
Planting techniques of melon in August

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Planting techniques of melon in August

August melon is the fruit of Akebia trifoliata of Akebia trifoliata, also known as cow cashew, dog cashew, August fried, September fried and so on. It is a pollution-free green food and is known as "native banana". Now it has been listed as a key development project by the relevant departments and has a very high cultivation value. Let's take a look at the melon planting technology in August.

Growth habits of melon in August

In August, melon likes shade and humidity and is relatively hardy. It often grows in the grass under low-altitude hillside forests, grows well in slightly acidic and humus yellow soil, and can adapt to neutral soil. Other communities and main accompanying plants are Liriodendron, lampstand tree, lacquer tree, big leaf ladle camphor, Jingjie flower, Jinshan pod, Niumqua, cat shit, bladder fruit, etc., distributed in Guizhou and Hunan. Among them, most of them are Tongren in Guizhou and Tianzi Mountain in Zhangjiajie, Hunan, melon ripe opening in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, Suoxiyu, Yangjiajie and other foothills, valleys and forest edge bushes are rich in wild resources.

Propagation techniques of melon in August

1. Seed propagation: in August, when the fruit is ripe from September to October, the fruit is picked, the flesh is eaten, and the seeds are sown in autumn. The seeds were first scrubbed with alkaline water, rinsed with clean water, drained and dried. The seeds were stored in sand for 50 to 70 days in November of the lunar calendar, and sowed in time in the ready-made seedbed at the beginning of the following spring and early February. Seed propagation is simple and easy, and the seedlings bred bear fruit late, usually after 3 years. It is generally not used in production.

2. Buried propagation: melon and rattan stems have strong sprouting power in August. 1-2-year-old branches are selected and buried in human soil. They can take root after 1 month, and can be propagated all the year round. Generally, it can blossom and bear fruit in the second year after planting.

3. Root-splitting propagation: root-splitting propagation in August is carried out before sprouting in early spring. A bag of August melons are divided into several plants by hand from the roots. The current result of planting in the current year without pruning the branches.

4. Cutting propagation: August melon can be cut all the year round, choose 1-2-year-old branches with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, cut them into branches 10 cm long, and cut them into the arranged seedbed, pay attention to water stains, shade and drought prevention. If there are conditions, ABT2 rooting powder can be used to soak branches and vines, and the survival rate can be increased to 100%.

Management of melon seedling stage in August

1. Planting time: planting according to the root growth of seedlings obtained by different propagation methods, watering thoroughly after planting, the field planting time of cutting seedlings and striping seedlings should be in spring and winter, spring planting should be before sprouting, winter planting should be after defoliation, cutting and striping propagation seedlings can be carried out in December or early March of the following year, and seed seedlings can be transplanted in all seasons of the year.

2. Planting techniques: the vertical projection from the point to the frame line is 150cm, digging a planting hole with a diameter of 30cm and a depth of 25cm. The soil dug out is mixed into half of the burrow of mature farm manure, and is cultivated into a steamed bread-shaped mound at the bottom of the hole. Put the seedlings in the hole, stretch the root system, and then backfill the remaining soil. The plant spacing should be 90 × 130cm, not random planting, must be standardized.

3. Seedling management: if cuttage propagation is adopted after sprouting, because it has not yet taken root and is unable to absorb water, it mainly depends on its own water supply in the cuttings, shading and watering should be done at this time to prevent cutting seedlings from drying up due to leaf water evaporation, especially in the south, there is a stage of high temperature between April and May, which is the highest death stage of cutting seedlings. At this time, the spray method can be used to achieve the purpose of cooling and moisturizing. Generally, the external conditions of striping propagation have no obvious effect on it, and the management is simple in the seedling stage. Sexual reproduction mainly uses seeds to raise seedlings, the method is mainly carried out in the greenhouse, the seedling stage management is relatively simple, as long as regular watering, the operation is very simple, but in the high temperature season should pay attention to ventilation to prevent the phenomenon of seedling burning.

4. Seedling management: weeding is the main management of seedlings obtained from seed nursery. After seed raising, cutting or striping, a small amount of base fertilizer should be applied in the planting hole during transplanting, but the base fertilizer should be evenly mixed with the soil. In case the fertilizer is too concentrated and affect the rooting and young root growth of cutting seedlings, it enters the seedling stage after fixed planting, which is the period of rapid growth of melons in August, and the requirements for water and fertilizer are relatively high. At this time, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied before sprouting, mainly farm fertilizer, while compound fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer.

Melon field management in August

1. Rational fertilization: before sprouting in early March and in the middle stage of plant growth (fruit expansion period) from June to July respectively, generally after planting, the first topdressing is applied, which is within 30 cm of each plant, digging shallow ditches with hoes and spades, spreading fertilizer in the ditches, watering small water immediately, sending fertilizer with water, and applying rapidly available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

2. Rational irrigation: when there is a shortage of water in August, artificial irrigation should be carried out. Before the summer rainy season comes, the drainage ditch of the melon planting land in August should be cleared in time, and the stagnant water should be eliminated in time.