
Propagation methods and matters needing attention of multi-flowered wisteria

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Multi-flowered wisteria is a large deciduous vine, native to Japan, its stem bark, flowers and seeds can be used as medicine, but also can extract aromatic oil, the economic value is very high. Artificial propagation of multi-flowered wisteria can be done by sowing, cutting, striping, splitting, grafting and other methods. Generally, there are more sowing and cutting methods.

Multi-flowered wisteria (details) is a large deciduous vine, native to Japan, its stem bark, flowers and seeds can be used as medicine, but also can extract aromatic oil, the economic value is very high. Artificial propagation of multi-flowered wisteria can be used by sowing, cutting, striping, split, grafting and other methods, generally more sowing and cutting methods.

Japanese wisteria

I. Cuttage propagation

Cuttings are usually propagated with hardwood cuttings. Before the shoots sprouted in the middle and last ten days of March, the sturdy branches of 1 ~ 2 years old were cut into 15cm cuttings and inserted into the seedbed prepared in advance, and the cutting depth was 2 × 3 of the cuttage length. Spray water after insertion, strengthen maintenance, keep the seedbed moist, the survival rate is very high, the plant height can reach 20~50cm in that year, and can be out of the nursery after two years.

Root cuttings are easy to produce adventitious buds on the roots of multi-flowered wisteria. In the middle and last ten days of March, the thick root system of 0.5~2.0cm was dug, cut into cuttings with long 10~12cm length, and inserted into the seedbed, and the cutting depth was kept flat with the ground. Other management measures are planted in the same branch.

2. Sowing and propagation

Sowing and reproduction is carried out in March. The seeds were harvested in November, peeled off, dried and bagged for storage. Soak the seeds in hot water before sowing. When the temperature of boiling water drops to about 30 ℃, fish out the seeds and rinse them in cold water for a while, then keep them moisturized for a day and night before sowing. Or store the seeds in wet sand and soak them in clean water for 1-2 days before sowing.

Striping, ramet and grafting were carried out in the middle and last ten days of March.

The culture method of multi-flowered wisteria the main value of multi-flowered wisteria

Large deciduous vines with many flowers and wisteria have great changes in inflorescence length and petal shape. Next, Xiaoqi will share the culture method and the main value of multi-flowered wisteria. Let's take a look.

I. Culture method of multi-flowered wisteria

1. Light temperature: wisteria likes sunshine and bears shade slightly. Because wisteria is a big vine, in order to make it grow well, it is generally set up a certain scaffolding for cultivation. Wisteria also has smaller species and varieties that can be used as potted plants or to make bonsai.

2. Watering and fertilization: the main root of wisteria is very deep, so it has strong drought tolerance, but it likes wet soil, but it can't let the root soak in water, otherwise it will rot. Wisteria can basically meet the needs by applying compound fertilizer 2-3 times a year.

3. Planting location: the main root of wisteria is long, so the planting place needs a deep soil layer. Wisteria is resistant to barren, but fertile soil is more favorable for growth. Wisteria is also adaptable to soil acidity and alkalinity. In addition to the sunny and deep soil mentioned above, wisteria needs to be able to take shelter from the wind.

4. Pruning: the pruning time should be in the dormant period, and the branches can be evenly distributed by densification and artificial traction. In order to promote the blooming of flowers and leaves, it should also be pruned reasonably according to its leaping habits. Because of the strong branching ability of multi-flowered wisteria, the flower bud is planted in the basic leaf axil of the annual branch, and the top of the growing branch is easy to dry up, so it is necessary to retract the new branch of the year, cut off 1 inch, 1 inch and 2, and cut off the base of the weak branch and withered branch.

Second, the main value of multi-flowered wisteria

Multi-flowered wisteria is used in medicine with stem bark, flowers and seeds. Multi-flowered wisteria can extract aromatic oil, detoxify and stop vomiting and diarrhea. The seeds of multi-flower wisteria are poisonous and contain cyanide, which can treat muscle and bone pain and prevent wine rot from deteriorating. Multi-flower wisteria bark can kill insects, relieve pain, treat wind arthralgia, pinworm and so on.

The taste is sweet, bitter and warm. There's a little poison. Its toxicity is that pods, seeds and stem bark are poisonous. People eat pods and seeds with vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dehydration. Children who eat two seeds can cause serious poisoning.

Functional indications: pain relief, insecticidal. For abdominal pain, pinworms. Usage: 5 grams. (from "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "remains of Materia Medica").

The above is the introduction of multi-flower wisteria culture methods and the main value of multi-flower wisteria. Multi-flower wisteria has excellent economic medicinal value and ornamental value. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Propagation method of multi-flowered wisteria control of common diseases of multi-flowered wisteria in Daquan

"multi-flower wisteria culture method" has been shared with you, the next thing we would like to share is what we are more concerned about, multi-flower wisteria breeding methods and disease control methods, let's learn about it.

1. Propagation method of multi-flowered wisteria

Wisteria can propagate easily, such as sowing, cutting, striping, splitting, grafting and other methods, mainly sowing and cutting, but because of the long time required for seedling culture, cutting is the most widely used.

1. Cuttage: hardwood cuttings are generally used for cuttings propagation. Before the shoots sprouted in the middle and last ten days of March, the sturdy branches of 1 ~ 2 years old were cut into 15cm cuttings and inserted into the seedbed prepared in advance, and the cutting depth was 2 × 3 of the cuttage length. Spray water after insertion, strengthen maintenance, keep the seedbed moist, the survival rate is very high, the plant height can reach 20~50cm in that year, and can be out of the nursery after two years.

2. Sowing: sowing and propagation is carried out in March, and the seeds are soaked in hot water before sowing. When the temperature of boiling water drops to about 30 ℃, the seeds are pulled out and washed in cold water for a while, and then stored in moisture for a day and night before sowing. Or store the seeds in wet sand and soak them in clean water for 1-2 days before sowing. Striping, ramet and grafting were carried out in the middle and last ten days of March.

3. Striping: take two-year-old branches after falling leaves, peel off part of the skin and press it into the soil.

4. Ramet: the young plants from the rhizosphere were cut and transplanted in winter and spring.

5. Grafting: one or two-year-old branches are grafted at the root and removed after survival.

II. Disease control of multi-flowered wisteria

1. Soft rot: when it occurs, it will kill the whole plant.

Prevention and control methods: 50% carbendazim 1000 times liquid, 50% methyl topiramate soluble wet agent 800 times.

2. Leaf spot: also called black spot or brown spot. When leaf spot disease occurs, it harms the leaves of wisteria. Black spots appear in the leaves at first, and then gradually turn yellow and fall off. The occurrence of the disease is caused by high heat and humidity.

Prevention and treatment: the environmental conditions should be changed as soon as possible, and the diseased leaves should be removed in time at the beginning of the disease. Spray 1% Bordeaux solution 4 times 5 times, once every 7 days, to control the hazard. It can also be controlled by 1000 times of 50% carbendazim.

3. Wisteria vein mosaic disease: the lateral veins of wisteria and multi-flowered wisteria turn yellow or bright, and gradually expand into radiation spots or mottles. Sometimes the main vein yellowed, followed by stellate markings or rings. In severe cases, the leaves are deformed. The source of primary infection was wisteria wisteria. Peach aphid and bean aphid were used for non-persistent transmission. .

Prevention and control measures: strict selection of breeding materials. Medicine to control aphids.

The above is the introduction of multi-flower wisteria breeding methods and multi-flower wisteria disease control methods. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to breed and maintain multi-flower wisteria. I also want to know more about multi-flower wisteria and continue to pay attention to us.