
Forget-me-not culture method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Forget-me-not culture method

Forget-me-not, also known as forgettable grass, star flower, spoon grass, etc., is a perennial herb of the Artemisia family, which grows on the edge of mountain forests, slopes, forests and valleys and grasslands, and its flowers do not fade for a long time after being made into dried flowers. It is very suitable to be sandwiched in a book or as a token of love and gets its name. Let's take a look at the cultivation method of forget-me-not.

Forget-me-not growth habits

Forget-me-not is distributed in Europe, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Kashmir, India, China and other places, China is mainly distributed in Jiangsu, Northwest, North China, Sichuan, Yunnan and Northeast China, strong adaptability, like dry, cool climate, avoid hot and humid, like light, drought tolerance, the suitable temperature for growth is 20: 25 ℃, grow in loose, fertile, well-drained slightly alkaline soil.

Forget-me-not breeding method

Forget-me-not is usually propagated by sowing, and the sowing time is usually from September to January of the following year. The seeds are light-resistant. After sowing, the seeds should be slightly covered with soil, maintain humidity, and germinate after 10 to 15 days at 15: 20 ℃. However, it should be noted that the temperature should not exceed 25 ℃, ventilation should be needed after budding, and seedlings should be planted when they have more than 5 true leaves. The tissue culture seedlings cultivated by tissue culture technique were planted with 4 or 6 leaves.

Forget-me-not culture method

1. Planting: forget-me-not likes dry, fertile, breathable and slightly alkaline sandy loam. Mature organic fertilizer and slow-acting compound fertilizer can be turned into the soil evenly, and the row spacing is 30 × 40 cm. The planting depth is slightly higher than that of the root neck. Seedlings can be planted or put on the basin for 1 month. When transplanting, you should bring more soil and less damage to the root system.

2. Lighting: forget-me-not likes plenty of sunshine, but the ambient temperature should not be too high or humid, so enough sunlight should be given in the usual maintenance process, lack of light will lead to luxuriant leaves and affect flowering. But try to do a good shade in summer to avoid exposure.

3. Temperature: the optimum temperature for the growth of forget-me-not is 22-28 ℃. The growth of forget-me-not will be hindered when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ or lower than 5 ℃. Therefore, in the cultivation of forget-me-not, try to carry out low temperature treatment as far as possible, let it fully accept low temperature, complete vernalization, after normal growth, try to control the temperature in the appropriate range.

4. Watering: forget-me-not is more like water, but afraid of waterlogging. During maintenance, keep the soil moist without forgetfulness, but do not accumulate water at the root. When there is plenty of sunshine, you can pour more water appropriately to increase the air humidity. The non-growing season can ensure that the micro-tide of the basin soil is dry.

5, fertilization: forget-me-not planting should apply enough base fertilizer, the fertilizer will be evenly mixed into the soil, flowering potash fertilizer, boron fertilizer is conducive to improve the quality and yield of cut flowers. The urea solution can be added once when the forget-me-not leaves grow 6-8 pieces, and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be applied 2 times 3 times when the forget-me-not leaves produce flowers.

6. Diseases and insect pests: forget-me-not diseases include gray mold, powdery mildew, virus disease and so on. Botrytis cinerea can be sprayed continuously with 800 ~ 1000 chlorothalonil and methyl topiramate for 3 times, and powdery mildew can be controlled by powder Xiuning. Virus diseases are mainly controlled by timely removal of diseased plants and burning, spraying insecticides to prevent insect-borne diseases and other measures. Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. In small amounts, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.