 cm, topdressing for 1 and 2 times, and applying urea or compound fertilizer 300 kg / ha. Timely irrigation and drainage, drought watering, rain and waterlogging drainage. Diseases and insect pests in seedling stage are mainly caused by red body leafhopper, which should be controlled in time, otherwise it will lead to stem and rattan shortening.

4. Timely pruning: pruning of cat dung melon can significantly increase the diameter and volume of the previous mother stem, and improve the yield and quality of Aristolochia mandshurica in the same year. The field management work is carried out, such as setting up the first wire, tying it to the second wire and cutting off the small stems that are more than the second wire. In the middle of May, 2-3 new shoots were selected for each mother stem, and the shoot tips were removed when the 4th to 8th young leaves were removed, which was called 4-pruning or 2-pruning. It was trimmed once at an interval of about 5 days in mid-May and late May.

5. Disease control: the main diseases of cat dung melon are powdery rust, shortening, Fusarium wilt, rust and leaf spot, and the main pests are red body leafhopper, aphids, hairy insects, inchworm and so on. Comprehensive agricultural measures and chemical control should be taken to do a good job of seed, seedling and soil disinfection, timely ditch drainage, soil loosening and fertilization, timely removal of diseased plants and disinfection of disease holes with quicklime. Control the infection.