
The method of Cuttage Propagation of Chimonanthus orientalis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The tooth-edge bell flower is a deciduous shrub or small tree, the difficulty of artificial cultivation is not very high, it is very suitable for decorative flowers for flower rack and desk. The bell flower with tooth edge can be inserted with clear water, and it is also very beautiful. Artificial propagation of Chimonanthus orientalis mainly uses cutting propagation method.

Tooth edge hanging bell flower (details) is a deciduous shrub or small tree, the difficulty of artificial cultivation is not very high, it is very suitable for decorative flowers for flower rack and desk. The bell flower with tooth edge can be inserted with clear water, and it is also very beautiful. Artificial propagation of tooth edge bell flower mainly uses the method of cutting propagation, the editor will introduce to you the key points of cutting propagation of tooth edge bell flower.

Tooth edge hanging bell flower (details introduction)

The toothed bell flower often uses the branches of the same year for tender wood cutting in late spring and early autumn, or the old branches of last year in early spring. Is used for cutting nutrient soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. Due to the limited conditions, it is difficult to get an ideal cutting substrate, so it is recommended to use the prepared and sterilized cutting substrate provided by this station; medium and coarse river sand is also fine, but rinse with clean water several times before use. Do not use sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas, they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

When the tender wood cuttings were carried out, the sturdy branches of the current year were selected as cuttings when the plants were growing vigorously from the end of spring to early autumn. After cutting off the branches, select the sturdy parts and cut them into segments 5-15 cm long, each with more than 3 leaf nodes. When cutting cuttings, it should be noted that the upper cut is cut flat at about 1 cm above the uppermost leaf node, and the lower cut is about 0.5 cm below the lowest leaf node, and the upper and lower cut should be flat (knife should be sharp). When hardwood cuttings are carried out, after the temperature rises in early spring, last year's robust branches are selected as cuttings. Each cuttage usually retains 3-4 nodes, and the cutting method is the same as that of softwood cuttings. The optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings was 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, which was lower than 20 ℃, the rooting of cuttings was difficult and slow, when the temperature was higher than 30 ℃, the upper and lower cuttings were easy to be infected and rotted by bacteria, and the higher the temperature, the greater the proportion of rot. When there is a low temperature after cutting, the heat preservation measure is mainly to wrap the flowerpot or container used for cutting with thin film; when the temperature is too high after cutting, the cooling measure is mainly to shade the cuttings, to cover 50-80% of the sun, and at the same time, spray the cuttings 3-5 times a day, with more times of spraying when the temperature is higher in sunny days, lower temperatures and higher temperatures in rainy days, but less or no spraying times.

Tooth edge hanging bell flower culture methods and matters needing attention!

