
Introduction of two propagation methods of Wenshu orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wenshu Landuo is distributed in South China, often born in seaside areas or riverside sandy land, not only can be watched, but also has a certain medicinal value. Manjushri can be propagated artificially by means of ramet and sowing. The editor will introduce to you two propagation methods of Wenshu orchid. Friends who like it can learn about it together.

Wenshu Landuo is distributed in South China, often born in seaside areas or riverside sandy land, not only can be watched, but also has a certain medicinal value. Artificial propagation of Manjusri can be done by means of ramet and sowing. The editor will introduce to you the two breeding methods of Wenshu orchid. Friends who like it can learn about it together.

Wen Shulan

1. Ramet propagation. Generally in the early spring combined with turning the basin, break off the root buds around the mother plant, hang it for 1 or 2 days, and put it on the basin. Planting should not be too shallow, 1 plant per pot, generally turning the basin once every 3 years. Pour water once after potting, put it in a semi-shady and light-less place for maintenance and management, and carry out normal maintenance and management after the slow seedling stage.

2. Sowing and reproduction. It is suitable for March to April. Artificial pollination is needed in the north, otherwise it is not easy to bear fruit. The water content of seeds is high, so it is suitable to sow immediately after harvest. Can be sowed in a shallow basin, covering soil about 2 cm thick, watered thoroughly, keep moderately moist at 16-22 ℃, not too wet, and sprout after about 2 weeks. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they can be transplanted in a small pot. It can blossom after 3 or 4 years of cultivation.

Introduction to the Culture method of Wenshulan Picture / Wenshu Orchid

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Not all plants with the word "orchid" belong to the orchid family, as we all know, but sometimes people still think that Wenshulan is an orchid plant. But in fact, Manjusri is not, it is a plant of the family Amaryllidaceae, which is mainly distributed in South China. Its variety, has a very good ornamental value and medicinal value, many friends like breeding. So how is Wenshu orchid cultured? what is the breeding method of Wenshu orchid? Next, let's take a look at Wenshulan.

A brief introduction to Wen Shulan

Wenshulan, with his right foot talking about doing things, or Rocks of Eighteen Scholars, is a sturdy perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae. There are many kinds of plants, the main ones are Asian Magnolia and lovely Wenshu orchid. Wenshulan is more common in South China, its florescence is mainly from June to August in summer, when flowering, the plant flower diameter is erect, the perianth lobes are white, while the flower stamens are light red, and the anther tip is acuminate. It looks very simple and elegant and beautiful, has a good ornamental value, and plays a better role in decoration indoors.

(figure 1 of Wen Shulan Picture)

The Culture method of Gao Wenshu Orchid

1. Planting method

The difficulty of Wenshu orchid culture is not high, there are many breeding methods, the main common ones are plant propagation and sowing reproduction.

Ramet propagation: the time is generally chosen to be carried out in spring and autumn every year, and it is mainly when the basin is changed in spring. The method is to pour the mother plant out of the flowerpot, peel off the bulbs around the plant, and then plant it in another flowerpot.

Sowing and reproduction: the time is usually from March to April in spring. Because the water content of Wenshu orchid seed is relatively large, it needs to be sown immediately after picking. The method is to plant in a shallow pot, covering about 2 cm thick soil, watering it thoroughly, keeping it at 16 to 22 degrees Celsius and moderately moist, sprouting after about 2 weeks, and transplanting after growing real leaves.

(figure 2 of Wen Shulan Picture)

2. Daily culture management

The daily breeding of Wenshu orchids is relatively simple, which requires careful care, and the specific requirements are as follows:

① temperature and light: Wenshulan prefers a warm growth environment, the suitable temperature for its growth is between 15 and 22 degrees, the plant bulb enters the dormant period in winter, and the suitable storage temperature is about 8 degrees. Wenshu orchids love light and need plenty of light during their growth, but the seedlings are fragile and need to avoid direct sunlight. Strong summer light burns leaves and requires proper shade, usually from 12:00 to 15:00 noon. The rest of the time you can receive direct sunshine.

