
The practice of Auricularia auricula cuisine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The practice of Auricularia auricula cuisine

Agaric vegetables, also known as bean curd, carmine, Gracilaria and so on, are extremely rich in nutrients, especially high in calcium, iron and other elements. in addition to the protein content is slightly less than amaranth, other nutrients are comparable to amaranth. Often eat heat, detoxification, slippery intestines, cool blood effect, eating practices are very many, let's take a look at the practice of Auricularia auricula!

Mashed garlic and fungus

[materials] 500 grams of Auricularia auricula vegetables, appropriate amount of salt, right amount of garlic, right amount of blending oil.

[method] the fungus vegetables cleaned by ① are soaked in rice panning water. After rinsing ② with water, drain. ③ chopped garlic cloves. Heat oil in ④ pan, pour in mashed garlic and stir-fry. Pour ⑤ into the fungus, do not add water, slowly and carefully stir with a spatula. ⑥ stir-fry until the fungus vegetables are cut off, the color will become greener. ⑦ into the seasoning, mix the mashed garlic and agaric vegetables well, start the pot and put in the basin.

Sour and spicy auricularia

[materials] appropriate amount of fungus, tomato, garlic, pepper, soy sauce, salt and chicken essence.

[practice] wash the fungus vegetables with ① and blanch them with boiling water. ② chopped garlic into minced garlic, diced tomatoes and chopped chili. ③ put the tomatoes in an oil pan, stir-fry the juice and add soy sauce to season. Season with chicken essence and salt. ④, just set up the hot fungus dishes.

Auricularia auricula

[materials] 400g Auricularia auricula vegetables, edible oil, salt, ginger, garlic, vinegar, light soy sauce appropriate amount.

[practice] ① soaked Auricularia auricula vegetables in salt water, washed them, and fried them in salt water. Heat oil in ②, add ginger and garlic to stir fragrance, add salt, vinegar and light soy sauce to bring to a boil. ③ can be poured on the fungus.

Agaric vegetable with cold salad

[materials] proper amount of Auricularia auricula vegetables, salt, vinegar, garlic and vegetable oil.

[practice] ① will wash the fungus vegetables, blanch them in boiling water until cooked, remove them and put them in cold water to cool. ② remove, squeeze out the water and put it on a plate. ③ mix vinegar, salt, chopped garlic and vegetable oil into a sauce and let stand for a quarter of an hour. ④ can pour the seasoning on the fungus vegetables.

Fried meat with agaric vegetables

[material] 500 grams of Auricularia auricula vegetables, right amount of salt, right amount of garlic, right amount of blending oil, right amount of pork tenderloin, 1 carrot, a small amount of persimmon pepper.

[practice] shred tenderloin in ①, cut some carrots into flower shape, cut thick shredded chili, chopped garlic, and dice the remaining carrots. Heat the ② oil into the shredded meat, stir-fry the shredded meat, add the carrot flowers, add the fungus under the heat and stir-fry. ③ into shredded chili, add garlic, add salt.

Fungus vegetable and egg soup

[materials] 2 eggs, right amount of Auricularia auricula, right amount of porphyra yezoensis, right amount of sweet corn, right amount of salt, little sesame oil, right amount of vegetable oil.

[practice] wash ① fungus dishes and beat eggs with a little salt. Cool oil in ② hot pot, stir-fry eggs with egg liquid, then add sweet corn and boiling water. Boil the ③ soup and put in the Laver. Finally, put the fungus in the pot and put some crude salt and sesame oil in the pot.

Stir-fried Auricularia auricula

[materials] 350 grams of Auricularia auricula, 15 grams of peanut oil, 15 grams of white garlic, 8 grams of sesame oil, 3 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate.

[practice] wash ① fungus vegetables, remove and drain. ② chopped garlic. Put the ③ wok on fire, heat the peanut oil and stir-fry the minced garlic. Pour ④ into cooking wine, add fungus, salt and monosodium glutamate, pour in sesame oil and leave the pot.

Scrambled eggs with agaric vegetables

[materials] 2 eggs, fungus vegetables, a little salt, oil, pepper.

[practice] ① beat two eggs, shred fungus vegetables and put them into the egg liquid, add a little salt. ② then pour in hot oil and stir-fry until cooked. If you like spicy food, add some chili peppers.