Tooth-edge bell flower originated in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico and other Central and South American countries, now widely cultivated all over the world, has become an important flower plant. Potted tooth edge bell flower is suitable for guest room, flower rack, desk embellishment, bottle insertion with clear water, not only can watch, but also can take root and reproduce. Today, we will briefly introduce the culture method of the lower tooth edge bell flower and the related matters needing attention. Soil requirements: the substrate of potted plant should use fertile, loose, well-drained culture soil, generally, rotten leaf soil can be mixed evenly with rotten organic fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer, and there is no need to apply base fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. The sticky and heavily consolidated soil is disadvantageous to the growth of the tooth-edge bell flower, and it is not suitable for the seedlings that have just survived cuttage. Lighting conditions: although the tooth-edge bell flower likes shade, it does not mean that it does not need sunlight. In the case of lack of sunlight, it is not only easy to grow, but also lead to light color, smaller flowers and even buds. Therefore, in the process of planting tooth-edge bell flowers in the family, they can be placed on a sunny balcony or balcony for photosynthesis. Temperature conditions: the temperature for the growth of the tooth edge bell flower is 10 ℃ 28 ℃, and the temperature in summer should not exceed 30 mol. Therefore, the cooling work should be done well in summer. Sufficient sunshine is required in winter, and the temperature of the culture soil should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it will cause frost damage and heat preservation measures must be taken. In addition, we should pay attention to ventilation in both winter and summer. Watering method: the tooth edge bell flower should be watered with the principle of dry and wet at ordinary times. Spray water on the branches and leaves twice a day in dry weather in spring and hot and hot season in summer. Excessive watering will cause stagnant water in the basin soil. If the room temperature is low in winter, watering should be strictly controlled and fertilization should be stopped to prevent rotting roots. Loosen the soil in time after each fertilization and watering to facilitate ventilation. Rational fertilization: because of the rapid growth and many times of flowering, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently during the growth period, thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied about every 10 days, and liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium should be applied once a month during flowering, but fertilizer should be stopped in high temperature season. The basin soil should be dry before fertilization, and spray water with fine sprinkler once after fertilization to avoid leaf rot. Matters needing attention in the culture of tooth-edge bell flowers the perennial plants of tooth-edge bell flowers should be strangled and fertilized to get through the dormancy period smoothly. The plant should enter the room before Frosts Descent and leave the room after Qingming Festival, and the room temperature should be kept above 5 ℃. In case of cold current and wind and snow weather, when freezing outside, it is best to move it back indoors so as not to suffer frost damage. In winter, it is appropriate to pick the heart of the perennial plant, cut off the tender shoots of 5 cm to 6 cm at the top, and promote its more branches. The summer dormancy period truncates the thin and weakly curved branches, which make the autumn blossom luxuriantly. The newly cultivated young plants, when growing to 20 cm to 30 cm, go to the top and dry, promote lateral branches, and form a well-branched and uniform plant shape.

What should be paid attention to in the process of upside-down culture of golden bell flower?

Hanging golden bell flower upside down is often used to decorate guest rooms, flower racks, desks, etc., with clear bottles, not only beautiful, but also can make it take root and breed. Common varieties of inverted golden bell flowers are large hanging bell begonia, safflower hanging bell begonia, big leaf hanging bell, white calyx hanging bell, three-leaf hanging bell, etc., each kind of flower color is particularly bright, the flower pattern is strange, especially attract people's attention. Let's learn about the breeding method of hanging Admiralty upside down.

I. Ecological habits of hanging Admiralty upside down

Like cool and humid environment, afraid of high temperature and strong light, it is appropriate to use fertile and loose slightly acidic soil, warm and humid, sunny and well-ventilated in winter, and high dry, cool and semi-overcast conditions in summer. Avoid extreme heat, muggy heat and rain in the sun. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃. The temperature in winter is not lower than 5 ℃. The growth was very slow when the summer temperature reached 30 ℃, and withered and died in large numbers at 35 ℃. It is suitable for fertile sandy loam with rich humus and good drainage.

It is a perennial woody plant of the genus Orchidaceae. Leaves opposite or three-leaf whorled, hanging golden bell upside down, also known as hanging bell flower. Ovate to ovate-lanceolate, leaf margin serrate, tip. Flowers solitary in axils of tender branches, with long pedicels, flowers drooping. The kaleidoscope is conical, 4 pieces 4-lobed, pink, purple, apricot and white, 4 petals, red, white, pink, purple, blue and purple. Admiralty is native to the alpine forests of Mexico, Peru, Chile and the West Indies. The climate is mild and the air is fresh and moist. Not resistant to low temperature, dry cold, but also afraid of hot and humid heat.

Hang the golden bell upside down in a shaded, cool and ventilated place. When the temperature exceeds 25 ℃, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves and the ground several times a day to lower the temperature and increase air humidity. Fertilization should be stopped in summer. The basin soil should be slightly dry. If the basin soil is too wet, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow, scorch and even die.

The flower buds of the golden bell are born in the armpits of the new shoots. If there are many branches, the flowers will bloom luxuriantly, otherwise the number of flowers will be greatly reduced. The specific method should start from the seedling stage, the first time when the seedlings grow 3 pairs of leaves, leaving 2 pairs of leaves, when the new branches grow 6-8 leaves, carry out the second coring, preserve 5-7 branches, and pick the heart once every 2-3 weeks during the growing period, so that the plant has many and uniform branches and blooms luxuriantly. After the flower is withered, it usually grows new shoots and forms new buds 20 days after picking the heart. After autumn, sparse the branches that are too dense and cut short the branches that are too long, which is conducive to the germination of strong new branches and promote more flowering.

