
2015 key Business opportunities Forum and Capital Media Association for Digital Entertainment fundraising

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to nurture more high-quality start-ups, learn from international successful experience, and speed up exchanges between startups and venture capitalists, the Ministry of Economic Affairs's small and medium-sized enterprises held "2015 Digital Entertainment fundraising" at the International Conference Center of National Taiwan University Hospital on September 16.

2015 Digital Entertainment Fundraising Key Business Opportunities Forum & Funding Matchmaking Conference

In order to breed more high-quality start-ups, learn from international successful experiences, and accelerate the exchange between start-ups and venture capitalists, the SME Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs held the "2015 Digital Entertainment Fundraising Key Business Opportunities Forum and Capital Matchmaking Conference" at the International Conference Center of National Taiwan University Hospital on September 16. Yang Jihua, vice president/general manager of theme park of Shimao Group, Kelly Poon, director of Asia Pacific region of Atomico Venture Capital, Haruhiro Uchida(Uchida Zhihong), head of image production department of Marza Animation Planet, were invited to give special speeches and dialogues on digital entertainment business opportunities respectively, providing important reference basis for start-ups to effectively interface with domestic and foreign digital entertainment supply chain, service chain or transnational cooperation, attracting advanced industries at home and abroad, start-up teams, angel venture capital, More than 200 people participated in the accelerator representatives, and at the same time arranged high-quality start-up teams to conduct demos, so as to improve the opportunities to connect with the international market and show the development vitality of young entrepreneurs in China.

Digital entertainment opportunities are presented to help entrepreneurial teams acquire resources

In addition, Lin Meixue, Deputy Director of the SME Division, said in her speech that according to Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), an internationally renowned accounting firm, the company is targeting the global entertainment and media market.(Global Entertainment and Media Market, E&M) analysis report shows that the development focus of the global entertainment and media market in the next five years will still focus on digital entertainment and services, and consumer demand for digital services, especially the development of broadband network, mobile Internet and smart devices, will further promote the overall industry growth. The global entertainment and media market is expected to reach US$2.21 trillion (approximately NT$65 trillion) in 2017, and digital entertainment is believed to be an opportunity to lead the development of Taiwanese team entrepreneurship.

In order to assist Taiwan start-ups to expand their business territory, the Ministry of Economic Affairs 'Small and Medium Enterprises Division's "104 New Industry Accelerated Incubation Plan" successfully promoted the joint venture of "Japanese Business Bill Duck" with "Taiwan Qitai Animation" and "Zhibao International Development" by importing professionals from medium and large enterprises and connecting domestic and foreign early-stage investment funds. We invite Ms. Lin Meixue, Deputy Director of SME of MOEA, to witness the signing of this MOU, hoping to gather more entrepreneurial energy in Taiwan in the future and jointly assist start-ups to shine internationally.

However, for digital entertainment emerging industries, the key to the development of start-up teams is not only to rely on innovative products and services, but also to fund the rapid growth of start-ups. The SME Division continues to refine its plans and integrate relevant resources to assist enterprises in creating a more refined entrepreneurial vision. Through more cross-resource, cross-industry and cross-country diversified entrepreneurial cooperation and opportunities for medium and large enterprises and international links, various high-quality source enterprises can be matched and utilized.

Facilitate interaction with venture capital and link international markets

On the day of the 2015 Digital Entertainment Fundraising Key Business Opportunities Forum and Capital Matchmaking Conference, in addition to the wonderful dialogue aimed at the digital entertainment industry, high-quality start-up teams were selected for Demo in the afternoon to enhance the international competitiveness and visibility of the team, and entrepreneurial teams, venture capitalists and angels were invited to have practical interactions with well-known enterprises, including China Trust Venture Capital, Zhaofeng Management Consulting Company, Yinling Capital, Hetong Venture Capital, Tai An Jie Angel Investment, MESH Venture and other dozens of units for one-to-one capital media exchange, participation in the matchmaking team agreed that it is a rare opportunity to have such close contact with relevant venture capital within an event.

2015 Digital Entertainment Fundraising Key Business Opportunities Forum & Funding Matchmaking Conference In addition to helping the team to actually interface with capital resources, the team selected in this Demo will provide opportunities to communicate with local venture capital angels and the UK Government (UKTI). The SME Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will provide intensive English skills training to steadily demonstrate team energy on the domestic and international stages and improve opportunities to connect with the international market.

The foundation is fruitful, hoping to develop the next Taiwan entrepreneurial unicorn

As the SME Department continues to deepen the promotion of the "Emerging Industries Accelerated Incubation Plan," it has established a transnational platform in the past. In addition to actively introducing foreign accelerator resources, it has also signed letters of intent with international countries such as the European Union, the United States, and Japan to gradually assist Taiwan in rapidly entering the international market and industrial supply chain, including assisting more than 200 enterprises to enter the international market and promoting investment and capital of up to NT $3.2 billion. In the future, we will continue to provide guidance on "targeted breeding","fund matching" and "international links", hoping to make good use of resources and distribute them globally.

▲2015 Digital Entertainment Fundraising Key Business Opportunities Forum and Funding Matchmaking Conference