
How to control insect pests for bonsai flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although bonsai is prepared in advance, but diseases and insect pests will still harm bonsai flowers, so it is also very important to control diseases and insect pests for bonsai flowers. However, how can we safely do a good job of pest control for bonsai flowers?

Although potted plants are prepared in advance, pests and diseases still harm potted plants, so it is also very important to prevent pests and diseases for potted plants. But how can we safely do a good job of pest control for potted plants?


In addition to red spiders in general bonsai, wild elm, finch plum, azalea, five-needle pine and other varieties, vulnerable to red spider damage, such as leaves lose green, leaf edge upward turn scorched, even only the top bud, this is infected with red spider pests. The reason is high humidity, high temperature and poor ventilation. Red spider reproduction is very fast, serious harm, is an important cause of plant death. Red spiders are mainly hidden on the back of leaves, and red dots can be seen with the naked eye. The method of elimination is very simple, and has been used by the author for many years without failure. Put the injured bonsai into a jar that can only fit the bonsai, light a dish of mosquito coil, cover the jar mouth with plastic film, tie it with rope, and then open a small hole in the plastic film. Small and medium-sized potted plants can be taken out in one hour, large potted plants can be taken out in three hours, once effective, regardless of adults or eggs, can be killed. If you put a piece of white paper under the bonsai, you can also see a red dead insect.

In addition to termites, black ants, earthworms ants can bite bad roots, make holes in tree stumps, threatening plants. Earthworms burrowing in pots can also destroy the normal growth of roots. They are the enemy of bonsai. The method of eliminating is to use a bucket of clean water to slowly sink the affected bonsai to the bottom until the water level is over the top. After waiting for half an hour, the floating ants on the water surface can be completely removed by scraping with straw paper. Earthworms take about an hour to emerge and enter the bucket. This method works once and misses nothing.

Prevention and Control of Diseases and Pests of Bonsai Flowers

Flowers (plural: Flowers) are a collective term for plants that are used to appreciate, and have abnormal short branches with reproductive functions. There are many kinds.

Flowers typical, bearing calyx, petals, and stamens and pistils producing reproductive cells on a short axis of finite growth. Flowers by corolla, calyx, receptacle, pistil composition, there are a variety of colors, some grow very gorgeous, there is fragrance.

Control of potted plant diseases and insect pests.

There are five common diseases and insect pests of potted trees: one is root rot. Most of them are due to the invasion of wounds by germs and improper planting management, excessive watering and fertilization, excessive wetness of basin soil, and root suffocation, which cause rot. Control is to dig up the original plant in time, cut off rotten roots, soak with potassium permanganate 5000 times for one hour, and then replant with new soil. The second is powdery mildew. A layer of white powder was found on the surface of leaves, branches and flower buds of diseased plants. The control method is to move to a ventilated and sunny place in time, control humidity, cut off diseased branches and leaves and burn them; spray 100 times solution of chlorhexidine every ten days or so for two consecutive times; spray 1000 times solution of ferrous sulfate for external fertilization and restoration of tree vigor about a week after spraying. Third, aphids. Brown, green, black, red and gray, aphids small, every year between March and October for the breeding period, clustered in banyan, hackberry, finch plum and other pot trees on the young leaves, absorb nutrients. Control with dichlorvos 1200 up to 00 times spray kill. Four is red spider. Red spider in the plant leaves network, with its mouthparts sting branches and leaves to absorb juice, the chlorophyll of the affected leaves are destroyed, the color becomes yellow, the leaves show fine gray yellow spots, the leaves gradually withered, some even the whole plant leaves stripped dead. Dichlorvos or dimethoate can be sprayed 1000 to 1500 times the liquid to eliminate it. The fifth is longicorn beetle, longicorn beetle female bites bark to lay eggs on branches, newly hatched larvae eat under bark, grow up to eat people trunk, root, damaged plants often eat empty and die. Control, according to the excreta to determine where the pest site, with appropriate iron wire inserted into the hole to kill larvae, but also available dichlorvos 200 times wet cotton ball plug holes, poison larvae, and then sealed with wet mud. Common plant diseases and insect pests of export flower potted plant and their control hundreds of plant diseases and insect pests that harm flower potted plant. This paper mainly introduces the common important diseases and insect pests in the quarantine process, some of which belong to the diseases and insect pests that should be inspected for export flower potted plants. It is hoped that flower growers and flower companies will pay attention to and actively control in production practice, so as to promote the smooth export of flower potted plants.

