
Where is the origin of mango?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Where is the origin of mango?

Mango is a large evergreen tree of the Lacqueraceae mango family, also known as Mameng, Maomengguo, Mango, Wangguo, etc., one of the famous tropical fruits, contains vitamin A precursor carotene is rare in all fruits, vitamin C content is not low, minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients are also its main nutrients, let's take a look at where the mango is produced!

Where is the origin of mango?

Mango is native to India and is mainly distributed in India, Bangladesh, Indochina Peninsula and Malaysia. It was born in the forests of slopes, river valleys or wilderness at an altitude of 200,1350 meters above sea level. Mango has been widely cultivated all over the world, and more than 100 varieties have been cultivated. China is mainly produced in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan and other places, and more than 40 varieties have been cultivated in China.

The producing environment of mango

1. Temperature: mango likes warmth and is not resistant to frost. The optimum temperature for growth is 25: 30 ℃, which grows slowly below 20 ℃. Leaves and inflorescences will stop growing below 10 ℃, and nearly ripe fruits will suffer cold damage. The effective temperature for growth is 18-35 ℃, the optimum temperature for shoot growth is 24-29 ℃, and the daily average temperature for fruit setting and young fruit growth is higher than 20 ℃.

2. Illumination: mango is a light-loving fruit tree. Sufficient light can promote flower bud differentiation, blossom and fruit setting, improve fruit quality and improve appearance. Usually, the single plant in the sunny or open environment of the crown blossoms more, the fruit setting rate is high, there are too many branches and leaves, the crown is closed, the mango with insufficient light blossoms and bears less, and the appearance and quality of the fruit are poor. Through shaping and pruning bentgrass, the light conditions in the garden and trees can be improved to increase the yield and prolong the high yield period.

3. Moisture: mango grows well in the area with annual rainfall of 700mm to 2000mm, and the uneven distribution of annual rainfall in South China often affects the growth and development. In the florescence and early fruiting stage, if the air is too dry, it is easy to cause falling flowers and fruit, and too much Rain Water leads to rotten flowers and poor pollination and fertilization. rainfall in summer is too concentrated, which often leads to serious fruit diseases, and the autumn drought after harvest affects the germination and growth of autumn shoot mother branches.

4. Soil: mango has no strict requirements on soil, and mango can be cultivated in areas below 600 meters above sea level. However, the soil layer is deep, the groundwater level is less than 3 meters, good drainage, slightly acidic loam or sandy loam is better.

Cultivated varieties of mango

1. Gui Qi Mang: Gui Qi Mang is also known as Gui re 82, commonly known as Gui Qi Mang, the tree potential is medium, the branch blossoms later, it is a late-maturing variety, and the mature period is mid-late August with high and stable yield.

2. Tainong 1: Tainong No.1 is a new dwarf and precocious variety bred by Haydn and Ai Wen in Fengshan Tropical Horticulture Branch of Taiwan Province. After being introduced into Hainan Province, the trial planting in Sanya showed high yield. Three years after the grafted seedlings were planted, the yield per plant could reach 510kg or higher, matured from the end of April to the first ten days of May, and the weight of single fruit was 150kg / 200g. It is the main variety in Hainan because of its strong resistance to anthracnose, resistance to storage and transportation and long shelf life.

3, green skin awn: Thailand white flower awn, also known as green mango, originated in Thailand, is characterized by an obvious groove from the abdominal shoulder of the fruit to the belly of the fruit, the peel is mostly dark green, the flesh is yellowish, greasy and smooth, rich and sweet, fragrant, less fiber and excellent quality. Seeds flattened, polyembryonic. The yield is medium and the plant is susceptible to rheumatosis. Its skin is bluish and its flesh is light, which affects its sales and value in some places.

4. Jin Huang Mang: Jin Huang Mang is a self-bred variety in Taiwan, with strong trees, tall crowns and large and sparse flowers. The fruit is extra-large and has a thin core, sweet and refreshing taste, many fruit juices, no fiber, and resistant to storage. The average weight of a fruit is 1200 grams. The pericarp is orange when ripe. Excellent quality, good commercial quality, sugar content 17%. Medium ripe, resistant to anthracnose.

5. Kaidimang: Kaidimang is not only one of the main cultivated varieties in the United States, but also the main cultivated variety in Taiwan. The high grafting tree was introduced into South China Tropical crop College from the United States in 1991. The yield of high grafted tree reached 10 kg in 2 years. From 1993 to 1994, it matured continuously and matured from July to August. The single fruit weighed about 400 grams, oval, the peel was yellow or orange, and the cover was dark red. Thick pulp, greasy and slippery, less fiber, sweet and fragrant taste, good quality. The seed is small, accounting for only 7.5-8% of the fruit weight, single embryo.

6. Red ivory awns: red ivory awns are selected from the offspring of confessed ivory in Guangxi Agricultural University. The growth is strong and the branches are leafy. The fruit is long orchard-shaped, slightly curved, the skin color is light green, the peel of cinnamon fruit is bright red to the sunny side, and the appearance is beautiful.

7. Yuwenmang No. 6: the fruit of Yuwenmang No. 6 is large, with an average unit weight of 1000g to 1500g, bright shape, purplish red, more fiber, thin seed nucleus, high edible rate, delicate pulp, good taste, soluble solids up to 17019, good yield. It was introduced from Taiwan in 2002 and has a certain area and yield.

8. Binlin No. 1: Binlin No. 1 has gorgeous fruit shape, peach color, sweetness of about 19 degrees, excellent taste and flavor, and weighs about 500 grams. It was introduced from Taiwan in 2002 and has a certain area and output.

9. Guifei Mang: Guifei Mang, also known as Hong Jinlong, was bred in Taiwan Province and introduced into Hainan Province in 1997. It is strong in growth, premature and high yield. the yield of 4-5-year-old grafted tree is 2030kg or higher, and its fruit performance is not inferior to that of Tainong No.1, but it matures earlier than it. The single fruit weighs 300kg and 500g. At present, it has become one of the main varieties in Hainan.