
Planting technique of Mimosa

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of Mimosa

Mimosa is native to China, and wild resources are distributed in the north and south of China, with a long history of cultivation. Now it is widely planted in Northeast China, but it is less planted in other areas, and it is still a rare vegetable. The coat of the cultivated Mimosa fruit is mostly green when it is not ripe and the coat of the fruit is yellow when it is ripe. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Mimosa.

Planting conditions of mimosa fruit

Mimosa is a perennial erect herb of Solanaceae, which is mainly produced in Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. It is often cultivated once a year, with strong adaptability, cold and heat tolerance, cool and humid climate, sunshine and no choice of soil, especially those native to Asia can grow normally in the temperature range of 3-42 ℃.

Propagation method of mimosa fruit

Rhizome vegetative propagation of shy fruit is a common method of artificial cultivation. Rhizome propagation has the advantages of fast propagation, easy to master, easy to protect seedlings, strong plants and so on. The rhizome with shy fruit has many adventitious buds. In the north, the rhizome of wild acid pulp was planed before and after the Qingming Festival, and the disease-free and pest-free rhizome was selected as "planting". The strong was better, cut into small segments of about 10 cm, each section with 2 to 3 adventitious buds, and the cut rhizome was sown in the ditch with a row spacing of about 50 cm and a plant spacing of 10 cm. Watering, water infiltration and then covered with 3 cm thick soil. To prevent ventilation and draining, rake the soil evenly, water it after suppression, and use iron rake to make the ditch into a flat bed. It can grow continuously for 4-5 years when the temperature is about 18 ℃ and seedlings emerge in 14-15 days.

Seedling raising technique of Mime Fruit

The main results are as follows: 1. The time of raising seedlings: the early-maturing cultivation of mimosa in spring is in the early summer. Because the production cost is not high and the economic benefit is remarkable, seedlings are raised in solar greenhouse or wind-blocked border from January to February, planted in the open field after late frost in the middle of April, and harvested from late May to June.

2. Nursery site selection: mimosa generally builds seedling beds in wind-barrier-sun beds or solar greenhouses, and the external temperature at the initial stage of seedling cultivation is relatively low. in order to increase the ground temperature, strict plastic film should be buckled 15-20 days before sowing, and grass seeds should be covered at night. The seedbed is 30000 kg per hectare of rotten organic fertilizer, turned and raked flat to make a flat bed. Water before sowing and sowing after the water seeps down.

3. Seed sowing: mimosa seeds can be soaked in 45 ℃ warm water, or soaked in 0.01% potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes to prevent seeds from carrying viruses and other germs. Then soak the seeds in clean water for 12 hours, remove them, germinate at a temperature of 20-30 ℃, wait for 80% of the seeds to whiten and then sow.

4. Post-sowing management: cover 0.5cm of soil after sowing, buckle the plastic film immediately, cover the grass seed at night, and increase the temperature of the seedbed. Keep 20: 25 ℃ during the day and 10: 15 ℃ at night. In the coldest season, the temperature of the seedbed should not be lower than 5 ℃.

5. Seedling management: after the emergence of the humble fruit, the seedlings were divided into two seedlings, except that the seedlings were too dense, concomitant and disabled. At the stage of 2 ~ 3 leaves, the seedlings were divided, and the row spacing was 10 cm × 10 cm. Keep the soil dry and wet at the seedling stage. At the seedling stage, the external temperature is low, the evaporation is small, but there is no need to water. At the seedling stage, the external temperature is getting higher and higher, and it can be watered for 7 to 10 days. If the seedling bed is short of fertilizer, compound fertilizer can be applied once, applying 100kg to 150kg per hectare.

Planting technique of Mimosa

1. Land selection and preparation: the vitality of shy fruit is very strong, the requirements for soil conditions are not strict, and it has the characteristics of wide adaptability and strong stress resistance. the soil is best in loam or sandy loam with fertile soil quality and good drainage. Ling at the top of the soil in early spring, suppress and preserve soil moisture, apply agricultural fertilizer in ridges, avoid sand, thin, depression.

2. Timely planting: per hectare of mature organic fertilizer 45000-75000 kg per hectare, turn deeply and rake flat to make a flat bed. The planting should be carried out after the late frost, and the suitable planting period should be when the first flower blossoms at the 6-7 leaf stage of the seedling. When planting, the seedlings should be raised carefully, less damage to the root system, in order to slow down the seedlings. The planting density is about 75000 plants per hectare, and the row spacing is 250.28cm × 6570cm.

3, reasonable topdressing: after planting slow seedlings, combined with watering to promote seedlings, 7500 kg of rotten human feces and urine or 160kg of urea should be applied in holes or ditches per hectare. After the expansion of the first fruit, the second fertilizer was applied with a compound fertilizer of 225,300kg per hectare to promote fruit development and plant growth. In the middle and later stage of harvest, fertilizer can be topdressing according to the plant growth, such as the base fertilizer is not enough to top compound fertilizer 300 kg.

4. Middle ploughing and watering: at the initial stage of planting, the shy fruit is ploughed once after each watering, so as to loosen the soil, increase the soil temperature and promote the development of root system. In the first flower and first fruit, combined with topdressing, middle tillage to cultivate the soil, so that the cultivation row into a ridge, prevent plant lodging, and conducive to irrigation and drainage. Weeding in time in the middle and later stage of growth. When planting the shy fruit, pour enough fixed planting water, slow the seedling to promote the seedling fertilizer and then pour a water, that is, the middle ploughing squatting seedling. After the end of squatting seedlings, properly water, keep the soil moist, one water every 5-7 days, and one water every 3-5 days in summer.

5. Plant adjustment: the shy fruit has many branches and strong creeping, so it must be set up. Generally, bamboo poles are inserted into the soil to form herringbone racks or hedge ledges. The plant is tied up manually for every 30 cm long. In order to inhibit vegetative growth, promote reproductive growth, avoid excessive branches and leaves affecting ventilation and light transmission, and avoid fruit delay, pruning and branching should be carried out in time.