
What kind of walnut is pecan?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What kind of walnut is pecan?

Hickory, also known as Juglans mandshurica, Juglans mandshurica, etc., is a deciduous tree of the walnut family. Because of its high nutritional value and unique taste and flavor, the fruit has been recognized by consumers and gradually become a popular high-grade nut. China is one of the places of origin, mainly produced in Tianmu Mountain area, Changbei District and Henglu Township at the junction of Zhejiang and Anhui, and suitable for growing in sparse forests in the foothills or valleys rich in humus.

The hickory tree is 10 to 20 meters tall, with a breast diameter of 30 to 60 centimeters, smooth bark, gray-white bark, thin branchlets and new branches densely covered with orange-yellow glands. The compound leaf is 16-30 cm long, the petiole is hairy and glandular when young, and then the hairs fall off gradually, and the leaf axis is densely hairy and not easy to fall off. The leaflet margin is serrulate, the upper midrib, lateral veins and leaf margin are pilose when young, and the lower veins are covered with persistent or deciduous hairs and orange glands. Lateral leaflets with short petiolules or almost sessile, lanceolate or Obovate-lanceolate, base cuneate or slightly rounded. Terminal leaflet with petiolule ca. 5 × 10 mm, homomorphic, equal or slightly larger than upper lateral leaflet.

The male catkin of the hickory tree is 3-striped into a bundle, and the inflorescence axis is pilose and glandular. Male flowers shortly stipitate, bracts narrow, long elliptic-linear, bracteoles triangular-ovate, stamens 2-7 inserted on narrow receptacle, anthers hairy. Female spikes erect, inflorescence rachis densely covered with glands, with 1-3 female flowers, female flowers ovate or broadly elliptic. The fruit is Obovate to the base, the exocarp is leathery after drying, the core of the fruit is Obovate or elliptic-ovate, the endocarp is hard grayish brown, and there is no gap in the septum and wall. It blossoms from April to May and the fruit ripens in September.

The hickory kernel is crisp and sweet with a strong aroma, which can be extracted from oil and fried, and can also be used as a seasoning for making candies and pastries. The nuts contain 7.8-9.6% protein, more than 7 kinds of essential amino acids and more than 25%. It also contains 22 kinds of trace elements needed by the human body, of which calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron are very rich. Each kilogram of walnut kernel is equal to 9 kilograms of fresh milk or 5 kilograms of eggs and 2 kilograms of beef, and is more easily absorbed by the human body than that of milk, eggs and beef. It also has the effects of moistening lung and replenishing qi, nourishing blood and relieving asthma, moistening dryness and resolving phlegm to remove deficiency and cold.

Carya cathayensis shell can be made into activated carbon, shell, peel, branches and leaves can produce natural plant fuel, involucre can extract tannin, wood can be used for furniture and military industry. The hickory tree has a straight trunk, a wide oval crown, a well-developed root system and resistance to water and wet. it can be planted alone or in clusters on lakes and lawns, and it is suitable for shade trees and street trees. it is also suitable for afforestation along river banks and plain areas. for very good urban and rural greening tree species and fruit trees, economic forest can be built on both sides of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.