Second, common varieties of Admiralty hanging upside down

In addition to the ornamental value, the inverted Golden Bell is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has the functions of removing blood stasis, cooling blood and dispelling wind, bitter taste, slightly cold to the liver, pericardial meridian, function of promoting blood circulation and dispelling blood stasis, cooling blood and dispelling wind. It mainly treats irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, postpartum breast swelling, skin pruritus, acne and other diseases. There are many varieties of horticulture, such as single, double, white, pink, orange, rose purple and eggplant purple. Some plants have flat low branches, which are suitable for potted plants; some have stout branches that do not develop; and there are a few foliage varieties.

Common varieties are: 1, big flower hanging bell begonia; 2, safflower hanging bell begonia; 3, big leaf hanging bell; 4, white calyx hanging bell; 5, three-leaf hanging bell begonia and so on. The plant height is 30cm to 150cm. Branches slender, pink or purplish red, old branches Lignification. Leaves opposite or whorled, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, leaf margin sparsely dentate. Peanuts in axils of upper leaves of branches, with long pedicels and drooping. There are many varieties of horticulture, such as single, double, white, pink, orange, rose purple and eggplant purple. Some plants have flat low branches; they should be planted in pots; some branches are stout and do not develop; and a few are foliage varieties.

Third, the culture method of hanging Admiralty upside down

Hanging Admiralty upside down prefers cool weather. It doesn't matter if its growing environment is a little shady, but it must be forbidden to get caught in the sun and rain. Although the golden bell hangs upside down, it does not mean that it does not need sunshine. in addition to shading it in summer, other seasons still have to accept some warm sunshine. Usually maintenance upside down Admiralty must pay attention to maintain the appropriate temperature, too high and too low will make it enter the dormancy period or directly stop growing, about 20 degrees during the day is the most appropriate, to the night is more than 5 degrees.

Hang gold hook upside down to avoid extreme heat, muggy heat and rain in the sun. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ~ 25C. The temperature in winter is not lower than 5 degrees Celsius. The growth was very slow when the summer temperature reached 30C, and withered and died in large numbers at 35 ℃. The lowest temperature of the greenhouse in winter should be kept at 10 ℃. At the low temperature of 5 ℃, it is vulnerable to freezing damage. The growth room temperature is 10-25 ℃, which requires higher air humidity.

Change the basin and turn the basin. Cuttings survive or the seedlings after sowing have to be changed several times from small to medium to large pots. The plant needs to be turned once before sprouting in spring or autumn every year, and the substrate should be cultured in fertile, loose and well-drained soil. generally, rotten leaf soil can be evenly mixed with rotten organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and there is no need to apply base fertilizer to avoid rotting roots.

Fertilize. Because of the fast growth and many times of flowering, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently during the growth period, thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, and liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium should be applied once a month during flowering, but fertilizer should be stopped in high temperature season. The basin soil should be dry before fertilization; spray water with a fine sprinkler after fertilization to prevent the leaves from getting fat and water and rot.

Temperature. The temperature of upside down hanging Admiralty is 10: 28 ℃, and the temperature in summer can not exceed 30 ℃, so we should do a good job of cooling in summer; in winter, the sun should be sufficient, and the culture temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it will cause frost injury and heat preservation measures must be taken. In addition, we should pay attention to ventilation in both winter and summer.

Water it. Watering should be dry and ready-to-use, watering thoroughly, avoid stagnant water. It is better to dry the basin soil in summer, but pay attention to spraying water on the leaf surface and the ground.

The position is placed. In order to keep the upside-down golden bell plant type plump, the position should be changed frequently during the growing period to make the plant receive light evenly, so as not to deviate to one side and destroy the plant type. But it should be moved less during flowering, otherwise it will cause buds and flowers to fall.

Finally, the knowledge of hanging Admiralty upside down is introduced to you here. I hope that after watching the culture method of hanging Admiralty upside down at the above six points, you can know how to raise Admiralty upside down and what you should pay attention to in the process of breeding. I also hope you like hanging Admiralty upside down.