
How do potted water lilies grow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How do potted water lilies grow?

Nymphae is also known as meridian lily, dwarf water lily, etc., is a perennial aquatic herb of Nymphaeaceae, with oval leaves floating on the water surface, large and beautiful flowers, floating or above the water surface, usually blooming during the day and closing at night. Now many park water bodies are cultivated as ornamental plants. Let's take a look at how potted water lilies are raised.

Growth habits of water lilies

Water lilies like sunshine, good ventilation, lax requirements on soil quality, pH 6-8 can grow normally, the most suitable water depth is 25-30 cm, the deepest is not more than 80 cm, like loam rich in organic matter. It germinated long leaves from March to April, bloomed one after another from May to August, each flower blossomed for 2-5 days, and the stems and leaves withered from October to November, and then germinated again in the following spring. It germinated from late March to early April, pregnant buds in late April or early May, bloomed from June to August, yellow leaves from October to November, and entered dormancy period after November.

Propagation methods of water lilies

1. Ramets: water lilies are mainly propagated by ramets, and cold-tolerant species are usually divided from 3 to 4 months before germination in early spring. Cold-tolerant species have high requirements for air temperature and water temperature, so they can not be divided until around the middle of May. When ramet, first dig out the rhizome, select the rhizome with full new buds, cut into 8-10 cm long root segment, each section with at least one bud, and then plant. In a small number of potted plants, the water lilies that have been planted for 2-5 years can be poured out of the pot, cut into 2-4 pieces, and then planted in the pot.

2. Sowing: water lilies are generally sown from March to April, and the basin soil should not be too full with fertile clayey loam. It is appropriate to leave the basin mouth 5 cm 6 cm, cover the soil 1 cm after sowing the seeds, press and soak into the water, the water surface is 3 cm 4 cm higher than the basin soil, cover the basin soil with glass, and put it in a sunny warm place to improve the temperature in the basin. The suitable sowing temperature is 25: 30 ℃. After about half a month, it can blossom in the second year.

How to raise potted water lilies?

1. Soil quality: water lily requires fertile clay loam rich in humus, too heavy clay soil affects the elongation of lotus root and the expansion of lotus root, easy soil is vulnerable to wind damage, hinders the development of root system, which is not conducive to the growth of water lily. The soil is usually lake and pond mud, and it can also be mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of loess and 3 parts of sand. PH6.5~7.5 is the best soil.

2, lighting: water lilies like strong light, receive 7-8 hours of light every day, can make its buds, flowers bloom constantly, do not cultivate in the shade, when you see flowers, indoor viewing can not exceed the same day. Family potted water lilies must be placed on the balcony or in the courtyard and move to a shady place at lunchtime to avoid the scorching sun.

3. Temperature: water lilies are very strict on temperature. Generally, 8: 10 ℃ begins to sprout, 14 ℃ lotus root begins to elongate, and 25-30 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for water lily growth and development, especially in rainy and sunny weather.

4. Fertilization: when the sleeping lotus is planted in the pot, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer according to the size of the pot. one month after planting, you can put rotten bean cake water or human feces and urine-based liquid fertilizer at a concentration of 10%. After the standing leaves were produced, they were topdressing for 1 or 2 times, and superphosphoric acid was applied every 7 days during flowering.

5, moisture: the summer temperature is high, water lilies are easy to lose water, so at this time potted water lilies are added 1 or 2 times a day, which is roughly the same as the water temperature in the basin, and the water quality should be kept clean. If you find that the water is dirty, change the water. Late autumn and early winter, water lotus into the dormancy period, do not often add water, the cylinder basin can only keep shallow water.

Points for attention of water lilies

1. Clayey soil rich in humus is especially suitable for the growth of water lilies, so silt from river ponds can be used when selecting soil.

2. Water lilies are often cultivated by the split method, and the quality of the seed stem is the key to the final success or failure of cultivation, and it is best to choose a section of underground rhizome with good growth condition.

3. The seed stem of water lily is too deep in the mud, which is not conducive to growth, and the depth of cultivation is that the new buds on the stem are flat with the soil.

4. The culture environment of water lilies must be sunny, warm and humid, well ventilated, especially potted water lilies, the light must be enough.