(picture 3 of Wenshilan)

② watering and fertilization: Wenshu orchid has a large demand for water and fertilizer and needs adequate water and fertilizer supply during the growth period. From May to September, proper watering is needed every day, usually dry and wet, especially in the middle of summer, in addition to daily watering, you can also increase air humidity and spray clear water on the leaves of plants, and pay attention to watering every 2 days in spring and every 2 weeks in winter. In terms of fertilization, the fertilizer and water retted with cruller residue and black alum should be applied every 7 to 10 days, but it should be noted that the concentration of fertilizer and water should be light at first and then concentrated, and fertilizer should be stopped in winter.

(figure 4 of Wen Shulan Picture)

③ large pot deep planting: Wenshu orchid needs a lot of nutrients during its growth, so it needs a larger flowerpot for deep planting, so that it can maintain sufficient water and soil fertility and promote the growth of plant roots.

④ pruning and shaping: during the period of exuberant growth, Wenshu orchid always grows evil buds frequently, seriously affecting the beauty of the whole plant. In order to keep the plant type upright, it is necessary to prune and shape the plant properly and erase the evil buds of the plant.

(figure 5 of Wen Shulan Picture)

Conclusion: Wenshulan is a very beautiful plant with beautiful flowers and leaves and high ornamental value. whether it is put indoors or outside to make a landscape, it is one of the very beautiful plant decorations, and people love it very much.

Ecological habits of Wenshu Orchid Conservation and Propagation methods of Wenshu Orchid

Wenshulan is a sturdy perennial herb with bulbous bulbs. Leaves 20-30, banded, 0.9-1.2m long. Margin undulate, light green. Scape erect, with 10-20 flowers forming umbels, fragrant in the evening. Perianth lobes white, linear, stamens reddish, anthers linear, apex acuminate, ovary fusiform. Fruit subglobose, 3-5 cm in diam., usually with 1 seed. Mostly distributed in South China, often born in coastal areas or riverside sandy land. Leaves and roots are used medicinally, with the effect of removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and can treat falling injury, mad heat headache, heat toxin swelling and other diseases.

Morphological characteristics of Wenshu Orchid

Wenshulan is a perennial bulbous herbaceous flower. The leaves are broad and thick, dark green all the year round, up to more than 1 meter long, and the front end is sharp, like a giant's green sword; the scape is erect all the year round, and its height is about the same as that of the leaf, but most of them only bloom in summer and autumn, with 10-24 flowers, gathering at the top of the scape in umbrella shape. Each flower has six slender petals, purplish red in the middle and pink on both sides, stretching around and even bending backward when it is in full bloom, as if trying its best to show people its beauty and charm, and the fragrance of the flower is full-bodied and scattered far away, so it has always been loved by people. Perianth linear, white, fragrant, full bloom in July. Capsule, seed large, green.

Stout perennial herbs. Bulbs long columnar. Leaves 20-30, multiseriate, banded-lanceolate, up to 1 m long, 7-12 cm wide, apex acuminate, with 1 acute tip, margin undulate, dark green. Flower stems erect, several as long as leaves, umbels with 10-24 flowers, involucral bracts lanceolate, 6-10 cm long, membranous, bracteoles narrowly linear, 3-7 cm long; pedicels 0.5-2.5 cm long; flowers tall, discoid, fragrant. Perianth tube slender, straight, 10 cm long, 1.5-2 mm in diam., green-white, perianth lobes linear, 4.5-9 cm long and 6-9 mm wide, attenuate toward tip, white; stamens reddish, filaments 4-5 cm long, anthers linear, apex acuminate, 1.5 cm long or longer; ovary fusiform, less than 2 cm long. Capsule subglobose, 3-5 cm in diam.; usually 1 seed. Flowering in summer.

The sex likes to be warm, moist and slightly resistant to yin. Resistant to salt and alkali. It is not cold-resistant, and it is necessary to spend the winter indoors at no less than 5 ℃ in winter.

The suitable temperature for the growth of Wenshu orchid was 15 ~ 20 ℃. Not resistant to hot sun exposure, but slightly resistant to shade. It needs to be placed under the shade in summer, and it needs plenty of fertilizer and water during the growing period, especially before and after flowering and during the flowering period.

