
Planting techniques of Shatian pomelo

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting techniques of Shatian pomelo

Shatian raffinate was originally produced in Shatian Township, Rong County, Guangxi, and was successfully introduced in our province. Shatian pomelo has the advantages of large fruit, good quality, good storage, good transportation and wide market. in addition to the domestic market, it is also very competitive in the world. In order to achieve high yield, high quality and low consumption, the following main work should be done well:

Planting techniques of Shatian pomelo

1. Garden site selection and tillage preparation

Shatian pomelo is an evergreen fruit tree with tall tree shape and developed root system. It grows well in loose, fertile, moist and well-ventilated soil. Therefore, when planting Shatian sleeves, red soil and sandy gravel with deep soil layer, fertile soil and good air permeability should be selected. Mountainous areas are generally suitable for slopes below 30 degrees, and terraces are opened for planting on hillsides to the south or southeast. mountain nest alluvial soil is ideal, and it is most suitable to build gardens in places where drainage and irrigation are convenient, such as riverside and stream alluvial zones.

Before planting, we should make a good plan, use trenches or open large holes, and apply sufficient base fertilizer to make it grow early and quickly. Hole planting is generally used in flat land, and large holes with length × width × depth of 1 × 1 × 1 × lm are opened in flat land, while trenches are suitable in mountainous areas, which are 1-1.5m wide and deep lm along the contour line. After a week of exposure to the sun, the trenches and holes are filled with soil, which is combined with layer-by-layer pressing of forage, rotten soil and miscellaneous fertilizer. That is, in the bottom of the green fertilizer, the middle layer of mature pig and cattle manure, the surface covered with more fine fertile soil. After the trench is filled, a planting pier with a width of 1m and a height of 0.3m is fixed to be planted.

2. Planting method

Seedlings should be selected when planting. The grafted seedlings of soft-branch Shatian pomelo varieties with many results, good quality, high and stable yield and no diseases and insect pests should be selected. The interface should be exposed to the earth. The planting time is when the branches and shoots are fully mature, and it is generally better to plant in the spring from February to April. The planting distance should vary according to the topography and soil quality. The mountain area is thin and barren, but it is well ventilated and transparent, so it can be planted denser, planting 40 plants per mu, even flat land with fertile soil, and planting about 20 plants per mu.

Because self-pollination of Shatian pomelo is not as good as cross-pollination. In order to improve the fruit rate and increase the yield of grapefruit, it is necessary to plan to plant about 10% of sour pomelo or crystal sleeves as pollination trees. When planting, we should pay attention to the root system can not contact fertilizer, the compound soil should be slightly compacted, the tree plate should be covered with grass, drenched with fixed root water, drought prevention and moisturizing.

Management of young trees of Shatian pomelo

The infancy of Shatian pomelo refers to the period from planting to before the first fruit.

1. Watering and fertilization: after planting Shatian pomelo, water should be drenched every day in case of drought to keep the soil moist and promote its survival. On rainy days, attention should be paid to eliminating stagnant water to prevent rotting roots. The new roots began to sprout 20 days after planting, and the feces and urine of acquaintances should be applied, adding human feces and urine 3-4kg per kilogram of water, twice a month. The concentration of fertilizer increased with the increase of tree body. The method of one shoot and two fertilizers should be adopted in the new shoot stage, that is, the fertilizer should be applied once in the 15 days before shoots and once in the leaf expansion stage after new shoots are drawn. Fertilization should be applied shallowly in spring, summer and autumn, such as plate application or shallow ditch application. Winter fertilizer and heavier fertilizer should be applied deeply and layer by layer. In a word, because the young trees are small and the root absorption is weak, fertilization should be based on the principle of "frequent irrigation" to ensure that there are two times of heavy fertilizer (mainly quick-acting water and fertilizer) in front of each shoot and during the growing period, so as to promote the sturdiness and enrichment of branches and shoots and form a high-yield crown as soon as possible.

2. Wiping buds and controlling shoots to cultivate high-yield canopy. After planting successfully, the first thing to do is to do a good job of setting the trunk. When the pomelo tree reaches the height of 40-45cm from the ground, it will cut the top and promote new shoots. Leave 3 evenly distributed shoots in different directions at the top as the main branches. In the second time, three secondary main branches were cultivated on the main branch, and the lateral branch group was cultivated on the secondary main branch for the third time. The length of each shoot was 15-20cm, and the angle was not enough. Young trees can put 3 Mel shoots four times a year, namely, spring shoots (before and after Rain Water), summer shoots (before and after Lesser Fullness of Grain), autumn shoots (after Dazhou), and late autumn shoots (White Dew-the Autumn Equinox). Before each shoot release, in addition to applying sufficient basic fertilizer, we should also pay attention to wiping the bud control tip, hitting zero and leaving the whole, promoting more, neat and robust new shoots. During the shooting period, the shoot protection work of pest control and disease prevention should be done so as to lay a good foundation for early fruiting and high yield.

3. Turn the soil deeply and enlarge the planting hole year by year. It is generally required that the whole garden be deeply turned over within 4 years after planting. Each deep turning must be pressed into green manure or mature organic matter fertilizer to achieve the purpose of increasing fertilizer and improving soil, create good conditions for root growth, and make grapefruit longevity and high yield. Deep turning time, after each new shoot is ripe, digging ditches (holes) should have an exit to prevent long rain and water from rotting roots.

4. Ploughing and weeding cover. Through ploughing, the soil is loose, soil moisture and air are regulated, and fertilizer decomposition is promoted. Spring and summer ploughing is mainly weeding, which should be shallow. Ploughing after rain in autumn and winter to reduce water evaporation and improve drought resistance. Where there are many weeds, grass can be covered all the year round to protect against drought and erosion.

Fruit tree management of Shatian pomelo

Shatian pomelo can blossom and bear fruit in 2-3 years after planting, but in order to achieve high and stable yield, we must focus on the following aspects.

1. Rational fertilization and irrigation

After Shatian pomelo tree enters the fruit, the plant changes from pure vegetative growth to the coexistence of reproductive growth and vegetative growth, and the need for fertilizer and water is greatly increased. Reasonable water and fertilizer management is the key to obtain high and stable yield of Shatian pomelo. Fertilizer should be mainly organic fertilizer, so that organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) reasonable mix, the specific amount of fertilizer per plant should be determined by the age of the tree and the amount of fruit. The principle of fertilization is to re-apply pre-flowering and post-fruiting fertilizer, skillfully applying stable and strong fruit fertilizer, supplemented by extra-root topdressing.