I. Diseases Common diseases on potted plants include powdery mildew, anthracnose, coal stain, leaf spot, rust, blight and root knot nematode. These diseases can occur on all kinds of grass and woody flowers potted plants, among which root-knot nematode disease and blight are particularly important in export quarantine. These diseases are very serious to flowers and potted plants. Control methods: (1) pay attention to the disinfection of seedbeds and nurseries before planting;(2) reasonable dense planting and increase ventilation. Moderate shade in summer high temperature;(3) often to the field investigation, found that the disease immediately cut off serious disease branches or control with drugs, commonly used carbendazim, thiophanate, etc. 800 times solution spraying leaves. Kexianlin or Yingbu Dan were applied to control root knot nematode. II. Pests In contrast, pests on potted plants were of greater quarantine importance than diseases. Many pests on potted plants are pests that should be inspected in export quarantine. 1. Scale insects are the most important pests in potted landscape quarantine and the most difficult problem in quarantine treatment. The author specifically introduced it. Recently, scale insects have also been found in the roots of plants, which should be paid attention to when controlling them. 2. Red spiders and whiteflies occur more commonly on various flower potted plants. Red spiders such as Tetranychus cinnabaris and Tetranychus mountainus, as well as Panonychus citri, Brachypoda ovata and Rhizopus acanthopoda, etc. In recent years, the whitefly problem in potted plants quarantine has become more and more prominent. The potted plants exported from China to the Netherlands have been burned or returned many times due to the discovery of whiteflies. Common whiteflies are whitefly, black thorn whitefly, citrus whitefly and so on. Red spider, pink insect body is very small, breeding ability is stronger, in flower potted landscape on the expansion spread rapidly, more in boxwood, holly, firethorn, kumquat, camellia, chrysanthemum, five-needle pine, jasmine and other plants occur. To control these pests, 20% dicofol or 40% omethoate 1000 times solution was sprayed. 3. Thrips and aphids are harmful to many flowers and seedlings, especially chrysanthemum, gladiolus, tuberose and other flowers. There are mainly flower thrips, yellow corsage thrips and so on. Thrips pest damage is not easy to cause attention, but it is difficult to control after occurrence, because careless use of drugs will cause adverse effects on flowers, so control should be timely. Common aphids on flower potted landscape include peach aphid, cotton aphid, apple aphid and other long tube aphids, Rhinophids, etc., and more plants occur include plum blossom, cherry blossom, orchid, hibiscus, peach, hollyhock, big thorn, elm, etc. Aphids tend to occur when the plant branches and leaves are more lush or planted more densely. Aphids in addition to direct harm to plants, but also can spread the plant virus, many countries prohibit plants with aphids. A small amount of thrips or aphids in stamens can be brushed gently with a brush dipped in water. When aphids occur in large numbers, 80% dichlorvos or 40% omethoate can be sprayed with 1000 times liquid. 4. Moths and other leaf-eating pests such as insects larger, mostly larvae feeding on plant leaves and tender shoots, so the growth of flowers and potted plants most significant harm. Common silver pattern moth, coffee stupid moth, thorn moth, leaf roller moth, moth and other moths, bees and other pests, all kinds of grass, woody flowers bonsai will be harmed. Last year, a turnip moth broke out in the chrysanthemum garden of Nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. This pest bit off the tender heads of chrysanthemums and prevented tens of thousands of chrysanthemums from flowering. At present, pyrethroid pesticides or mixed solution of dichlorvos and dichlorophor are mostly used to control this kind of pests. In addition, the insect bags and cocoons of the moth are often encountered in quarantine problems, export bonsai often because in some inconspicuous places, found to have the insect bags or cocoons of the moth and the whole plant or even the whole batch burned. Therefore, attention should be paid to removing them during daily planting. Other pests, such as borers and underground pests, are also harmful to flower bonsai, and attention should be paid to prevention and control in the process of flower bonsai cultivation. III. Other harmful organisms Other pests are mainly: snails, slugs, small snails and pot weeds. Weeds should be pulled out as far as possible before export. For snail control, attention should be paid to the tidiness of the nursery. Generally, the pesticide consists of 15% snail enemy and mirex powder.