Ecological habits of Wenshu Orchid

Wenshulan prefers warm, moist, sunny and fertile sandy loam environment, but it is not cold-tolerant and saline-alkali tolerant, but it avoids strong direct light at the seedling stage, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15: 20 ℃. The suitable storage temperature is about 8 ℃ during the dormant period of bulbs in winter.

Cultivation techniques of Wenshu Orchid

Adequate water supply in summer, keep the basin soil moist; apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a week, calcium superphosphate should be applied once before scape extraction. The pedicel should be cut off in time after flowering. The potted flowers were moved indoors in early September or late October and placed in a dry place with a temperature of about 10 ℃. No watering was needed and fertilization was terminated. Like the soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, good drainage, more tolerant to saline-alkali soil. From March to April, the bulb should be planted in a basin of 20cm to 25cm, not too shallow, and the bulb should not be seen. After planting, the bulb should be fully watered and placed in the shade. Wenshu orchid planted in the ground should be planted every 2 ~ 3 years to keep the plant strong and bloom luxuriantly, otherwise the growth is not prosperous and the flowering is rare.

Key points of maintenance

1. Big pot and deep planting. In order to meet the nutrients needed during the growth period of Wenshu orchid, larger flowerpots should be selected for deep planting in order to conserve water and soil and supply root development. 2. Water and fertilizer management. During the normal growth period of Wenshu orchid, appropriate amount of water was watered every day from May to September, dry and wet. The fertilizer and water made by retting with cruller residue and black alum (ferrous sulfate) should be applied every 7 to 10 days, and its concentration should be light at first and then concentrated, and stop applying in winter.

3. Erase the evil bud. Wenshu orchid in the vigorous growth period, always from the rhizome around the sprouts, in order to ensure that the plant shape upright, rhizome neat, the normal growth of the whole plant, should be timely erased buds.

4. Sunshine and shade. In order to make the leaves green, beautiful and tidy without affecting the light, Wenshu orchids should be properly shaded in hot summer, receive full sunshine from 7 a.m. to 12:00, and shade from 12:00 to 15:00. There are about 100 species of plants of the same genus. Often cultivated are safflower Wensu orchids: purplish red flowers, native to Sumatra. Wenshulan of North America: White flowers, narrow leaves, native to tropical Asia, wild in Guangdong and Hainan, China. Like warm, not cold-resistant, slightly shade-resistant, wet, waterlogging, saline-alkali resistance, should be drained good fertile soil.

The mode of reproduction of Wenshu orchid

Ramet and sowing are often used to propagate.

1. Ramet propagation: ramet can be carried out in spring and autumn, in combination with changing pots in spring. Pour the mother plant out of the basin, peel off the bulbs around it, and plant them separately.

2. Sowing and propagation: it is suitable for March to April. Artificial pollination is needed in the north, otherwise it is not easy to bear fruit. The water content of seeds is high, so it is suitable to sow immediately after harvest. Can be sowed in a shallow basin, covering soil about 2 cm thick, watered thoroughly, keep moderately moist at 16-22 ℃, not too wet, and sprout after about 2 weeks. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they can be transplanted in a small pot. It can blossom after 3 or 4 years of cultivation.

The function and use of Wenshulan

Manjusri orchids are beautiful in leaves and have high ornamental value. They can be used as ornaments for gardens, campuses, green spaces of institutions, lawns of residential communities, flowers for courtyard decoration, and hedges around houses; if potted plants are used, they can be placed in solemn conference halls, magnificent hotels, banquet hall doors, etc., elegant and generous, full of incense and pleasing to the eyes. It can be used as medicine.

Leaves and bulbs are used medicinally, with the effect of promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, treating injury caused by falling, wind-heat headache, heat-toxin swelling and so on.

Accidental consumption of Manjusri may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever.

After reading the above introduction on the conservation and reproduction methods of Wenshu orchid, do you know more about the conservation and reproduction of Wenshu orchid? if you want to know more about Wenshu orchid, please continue to pay attention.