
When will fragrant snow orchids be planted?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When will fragrant snow orchids be planted?

Xiangxue orchid is native to the Cape of good Hope in southern Africa, with about 20 species. According to the flower color, it can be divided into red, yellow, white, blue and other cultivated strains. Because of its early flowering, bright color, fragrant flowers and long flowering period, it can be supplied to the market in early spring and Spring Festival. It can be cultivated in cut flowers or potted in greenhouse. It is deeply favored by flower lovers. Let's take a look at when it will be planted.

When will fragrant snow orchids be planted?

Xiangxue orchid is propagated by the method of planting underground bulbs, and the planting period is the first and middle of September. 3-4 bulbs can be planted in a "three-cylinder" pot. Planting Xiangxue orchid should use fertilized soil, pour enough water after planting, put it outside in the leeward and sunny place, and then move back indoors after the leaves are unfolded in early October. The temperature rises in the first ten days of June, and the leaves begin to turn yellow in the middle of June. at this time, the bulbs should be taken out of the pot, dried and packed in human cloth bags, hung in a cool indoor for the summer, and replanted after the beginning of autumn.

The flowering time of Xiangxuelan

During the growth of Cymbidium fragrans, bulbs can promote rooting and sprouting under the condition of 13.5-15 ℃. Low temperature of 8-13 ℃ is required for flower bud differentiation, and the suitable temperature for flower bud development is 13-18 ℃. Lower than 18 ℃ will delay the flowering period and shorten the flowering stage. Higher temperature can promote early flowering but plant growth is weak. Under the condition of short day light, it is beneficial to promote flower bud differentiation, while long sunshine after flower bud differentiation can blossom earlier. The bulbs are usually sown in September, the flower buds begin to differentiate in early November, complete in late November, and blossom from April to May the following year.

Culture method of Xiangxue orchid

1. Soil: vanilla prefers well-drained, loose and fertile sandy loam or cultivated soil plus 20%-50% humus. Before planting, to carry out soil disinfection, can be treated with methyl bromide 50g / sqm. After application, the rake is smooth, and the seeds can be sown every 5 to 7 days. Pot culture soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, pastoral soil, fine river sand and mature organic fertilizer.

2. Planting: the planting time of Xiangxue orchid varies with the planting type and flowers according to the requirements of the city. the common planting period is from September to October and the main florescence is from March to April. The cultivation was promoted from the first and middle of September to the middle and late November, and the cultivation was inhibited from January to March. The general plant spacing is 812 cm, and the planting density is 80,110 plants per square meter. The planting depth should be 1cm from the top of the bulb to the surface, and 2cm from the soil cover.

3. Fertilization: the bulb root of Xiangxue orchid is small, and the storage nutrition is limited, so liquid phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added in 2-4 leaves. Organic compost or coarse-grained organic fertilizer should be applied early before planting to improve soil fertility, soil looseness and aeration performance. The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, and some chemical fertilizers can also be applied properly, but the amount should not be too much to prevent physiological obstacles caused by the increase of salt concentration in the soil. Liquid fertilizer is the main topdressing.

4. Watering: Xiangxue orchid does not need a lot of water at the initial stage of potting, the basin soil should be dry and wet, and it can be watered once a week. By the beginning of February, when budding, the plant will grow rapidly and consume more water, so it is necessary to keep the basin moist. One month after flowering, the water supply should be gradually reduced. Water can be watered once every two days to prevent rotten balls, and the leaves can no longer be watered when the leaves are yellow at the end of February.

5. Temperature: cool environment was needed for root formation and flower bud differentiation. The root system grew best at 15: 18 ℃, the flower bud differentiation was the best at 12: 15 ℃, and the inflorescence grew fastest at 18: 20 ℃. Therefore, the inflorescence development could not be reversed when the initial planting temperature was kept at 15: 18 ℃, 5: 7 leaf stage, 12: 15 ℃ for flower primordium induction, and kept at this temperature for 4-6 weeks. Then heated to 16-17 ℃, the inflorescence elongated rapidly and entered the flowering stage.

6. Light: proper shading should be given during the seedling stage and flowering stage in the cultivation of fragrant blueberry. During the growing period of the first leaf, proper shading can reduce the ground temperature and promote the development of root system. Short-day treatment of about 10 hours before flower bud differentiation is beneficial to promote flower bud differentiation and increase the length of flower stem and the number of flowers and lateral ears on inflorescence. Properly prolonging sunshine after the completion of flower bud differentiation is beneficial to promote the good development of inflorescence and early flowering.

7. Diseases and insect pests: sweet cedar is prone to mosaic disease, ball rot and so on. When planting, the soil and bulbs should be thoroughly disinfected, and the basin soil should be changed thoroughly every year. At the same time, attention should be paid to the control of aphids. 1500 times of omethoate or 90% trichlorfon can be sprayed at the initial stage of aphid occurrence.