
Olive tree planting techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Olive tree planting techniques

Olive tree is a subtropical evergreen tree belonging to olive family, originating from Mediterranean coastal area in southern Europe. It is widely introduced and planted in 15 provinces and regions from the south of Yangtze River Basin to Guangdong and Guangxi, with Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Shaanxi provinces as the most, with extremely high planting value. Let's take a look at olive tree planting technology together.

Olive tree growth habits

Olive tree likes warm, growth period needs appropriate high temperature to grow vigorously, the result is good, the annual average temperature is above 20℃, winter frost freeze-free area is the most suitable for its growth, winter can withstand a short time of minus 3℃ low temperature, but the temperature drops to 4℃ below will occur serious frost damage. Rainfall in 1200~1400 mm area can grow normally. Wide adaptability to soil, rivers, hilly mountains, red and yellow soil, gravel soil can be cultivated, as long as the soil layer is deep, good drainage can grow well.

olive grafting propagation

1. Grafting advantage: It takes 6~8 years for olive seed planting to enter the fruiting period, and the plant is tall, the management is inconvenient, and the coefficient of variation is large. Grafting can bring fruit 3~4 years ahead of time, dwarf plants and speed up the improvement and renewal of fine varieties.

2. Grafting time: The seedlings are best when the temperature is stable above 15~16℃ in sunny days from February to the end of March, that is, when the sap of the tree begins to flow. The root system of mature trees is deep, and the soil temperature rises relatively slowly. The high grafting time can be postponed accordingly, and can be extended to April to May for grafting.

3. Scion treatment: scion is cut when spring shoots sprout, and autumn spikes with short internodes, full bud eyes and the same thickness as rootstock are selected from mature trees with high and stable yield. Cut off the leaves immediately after cutting, wrap them with damp cloth, and cover them with plastic bags to prevent the ears from losing moisture. It needs to be preserved for a long time. Attention should be paid to the humidity and nutrient supply in the bag to prevent mildew. During transportation, attention should be paid to protecting the bud eye and cortex from damage.

4. Grafting method: scion selects branches and ears with 2~5 bud eyes, mainly adopts tongue grafting and cutting grafting. Grafting should be done quickly in order to reduce oxidation and bleeding problems of wound tannins. Rootstock and scion cambium are aligned and inserted tightly, sealed and bandaged, and the bud eye is tensioned by a single layer. Adult trees adopt scarfing and cutting-based, while leaving part of the crown for pumping branches to protect the normal growth of trees.

5, film stripping bud: olive tree wound healing ability is slower than other fruit trees, the use of degradation film normal does not need to be film stripping, individual tie tight need to be released, should be based on the interface tissue completely healed and firm, can be film stripping, in order to ensure the smooth growth of ear buds. Rootstock is easy to sprout adventitious buds, so it should be removed in time to reduce the negative effects of competing for nutrients and occupying space with ear strips.

Olive tree seed propagation

1. Seed treatment: The fruit of olive reserved as seed must be fully developed and mature. When the shell part of seed nucleus turns pale to red charcoal color, it will be harvested from late October to November. Mix olive fresh fruit and salt according to the weight ratio of 10:1, pour them into the jar, step on them until the flesh and stone are separated, soak them in clean water for 7~8 hours, and then tap them gently with a wooden hammer to separate the flesh and stone.

2. Stratified sand storage: olive seeds need to be stratified to complete the post-ripening stage. Choose a cool room with wind and clean river sand for stratification. The humidity should be held by hand without water dripping. After release, it should be scattered into small blocks. The ratio of seeds to river sand is 1:3, one layer of river sand and one layer of seeds, so 4~5 layers are stacked alternately. Check during lamination, control temperature and humidity to prevent mildew and dryness.

3. Sowing method: Sowing in February to March of the following year, soaking seeds in warm water for 5 to 6 hours before sowing, which is conducive to neat germination and easy to manage such as fertilization, spraying and spraying. For those prepared for grafting propagation in the original garden bed, the plant spacing is about 12 cm ×15 cm, the soil utilization rate is low and weeds grow vigorously. Too narrow grafting is not convenient, at the same time seedlings grow badly, unfavorable seedlings. For the sale of seedlings or seedlings transplanted, sowing can be dense. After evenly sowing 300~400 seeds/square meter, press the seeds into the soil with wooden boards, cover with 2~3 cm fine soil, cover with straw, and do a good job of heat preservation and moisture preservation.

4. Seedling cultivation: direct seeding of garden has high survival rate and convenient management. 40~50 days after sowing seedlings emerge, generally to apply decomposed human and animal dung, keep the seedbed suitable temperature, humidity and pay attention to pest control. The management requirements of transplanting nutrient bags are very strict, but the survival rate of seedlings out of nursery is 97%~100%, which is deeply recognized by the majority of fruit farmers. The nutrient bag specification is 25 cm long and 15 cm wide, which prevents or reduces the main root from growing too fast and penetrating the nutrient bag at seedling stage.

5. Seedling transplanting: apply base fertilizer to the bottom culture soil of foot bag, move into bag culture when the seedling has 2 leaves and 1 heart, and plant it shallowly if the main root is long. According to 8~10 bags into a row, every two rows of a small row, the middle interval of 10~15 cm, placed into a ridge, the last middle gap and the surrounding cultivation of broken soil, water loss and aging of the plastic bag in the sun

6. Seedling management: Sprinkle a small layer of sawdust, peanut shell, etc. on the bag seedling soil, which has the functions of moisturizing, keeping warm, reducing weed growth, etc., which is very beneficial to the survival and growth of seedlings. Summer high temperature drought, cover shade. Take care to prevent root damage when pulling out weeds or loosening soil.