
Introduction to the breeding method of chandelier hibiscus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ceiling lamps are often planted on both sides of roads and in city gardens for viewing. The chandelier hibiscus originated from the tropics of East Africa and is now cultivated in all hot places in China. The shape of the chandelier is special, and the leaves have certain medicinal value, which is loved by many flower friends.

Chandeliers are often planted on both sides of roads and in city gardens for ornamental use. Chandelier Fusang originated in the tropics of East Africa and is now cultivated in all hot places in China. The shape of chandelier is quite special, and the leaves have certain medicinal value, which are loved by many flower friends. Artificial breeding chandelier can be used by cutting and grafting.

Japanese Lanterns

I. Cuttage

From May to October, it was carried out in the greenhouse in winter, but the survival rate was high in the plum rain season. The best cuttings are one-and-a-half Lignification, 10 cm long, cut off the lower leaves, leave the top leaves, cut flat, insert in the sand bed, maintain high air humidity, room temperature is 18-21 ℃, rooting 20-25 days after insertion. The rooting period can be shortened by treating the base of cuttings with 0.3% Mel 0.4% indole butyric acid for 1-2 seconds. Transplant into pot when the root is 3-4 cm long.

2. Grafting

In spring and autumn. It is mainly used for mulberry varieties with difficult cutting or slow rooting, especially for double-petal varieties with low survival rate of cutting. Branch grafting or bud grafting is possible, and the rootstock is supported by a single flower. The grafted seedlings branch and blossom in the same year.

Propagation method of supporting mulberry by chandelier morphological characteristics of supporting mulberry by chandelier

"chandelier Fusang how to change the basin" has been introduced to you, I believe we all understand. Next, Xiaoqi would like to tell you how to breed and the characteristics of this chandelier. Let's get to know it together.

1. The breeding method of supporting mulberry with chandelier

Cutting propagation: the chandelier mulberry cuttings are carried out from May to October and in the greenhouse in winter, but the survival rate is high in the plum rain season. The best cuttings are one-and-a-half Lignification, 10 cm long, cut off the lower leaves, leave the top leaves, cut flat, insert in the sand bed, maintain high air humidity, room temperature is 18-21 ℃, rooting 20-25 days after insertion. The rooting period can be shortened by treating the base of cuttings with 0.3% Mel 0.4% indole butyric acid for 1-2 seconds. Transplant into pot when the root is 3-4 cm long.

Grafting propagation: chandelier mulberry grafting is carried out in spring and autumn. It is mainly used for mulberry varieties with difficult cutting or slow rooting, especially for double-petal varieties with low survival rate of cutting. Branch grafting or bud grafting is possible, and the rootstock is supported by a single flower. The grafted seedlings branch and blossom in the same year.

Second, the morphological characteristics of chandelier supporting mulberry

Chandelier Fusang is an evergreen upright shrub plant, up to 3 meters high; branchlets are thin, often drooping, smooth and glabrous. Leaves elliptic or oblong, 4-7 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide, apex mucronate or shortly acuminate, base obtuse or broadly cuneate, margin toothed, both surfaces glabrous; petiole 1-2 cm long, stellate pilose above; stipules subulate, ca. 2 mm, often caducous.

Flowers solitary in axils of terminal leaves, pedicels slender, pendulous, 8-14 cm long, smooth glabrous or ciliate, middle articulate; bracteoles 5, tiny, lanceolate, 1-2 mm long, ciliate; calyx tubular, ca. 1.5 cm, sparsely finely hairy, with 5 shallow teeth, often dehiscent on one side; petals 5, red, ca. 5 cm, deeply divided fimbriate, reflexed upward Staminal column long and prominent, pendulous, 9-10 cm long, glabrous; style branches 5, glabrous. Capsule long Terete, ca. 4 cm long, ca. 1 cm in diameter. The florescence is all year round.

The above is the chandelier supporting mulberry breeding methods and chandelier supporting mulberry morphological characteristics of the introduction, I hope to help you, oh, successful reproduction of more chandelier supporting mulberry. Also want to know other plants and flowers knowledge and continue to follow us.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of chandelier mulberry

Culture method of supporting mulberry with chandelier


Chandeliers like warmth and are not resistant to cold. In the far north of the Yangtze River basin, they can only be potted and placed in greenhouses or other places with ambient temperatures ranging from 12 ℃ to 15 ℃.


Chandelier Fusang is a strong positive plant, breeding requires sufficient sunlight, not shady, so in breeding to carry out all-day sunshine, not shade, it is best to move to the outdoor sunny place in early May.


Chandelier Fu mulberry has a strong adaptability to soil and a wide range of adaptation, but the growth is different in different soil substrates, and the slightly acidic loam rich in organic matter and pH6.5-pH7 grows best.

Fertilizer application

Strengthen the fertilizer and water during the growing period of the chandelier, apply fertilizer every 10 days, the fertilizer liquid should be relatively thin.

Post-autumn management should be cautious, pay attention to less fertilization in the later stage, so as to avoid the emergence of autumn shoots.


Watering during the growing period should be adequate, and there should be no shortage of water or waterlogging. It is usually watered once a day, and once in the morning and evening in the summer.

The ground is often sprinkled to moisturize and cool down to prevent young leaves from scorching and flowers from falling early.

Matters needing attention in chandelier mulberry culture

Strengthen the light during the growing period

Early May is the growing period of chandelier supporting mulberry, at this time, if the light is not enough, the buds will easily fall off and the flowers will shrink.

Therefore, during the growing period, the sunshine of the chandelier should not be less than 8 hours a day.

Control ambient temperature in winter

Chandelier mulberry is not resistant to frost, so at the end of October, the weather becomes cool, so it is necessary to move the chandelier mulberry into the greenhouse to keep the ambient temperature above 12 ℃.

Fertilize more during the growing period

Chandelier Fusang usually for fertilizer demand is relatively large, in the growing period of nutrient consumption is relatively large, the demand for fertilizer is greater, so in breeding should pay attention to timely light, can be appropriate to increase the number of fertilization.