
How to raise potted Zhu Dinghong?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise potted Zhu Dinghong?

Zhu Dinghong, also known as Dinghong, solitary flower, hundred-seed lotus, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Amaryllidaceae, distributed in Brazil and Chinese mainland's Hainan Province and other places. It has been introduced and cultivated artificially. It is suitable for potted plants to decorate rooms, living rooms, aisles and corridors, as well as gardens or flower beds. Let's take a look at how potted Zhu Dinghong is raised.

Growth habits of Zhu Dinghong

Zhu Dinghong likes warm and humid climate, the suitable temperature for growth is 18: 25 ℃, do not like extreme heat, the sun should not be too strong, should be maintained under the greenhouse, afraid of waterlogging, winter dormancy period, require cold and humid climate, 10: 12 ℃ is appropriate, not less than 5 ℃. Like the sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, the pH is 5.5-6.5. If the soil moisture is high in winter and the temperature exceeds 25 ℃, the stems and leaves will grow vigorously and hinder dormancy, which will directly affect the normal flowering in the following year. Light also has a certain effect on the growth and flowering of Zhu Dinghong, avoiding strong light for a long time in summer and sufficient sunshine for cultivation in winter.

Breeding method of Zhu Dinghong

1. Sowing: Zhu Dinghong is picked and sowed, and the germination rate is high. The sowing soil is a mixture of 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of river sand. The seeds are larger and should be sowed on demand, the distance between them is 2 ~ 3 cm, the suitable temperature for germination is 15 ~ 20 ℃, the seedlings emerge at 10 ~ 15 days, and the seedlings are divided into two true leaves. It takes 2 to 3 years from sowing to flowering.

2. Sub-ball: Zhu Dinghong mostly uses artificial ball-cutting method to propagate a large number of daughter balls, that is, the mother bulb is longitudinally cut into several parts, and then divided into two halves in the middle, so that part of the bulb disc is attached to the lower end of the bulb as the root part, and then cut into the cutting bed mixed with peat soil and sand, properly watered, after 6 weeks, 1 or 2 small balls can occur between the scales and take root in the lower part.

3. Cutting: the mother ball of Zhu Dinghong is cut into several pieces longitudinally, then its scales are cut and inserted obliquely in vermiculite or sand. It was planted when 2 true leaves were grown. When planting false bulbs, the pot soil is too easy, which will delay flowering or reduce the number of flowers. The mixed soil of 5 parts of sandy loam, 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of sand can be used.

How to raise potted Zhu Dinghong?

1. Soil: the planting soil of Zhu Dinghong requires loose and fertile sandy loam, and the pH is 5.5-6.5. do not accumulate water. The basin soil can be mixed with 2 parts of mature stable fertilizer soil, 6 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 parts of sandy soil.

2. Watering: Zhu Dinghong needs to keep the plant moist and water thoroughly. But avoid too much water, poor drainage. General indoor air humidity is OK.

3, sunshine: Zhu Dinghong likes the sun, can have the right amount of direct sunlight, not for too long. It should be placed in front of a window with bright light, good ventilation and no bright light.

4. Temperature: Zhu Dinghong likes warmth and is not resistant to cold. Summer should be cool, the temperature should be 18-22 ℃, winter dormancy requires a cold and dry environment, the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

5. Fertilization: Zhu Dinghong likes fertilizer and begins to apply topdressing when the leaves grow to 5-6 cm long. generally, rotten cake fertilizer is applied every half a month, and once every 20 days after anthesis, to make the bulb enlarge and produce new bulbs.

6. Pruning: Zhu Dinghong grows fast and its leaves are long and dense. when changing pots and soil, the fallen leaves, withered roots, diseases and insect pests should be cut off, leaving exuberant leaves.

Overwintering Management of Zhu Dinghong

1. Bulb overwintering: Zhu Dinghong bulb is usually dug out in early October (be careful not to damage), cut off the upper stems and leaves, wash the root and soil, or dry in the sun or shade, wait for the bulb epidermis and scissors to dry, put it in the indoor dry place or concentrate sand storage.

2. Pot overwintering: if Zhu Dinghong carries soil in the original pot to spend the winter, it must be put in the greenhouse. The basin soil must be kept dry. If the soil is too wet and the plant continues to grow, it will hinder its dormancy and affect the normal flowering of the following year. Due to the high humidity in winter, the flower buds in the bulbs are easy to rot, resulting in no flowers in the following year. The plants overwintering in pots produced flowers and leaves earlier than those in dry storage.

3. Overwintering in the open field: Zhu Dinghong can live in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River, and the treatment method is simple. The leaves are cut off in late autumn and early winter, and the scales are covered with soil or covered with straw. The plants that overwintered in the open field grew vigorously the following year. The bud is strong, but it is prone to rot in rainy and snowy areas and poor ventilation in the sun.

4. seedlings overwintering: Zhu Dinghong seedlings should be cultured in the greenhouse, continue to water and fertilize, and keep it alive in winter, so that it can grow rapidly at the beginning of spring. Adult bulbs can be obtained in advance by this method.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Zhu Dinghong

1. Spot disease: spot disease harms leaves, flowers, scape and bulbs, resulting in round or fusiform reddish brown spots, especially in autumn. Diseased leaves should be removed, bulbs should be soaked in 0.5% formalin solution for 2 hours before planting, and the same amount of Bordeaux solution should be sprayed regularly in spring.