
Planting techniques of Fruit Corn

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Fruit Corn

Fruit corn is a kind of sweet corn which is suitable to be eaten raw. Compared with general sweet corn, its main characteristics are thin skin, juicy, crisp and sweet. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It is suitable for fresh food and processing, quick freezing or vacuum packaging. In addition, in addition to edible ears, the stems and leaves of fruit corn are high quality feed for livestock and have great potential for development. The output value of planting fruit corn per mu can reach about 3000 yuan, which can adjust the agricultural planting structure and improve the economic income of farmers, but it is highly technical. through the cultivation of fruit corn in recent years, we have summed up the following fruit corn cultivation techniques.

Variety selection

Young ears of fruit and corn are mainly used as fresh fruits and vegetables or canned products. Varieties with strong adaptability, uniform ear, good quality and high purity should be selected, and attention should be paid to the mutual collocation of early, middle and late ripening varieties, which can continuously provide raw materials for the market and processing plants. The selection of excellent varieties is very important, which plays an important role in the yield and commerciality of crops. Such as Lima No. 1 and Lima No. 2, these varieties have high sweetness and good quality, and can be planted.

Sowing preparation

1. Isolation conditions

The sweetness of fruit corn is controlled by negative genes, and if it is mixed with ordinary corn or different types of sweet corn, it will produce direct pollen sensation, which will become ordinary corn, lose sweetness and affect quality, so, fruit corn should be planted in isolation from other varieties of corn. Isolation methods include spatial isolation, time isolation and obstacle isolation, with a general spatial isolation distance of 300 meters. If time isolation occurs, the planting time is generally wrong for more than 20 days, and obstacles such as villages, woods and hills can also be used for isolation. It is best to use spatial isolation.

2. Land selection and preparation

It is necessary to select middle-and upper-grade fertile land with flat terrain, uniform soil fertility and good irrigation conditions, pour good soil moisture before sowing, and carry out fine rotary ploughing a week later to level the land so that the ground is flat and thin, the stubble is not exposed, and there is no soil protuberance, so as to facilitate the smooth emergence of seeds.

3. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

In cultivated land, 50 kg of organic compound fertilizer and 40 kg of urea should be applied evenly per mu, but attention should be paid to fertilizer isolation.

4. Mulching film

Film planting can be carried out where conditions permit. In some places where spring is dry, less rain and more wind, and the rainfall is concentrated in July-September, the economic benefit of plastic film planting is better. Because film mulching can not only increase the ground temperature, sow seeds early, make the products on the market as soon as possible, but also prevent water evaporation, maintain soil moisture, and reduce the production cost of products. The film can be laid manually, or with a film-laying machine, generally with a belt distance of 100 cm, a ridge width of 80 cm and a ridge height of 15 cm. The film should be straightened and tightened, paved, covered with soil cover, and pressed with a windbreak every 2 meters to prevent it from being blown up by the wind.

5. Seed selection

Drying on a sunny day for 1-2 days before sowing can improve the germination rate and germination potential of seeds, and then select them carefully to remove miscellaneous grains and broken seeds, and strictly prevent other seeds from mixing. If mixed with other common corn, which grows strongly and has a large amount of pollen, the quality of fruit corn will be greatly reduced and can not even be sold as fruit corn.

Sowing at the right time

In order to improve economic benefits, vegetables should be listed in the off-season as much as possible, so it is particularly important to determine the sowing date according to market demand and climatic conditions. In general, the average surface temperature is stable at 13 ℃, and the seeds can be sown when the ground temperature of 5 cm is above 11 ℃. The germination speed of fruit corn is also closely related to soil moisture. When the temperature is constant, when the soil moisture is in the range of optimum moisture, it germinates quickly when there is more soil moisture.

If plastic film mulching is carried out, plant 2 rows in one ridge, plant spacing is 35-40 cm, leave 3500-4000 seedlings per mu, and about 4000 seedlings per mu are planted in the open field to ensure that the whole seedlings are uniform and reasonably close-planted. Because of its shrinking seed coat, low starch content and weak top soil force, manual sowing or mechanical sowing was carried out with 3-4 seeds per hole and a depth of 4-5 cm. Fruit corn is mainly used for selling fresh ears or for canning, and should be sowed in batches when planting, so that fresh ears can be listed in batches in the early, middle and late stages, or the sowing time should be arranged reasonably according to the processing capacity of the factory and the demand of different periods. and finally get higher economic benefits.

Field management

1. Seedling stage management

It is necessary to check and replenish seedlings as soon as possible. Due to the early sowing, low ground temperature and slow emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to check the seedlings in time to ensure that the whole seedlings are strong. Generally, 7-10 days after sowing, it is found that there is a lack of seedlings and broken ridges in time to replant with soaked seeds to ensure sufficient density. Seedlings at the right time, fixed seedlings. The function of the seedlings is to prevent the seedlings from crowding each other, so as to promote the individual development and firmness. The fixed seedling is actually the last inter-seedling, and it has an effect on the density and strong seedling. Generally, it is suitable to fix the seedling with 4-5 leaves, 6-7 leaves and 3500-4000 seedlings per mu.

2. Ploughing and weeding

Intermediate ploughing and weeding can increase soil temperature, preserve soil moisture and improve nutritional status. The principle of shallow-deep-shallow weeding should be grasped, shallow-middle ploughing should be carried out in 4-5 leaves for the first time, generally about 3 cm, 7-8 leaves should be deep-ploughed, generally about 10 cm, shallow and middle ploughing once after jointing and combined with soil cultivation, in order to enhance the lodging resistance of plants.