
Key points of ramet Propagation of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The wind orchid is the fleshy root, and if you want to raise a healthy and beautiful wind orchid, you need to take good care of it. In general, Cymbidium can be propagated by ramet, but it is not difficult to split, so how to improve the survival rate is more important.

The wind orchid is the fleshy root, and if you want to raise a healthy and beautiful wind orchid, you need to take good care of it. Generally, Cymbidium can be propagated by ramet, but the ramet is not difficult, so how to improve the survival rate is more important.

Wind orchid

Cymbidium can be carried out in both spring and autumn, usually every three years. All plants with dense pseudocorms can be ramified, and at least 5 connected pseudocorms should be preserved in each clump.

Before the split of Cymbidium, it is necessary to reduce irrigation so that the basin soil is better. When putting on the basin after ramet, first cover the bottom hole of the basin with broken tiles, then cover with coarse stones, occupy the depth of the basin from 5 to 1, and then put coarse-grained soil and a small amount of fine soil, and then plant it with sandy loam rich in humus.

Planting depth of wind orchid to just bury the false bulb in the soil, leaving 2 cm along the edge of the basin, covered with green cloud grass or fine pebbles, and finally watering thoroughly, placing in the shade for 15 days, keep the soil moist, gradually reduce watering, and carry out normal maintenance.

Introduction and maintenance of Fenglan (Fugui Orchid)

Wind orchid (Fugui orchid)

Scientific name: Neofinetia falcata cv.

Families and genera: Orchidaceae, Cymbidium

Distribution of origin: native to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Hubei and Gansu provinces in China, born on trees. It's also available in japan.

Key points of conservation: small epiphytic orchids. Leaves thick, narrowly falcate-rounded to linear, 5-12 cm long and 7-10 mm wide. Racemes slender, erect, with 2-5 flowers; flowers white or reddish, fragrant; sepals and petals linear-lanceolate; spur slender, arcuate, 3.5-5 cm long. The florescence is April. The flowers are small and the florescence is long; fragrant. It has been cultivated in Japan for more than 200 years, and many excellent varieties have been cultivated.

Reproduction: aseptic sowing, tissue culture and ramet propagation.

Light: need light, slightly resistant to overcast (semi-overcast).

Moisture: growing in moist soil.

Temperature: slightly cold-resistant, able to withstand-5: 0 ℃ low temperature.

Humidity: medium relative humidity, 50% to 60%.