
Culture methods and matters needing attention of goose palm wood

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Culture methods and matters needing attention of goose palm wood

Goosefoot wood, also known as duck's foot wood, goosefoot wood, etc., is an evergreen shrub plant belonging to the genus Goosefoot of Araliaceae. Its ornamental value is very high. Large potted plants are suitable for hotel halls, library reading rooms and museum exhibition halls to present a natural and harmonious green environment. Spring, summer and autumn can also be placed in the shade of courtyards and balcony of buildings. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and precautions of Goosefoot wood together.

Growth Habits of Schefflera chinensis

Schefflera chinensis is a common plant in evergreen broad-leaved forest in tropical and subtropical regions. It likes warm, humid and semi-sunny environment. It is suitable to be born in acid soil with deep fertile soil. It is slightly barren and suitable for growth at 16~27℃. Like wet afraid dry, in the air humidity, soil moisture sufficient circumstances, stems and leaves grow luxuriantly, but too much moisture, resulting in waterlogging, will cause rotten roots. It has a wide range of adaptation to light, and can grow in full sunlight, half sunlight or half shade environment, but the intensity of light has a certain relationship with leaf color. Soil to fertile, loose and good drainage of sandy loam is appropriate, potting soil with peat soil, decaying soil and coarse sand mixed soil.

The breeding method of gooseberry

1. Sowing: Goosefoot firewood can be sown with picking, or it can be stored in sand first to germinate, and then potted or sown after the seeds are cracked and white. Sow seeds in pots with moldy soil or sandy soil, covering the soil to a depth of about 1 to 2 times the diameter of the seeds. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 20~25℃, keep the pot soil or seedbed moist, and the seed can emerge in about 15~20 days under the suitable temperature condition. The seed can be unearthed after one week under the suitable temperature after germination by sand storage.

2. layering: selecting 2-year-old branches from April to June, peeling them in a ring shape, 1 cm wide, wrapping the wound with 1 part of wet moss fresh or coniferous soil mixed with 1 part of pastoral soil, and fastening both ends with plastic film. On sunny days, water with a syringe every day to maintain the humidity of the substrate. After rooting, cut off from the place connected with the mother plant, and transplant.

3, soil cutting: combined with pot change, spring re-cut or early spring has not yet sprouted, cut 10~15 cm long 1-year branches as cutting materials. Remove the lower blade, keep the top 3~4 blades, and cut the lower end into a bevel. Drill small holes in the substrate with small sticks in advance, insert 2/3 of the cuttings into pots with pearlite as substrate, keep the room temperature at 15~25℃, and root one and a half months after cuttage.

4, water plug: choose mineral water bottles or glasses, high-foot glass bottles, cans, rinse clean, as a container. Cut the lower end of the cutting, which is 8 cm long, into a flat mouth, leaving only 3~4 leaves at the top. After the container is filled with clean water, insert the cuttings into the container and try to hang them in the water without touching the wall or bottom of the container. When the white roots with a length of 1~2 cm grow from the bottom of the cuttings, remove them from the upper basin.

5. Fog insertion: Use plastic film or small glass greenhouse to create a small environment with high humidity, so that gooseberry can reproduce rapidly under high temperature and high humidity conditions. First, spread a layer of brick at the bottom of the cuttage groove, spread a layer of 30 cm thick sterilized plain sand above, and select the twigs that grow 8 cm in that year as cuttings. 2/3 of the cuttings are inserted into the vegetarian sand, sprayed after the cuttings are inserted, the room temperature is kept at 15 - 25 DEG C, the leaf surface is sprayed once a day, and the cuttings can be transplanted after rooting.

Culture method of gooseberry

1, soil: Schefflera cultivation soil to fertile, loose and good drainage of sandy loam is appropriate, potting soil with peat soil, decayed leaf soil and coarse sand mixed soil, potted generally can choose decayed leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil plus about 1/4 of the river sand or pearlite mixed preparation, in order to make it fertile and add a small amount of cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.

2. Planting: select strong seedlings with developed roots and plant them in the pot before germination in late autumn or spring. Before planting, fill tiles in the bottom of the container and fill some nutrient soil in the container. After planting, fill the soil to make the roots closely contact with the soil. The soil surface is level with the edge of the pot. After watering and settling, the soil surface is kept about 5 cm away from the edge of the pot as a watering nozzle. Newly potted plants should be placed in semi-shade for a week, then gradually transitioned to sunny places for normal management.

3. Watering: Goosefoot wood grows well in an environment with high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture. Pay attention to the lack of water in the pot soil, otherwise it will cause a large number of leaves to fall off. Water should be properly controlled under low temperature conditions in winter. If plastic containers are used, pay attention to drainage. To keep the soil moist, do not wait for dry water should be timely, dry weather, should also spray to the plant humidification, plum rain period to prevent water in the basin.

4. Sunshine: Goosefoot firewood likes semi-shade and should be cultivated under bright scattered light. When the light is appropriate, the leaves are green and bright, which can be appreciated for a long time. In winter, it can be moved to the south window to cultivate, so that it can receive more sunlight and the leaf color is bright. It is best to move the flowerpots outdoors in spring and autumn every year for a period of time under good ventilation and appropriate lighting conditions, but during outdoor maintenance, it is necessary to avoid sunlight exposure, otherwise the leaves are easy to wither and reduce the ornamental value.

5. Temperature: The suitable temperature for the growth of gooseberry is 16~27℃. From March to September, it is 21~27℃, and from September to March of the following year, it is 16~21℃. It can still grow normally under high temperature conditions above 30℃. Winter temperatures are no lower than 5 ° C. If the temperature is below 0℃, the plant will be frozen and defoliate, but if the stem is intact, new leaves will germinate in the following spring.

6, fertilization: goosefoot firewood in March to September for the growth season, every 2 to 3 weeks to apply some compound fertilizer or cake fertilizer water. The flowering variety should not be fertilized too much (especially nitrogen), otherwise the leaves will turn green and lose the original variety characteristics. Variegated leaf varieties should apply less nitrogen fertilizer to prevent patch color from fading or disappearing.