
Planting technology of loquat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting technology of loquat

Loquat taste delicious, containing a variety of fructose, glucose, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B, C and other nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that loquat fruit has the effects of moistening lung, relieving cough and relieving thirst, and most people can eat it. Be sure to peel loquat when you eat it. In addition to eating fresh loquat, you can also batch meat into canned sugar water, or make wine. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that "loquat can moisten the five internal organs and nourish the heart and lungs". The whole body of loquat is full of treasures. In addition to fruits, loquat flowers and loquat kernels all have their own effects. Loquat is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree with stronger cold tolerance than citrus. Loquat can be planted in areas where the annual average temperature is more than 12 ℃-15 ℃, winter is not less than-6 ℃, and annual rainfall is more than 1000 mm.

Establishment of orchard

The main results are as follows: 1. The choice of orchard: first of all, we should choose the place with convenient transportation to build the garden. Loquat has strong adaptability to the soil, but the slightly acidic soil with a H value of 6mur6.5 is the best.

2. Orchard soil improvement: because the root system of loquat has shallow distribution, weak expansibility and poor wind resistance, we must deeply turn the soil or trench to press green or large holes to press green. The seedlings should be planted on ditches or large holes (if the soil layer is less than 50 cm, the soil should be changed by blasting), and then expand the hole outward every year to improve soil permeability and fertility, introduce roots deep into the soil, enhance root growth and expand the distribution of root groups. Make the plant grow strong and increase the resistance to wind. For flat land or clayey soil, ditches with a width of 40 cm and a depth of 60 cm should be opened every 2 mi 4 rows.

3. Seedling planting

① planting time: in the cold areas in winter, loquat should be planted in spring in order to avoid freezing injury. It is warm in winter in most parts of the south and can be planted from September to March of the following year, but from October to November is the best.

② seedling treatment: before planting, the seedlings must be soaked in carbendazim and other fungicides for 30 minutes, soaking the seedlings to the graft interface more than 10 cm, which is one of the key measures to improve the survival rate. Hit the mud and plant. Loquat leaves have large transpiration, so all leaves should be cut off when planting, and all the young shoots should be cut off. Foliar spray 3 times per day for 4 times.

③ planting density: for dwarf early orchard, it can be planted according to row spacing of 13m or 1.52m (222plants) and 23m (111plants per mu).

④ planting method: when planting, the root system should be evenly distributed and pressed into the soil layer by layer, and the root neck should be just covered to the root neck, and the root neck should be 10cm higher than the surrounding ground. Then the soil ridge is built around the plant, and the fixed root water is irrigated in the soil ridge, each plant is watered 20ml 25kg, which must be irrigated thoroughly, which is the key to improve the survival rate of seedlings. After the water penetrates into the soil, cover with a layer of fine soil, and finally cover an area of 1 square meter of the tree plate with a thin film to maintain soil moisture and increase soil temperature. If there is a long drought after planting, you should continue to water it.

Fertilization management

Loquat is an evergreen fruit tree with luxuriant leaves and flowers, and needs more fertilizer than deciduous fruit trees. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be used together. Young trees are mainly nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, while adult trees are combined with potassium fertilizer. The time of fertilization must be determined according to the growth of shoots and roots. Loquat shoots have four shoot peaks a year, mainly in spring (February-April), summer (May-June), autumn (August-September) and winter (November-December), mainly in spring, summer and autumn. There was an obvious alternation between root activity and shoot growth of aboveground shoots. generally, the root system grew about 2 weeks earlier than the shoot, and there were four growth peaks a year, that is, the first from the end of January to the beginning of March, the second from mid-May to mid-June, the third from mid-August to September, and the fourth at the end of October and November. Combined with the characteristics of root and shoot growth, adult orchards usually apply fertilizer three times a year.

The main results are as follows: 1. spring shoot fertilizer was applied for the first time, and applied in the first and middle of February, when the root system was in the first growth peak, it was easy to absorb nutrients, which mainly promoted spring shoot and increased fruit. As spring shoots can become the fruiting branches of the year and the basic branches of summer and autumn shoots, this fertilization is more important, accounting for about 30% of the whole year, mainly quick-acting fertilizer, and potash fertilizer is applied together this time to promote the expansion of young fruits. Each mu can apply 30 kg of urea, 15 kg of superphosphate (phosphate fertilizer), 30 kg of potassium sulfate (potash fertilizer), and about 1000 kg of human and animal manure water.

2. Summer shoot fertilizer was applied for the second time after fruit harvest from mid-May to early June (before fruit harvest for late-maturing varieties). At this time, it was the second peak of root growth, which mainly promoted summer shoots and flower bud differentiation from July to August. As summer shoots are many and neat, and most of them can form fruiting mother branches in the same year, promoting summer shoots is the main measure to ensure high yield every year. Therefore, the amount of fertilizer applied this time is very large, accounting for about 50% of the whole year, which is applied with quick-acting chemical fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer. Phosphate fertilizer is all applied (to facilitate flower bud differentiation). General mu application of urea 100kg, phosphate fertilizer (calcium superphosphate) 30kg, organic fertilizer 2000 kg-3000 kg.

4. The third application of autumn fertilizer or pre-flowering fertilizer, from September to the first ten days of October, before flowering after heading, accounting for about 20% of the whole year, mainly promoting flowering, improving fruit setting and increasing the ability of cold prevention and overwintering, mainly delayed fertilizer, 10 kg urea per mu and 1000 kg organic fertilizer.

5. The principle of thin application and diligent application is adopted in the fertilization of young trees. From planting survival to sprouting, the first fertilizer was applied mainly with quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, accelerated phosphate fertilizer and clear water manure. From then on, fertilize once a month until October. The first mu application of urea 2.5 kg, superphosphate 5 kg, clear water dung 250 kg, and then increased month by month. In the second year, fertilization was applied once in February, April, June, August and October. After the seedlings were planted and germinated in spring, the seedlings were sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus Yunda 120 or lycopene every 10 days from April to May, plus germicidal insecticides to kill diseases and insect pests for 5 times. It is very important to take this technical measure to improve the survival rate of seedlings.