
Is grapefruit cool or hot?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Is grapefruit cool or hot?

Pomelo is one of the common fruits, also known as pomelo, Wendan, fragrant Luan, Zhu Luan, purple, etc., is a citrus tree of Rutaceae. The pulp contains very rich vitamin C and insulin-like ingredients, so it has the effects of lowering blood sugar, lowering blood fat, losing weight, beautifying skin and nourishing appearance, etc. Let's take a look at whether grapefruit is cool or hot!

Is grapefruit cool or hot?

Grapefruit is cool. Pomelo taste sour, cold, belongs to a kind of cool food, can dispel summer heat drive heat, some dry cough, less phlegm people especially suitable to eat pomelo. Pomelo is rich in vitamins, which can fully supplement various trace elements needed by the human body, improve the immunity of the human body, and have the effect of moistening the intestines, so the elderly who are weak and cold or those who are prone to diarrhea should eat as little as possible. If there is no other discomfort, it is a good habit to eat an appropriate amount of grapefruit every day, which has a cosmetic effect, but it is best to eat an appropriate amount to avoid discomfort caused by excessive intake.

What are the common cold fruits?

Cool fruit refers to cold fruit, has the effect of heat solution, but can not eat more, otherwise harmful to the body, common cool fruit has melon, watermelon, pear, banana, kiwi fruit, persimmon, water chestnut, melon, pitaya, grapefruit and so on. Generally speaking, people with hot constitution have vigorous metabolism in summer, sympathetic nerve predominates, sweating more, often red face, dry mouth, easy irritability, easy constipation, especially like to eat cold things, so people with hot constitution can eat more cold fruits appropriately.

What are the common cold fruits?

Hot fruits refer to fruits with high calories and high sugar content. Common cool fruits include jujube, hawthorn, cherry, pomegranate, litchi, green fruit, durian, papaya, orange, ginkgo, etc. Deficiency-cold constitution of people with qi deficiency and spleen deficiency, low basal metabolic rate, less heat produced in the body, limbs even in summer are cold, pale than ordinary people, rarely thirsty, do not like to touch cold things, these people eat more warm fruit is undoubtedly a cold wonderful method.