
Take you to raise the azaleas. Love stories spread all over the world.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There is a poem called "what can be heard here sooner or later, full of the mournful cries of cuckoo apes and apes" in Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line". The azaleas cried blood and dyed the flowers all over the mountain red, so they got the title of azaleas. People often plant rhododendrons in the yard.

There is a poem called "what can be heard here sooner or later, full of the mournful cries of cuckoo apes and apes" in Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line". The azaleas cried blood and dyed the flowers all over the mountain red, so they got the title of azaleas. People often plant rhododendrons on the side of the low wall in the courtyard. When the flowers bloom, it is a beautiful scenery and can be used as a barrier. So, what do you need to pay attention to when planting this beautiful scenery?

Azaleas are still relatively difficult to raise. If you are not careful, there may be a phenomenon of "flowers in one year, yellow in two years, and leaves in three years." Flower friends are also heartbroken, but it doesn't matter, as long as you pay attention to the following points, you can effectively avoid this situation.

Note one: the azaleas that have just been bought are generally raised by flower farmers in a very good environment, and the flowers bought by flower friends will certainly have something to do with them at home. In that case, it is extremely important to help Hua er get through the maladjustment period. We should try to keep the soil moist, indoor air humidity should also be maintained, indoor ventilation is also very important. We should not rush to change the basin and fertilize it. We have to get used to it for a period of time before we do the work. With a good foundation, are you afraid that beautiful flowers will not blossom?

Note 2: friends who have raised azaleas all know that rhododendrons lose their leaves very seriously. The reason for the loss of leaves is that we did not adapt to its habits when we planted them. At this time, we should first find out the reason why it lost its leaves, and then prescribe the right medicine to the case. If it is caused by fertilizer damage, we should clean up the dry fertilizer in time and carry out local soil replacement. If it is caused by sun exposure, we should move it to the shade of the trees or the corner of the wall to prevent further exposure.

Note 3: azaleas bloom for too long, or too many flowers, the plant nutrition consumption is very large. At this time, we should replenish nutrients properly. It is also necessary to remove the residual flowers in time to reduce the consumption of nutrition, so as to ensure the vitality of the plant.

Pay attention to point 4: if you can see the red azaleas in full bloom before the Spring Festival, it will be even happier. So how to break its dormant period? During the December period, the flowers should be moved indoors, fertilized regularly, maintained humidity and indoor temperature controlled. In this way, you can see the beautiful scenery of flowers in full bloom before the Spring Festival.

As long as you pay attention to these points, coupled with your careful care, the red cuckoos in the courtyard are not a dream, remember to take good care of your plants.