
How to raise potted peony flowers?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise potted peony flowers?

Peony, also known as Jiuli, Licao, Yu Rong, Hongyao, etc., is a perennial herb of Paeoniaceae, known as "flower immortal" and "flower phase", and is listed as one of the "top ten famous flowers", also known as "Mayflower God". Because it has been regarded as the flower of love since ancient times, it has been regarded as the representative flower of Qixi Festival. Let's take a look at how potted peony flowers are raised.

Growth habits of Paeonia lactiflora

Paeonia lactiflora is light-loving and drought-tolerant, and the phased development changes of plants in a year with the change of climate rhythm are mainly characterized by the alternation of growth period and dormancy period, among which the vernalization stage of dormant period and the light stage of growth period are the most important. The vernalization stage of Paeonia lactiflora can be completed after about 40 days at 0 ℃ low temperature, and then the mixed buds can germinate and grow. Belongs to long sunshine plant, flower bud should develop and blossom under long day, after mixed bud germination, if the light time is not enough, or under the condition of short day, it usually only grows leaves but does not blossom or blossoms abnormally.

Propagation methods of Paeonia lactiflora

1. Ramet: ramet is the most commonly used propagation method of Paeonia lactiflora. This method is basically used in seedling production in peony producing areas. It has three advantages: first, it blossoms earlier than sowing method, sowing seedlings blossom for 4 ~ 5 years, and ramet seedlings can bloom every other year. Second, the ramet operation is simple and easy, labor-saving management, which is conducive to wide application. Third, it can maintain the excellent characters of the original variety. The disadvantage is that the reproduction coefficient is low, and the three-year-old mother plant can only be divided into 3-5 daughter plants.

2. Sowing: Paeonia lactiflora seeds should be sowed immediately after harvest. With the delay of sowing time, the water content of seeds decreased and the germination rate decreased. The seed has the characteristics of double dormancy of Hypocotyl and Hypocotyl. After sowing, the soil temperature in autumn makes the Hypocotyl of the seed release dormancy and the radicle develops and takes root. The better it takes root in that year, the more exuberant it will grow in the coming year. If sowing too late, the ground temperature can not release the Hypocotyl dormancy, can not bear very much, the germination rate will be greatly reduced in the following spring.

3. Cutting: the cutting effect of Paeonia lactiflora is the best in the middle of July, which can take root 20-30 days after cutting and form dormant buds. After taking root, the amount of water spraying and watering should be reduced, and the plastic shed and sunshade should be removed gradually. The cuttings grow slowly and need to be covered with soil on the bed to survive the winter, and then moved to the open field for planting the following spring.

4. Striping: in spring, the young buds unearthed soon after sprouting will pass through the pots of the flowerpots and be introduced into the flowerpots with a diameter of 15cm to 20cm. Gradually fill the soil with growth, keep the potted soil moist, take root in summer, cut off the stems under the pots before winter, and form a potted peony.

How to raise potted peony flowers?

1. Soil: peony is a fleshy root, so we should choose loose, fertile and slightly acidic sandy soil when planting. It is not suitable to grow in alkaline soil. If the soil is too alkaline, it will cause leaf yellowing, even shrinkage and death.

2. Watering: in addition to natural precipitation, peony generally does not need to be watered frequently, usually only properly watering several times before and after flowering and in case of spring drought, in order to supplement the lack of soil moisture, each time watering should not be too much.

3. Fertilization: the fertilization of peony should be controlled, three times a year, and the first time it should be quickly extracted from the new shoots. When the leaves and buds are stretching, they mainly apply quick-acting fertilizer, which is called flower-promoting fertilizer.

4. Plastic surgery: peony plastic surgery mainly includes fixing stem, pruning, removing buds, thinning buds, cutting off residual flowers and so on. For the varieties with strong growth potential and exuberant growth, they can be pruned into independent peony. For the varieties with weak growth potential and small number of branches, the thin and weak branches are generally cut off and the strong branches are retained.

5. Diseases and insect pests: the common diseases and insect pests of peony are brown spot, anthrax, rust, root rot and root nodule nematode disease, longicorn beetle, red spider, beetle, mole cricket and so on. The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should give priority to early prevention. Once diseases and insect pests occur, according to the above-mentioned dosage according to the degree of occurrence, the interval period of spraying should be appropriately shortened and the frequency of drug use should be increased.

Matters needing attention of Paeonia lactiflora

The main results are as follows: 1. Peony can not be often transplanted after planting, otherwise it will damage the root and affect the growth and flowering. In order to make the peony grow well, reasonable fertilization should be carried out every year. After each fertilization, enough water should be irrigated, and the soil should be loosened immediately to reduce water evaporation.

2. Frosts Descent, the potted peony, cut off the withered branches and leaves to prevent the breeding of diseases and insects. During the overwintering period, there is no need to move indoors, put it on the balcony or under the eaves where there is plenty of sunshine, and the basin soil should not be too dry.

3. Before the peony blossoms, after the lateral buds appear, they can be removed in time to concentrate nutrients and promote the beauty of the top bud flowers. After the flower fades, if you do not plan to sow and reproduce, you should cut off the pedicel at any time so as not to seed and consume nutrients.