
White tea is delicious and healthy.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fuding White Tea is one of the six major teas in China, one of which is less fermented without killing or kneading. White tea tastes sweet and mellow, the aroma is fresh and elegant, the soup color is light and elegant, and the tea is silver and bright, because of its processing side.

Fuding White Tea is one of the six major teas in China, one of which is less fermented without killing or kneading.

White tea tastes sweet and mellow, the aroma is fresh and elegant, the soup color is light and elegant, and the tea is silver and bright. Because of its simple processing method, it retains the taste of the most tea itself.

Fuding white tea has a special taste, and it may not be acceptable to ordinary tea drinkers. however, people who know how to taste white tea will be deeply attracted by white tea.

In the seven stories of the Classic of Tea written by Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty, it was recorded: "there is White Tea Mountain three hundred miles east of Yongjia County." It is proved that white tea has already appeared in Fuding area of Fujian Province. And because the production process of white tea is more traditional and simple, some experts believe that white tea appeared much earlier than green tea. Fuding is located in the northeast of Fujian Province, near the mountain and the sea, with an average elevation of about 600m, an average temperature of 18.4℃ and an average annual sunshine hours of 1621.7 hours.

The tea varieties planted by Fuding grow fat leaves, so the main product is Fuding White Silver Needle. Compared with other kinds of tea, the process of white tea is much simpler, no rolling, no killing, no fermentation, and the main process of making tea is withering.

Although withering is an important process in the production of white tea, other steps are equally important. Carelessness in any step will have a great impact on the quality of finished tea.

The production process of white tea is divided into the following steps:

Picking, withering, drying, picking and reheating


Withering is to make the tea lighter and softer, increase the cell permeability, and promote the chemical reaction of the substances in the tea, so as to produce the unique fragrance of the tea.

Withering is divided into sunlight withering and indoor withering.

Sunlight withering: put the buds of white tea evenly on the sieve. When the weather is clear, drying in the sun for a day can reach 70% to 80% dry. In the process of drying, it is necessary to reduce turning so as not to damage the buds.

According to the traditional tea-making process, Fuding white tea uses sunlight withering, but due to the development of technology, indoor heating withering will be used to assist according to different weather conditions. If handled properly, not only will not damage the taste of white tea, but also avoid weather factors affecting the quality of white tea.


The purpose of drying is to reduce the water content in tea, prevent tea from fermenting and improve the aroma of tea.

When dry, put the tea into the baking cage, bake it at a low temperature with charcoal fire, let the water vapor evaporate slowly, and turn it carefully while baking, not only to ensure that the tea is fully dry, but also to prevent damage to the tea hand.

The choice of charcoal is also very particular, white tea baked charcoal fire does not contain impurities, no smell, will not smoke, mostly choose hard charcoal or fruit charcoal.

Pick and pick

Picking is to pick out the yellowed, charred leaves and other impurities in the tea to ensure the cleanliness of the tea.

When picking, you should have a clear eye and a quick hand. you should not only make sure that the selection is clean enough, but also be careful not to break or break the tea.


The purpose of reheating is to further dry the tea, once again reduce the water content in the tea and improve the aroma.

Before resuming the fire, sometimes it will be evenly piled, assembled, then reignited, and finally boxed.

New craft white tea

In order to meet the needs of Hong Kong and Taiwan, a tea factory in Fuding developed a new process of white tea in 1968.

Unlike the traditional white tea, the new craft white tea adds the step of "kneading and twisting" on the basis of the traditional white tea production process.

After light rolling, the new craft white tea has a rich aroma of oolong tea, the taste is also stronger, and the soup color is also orange-red.

The new craft white tea belongs to the middle and low-end products in the white tea, but because of its unique characteristics, many people prefer the new craft white tea.

The Health effect of Old White Tea

For "can white tea be stored for a long time?" This issue has been debated in the tea circle all the time.

In the national standard that was formally implemented on May 1, Article 8.4 clearly stated that "products can be preserved for a long time", which finally reached a final conclusion of the long-standing debate.

In the folk, there has always been a saying that "one year of tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure".

White tea has a variety of effects, such as relieving alcohol and awakening, clearing heat and moistening the lungs, calming the liver and tonifying blood, anti-inflammation and detoxification, reducing blood pressure and lipids, eliminating fatigue, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, heat prevention, toothache and so on. especially for excessive tobacco and alcohol, greasy too much, excessive liver fire caused by physical discomfort, digestive dysfunction, has a prominent health care effect In particular, old white tea can also be used as an antipyretic for children suffering from measles, and its antipyretic effect is better than antibiotics.

I would like to remind you that antibiotics can not be misused, if excessive use of antibiotics, so that bacteria form drug resistance, there will be no cure. White tea has so many effects that it is recommended that instead of having a full supply of medicine at home, it is better to prepare white tea at home, which is not only good to quench thirst, but also healthy.

When the temperature is high, the human body sweats more, consumes more, and is easy to get tired. High temperature can also cause body temperature regulation disorder, people will get heatstroke, and white tea cool, with antipyretic effect, when the weather is hot, always prepare white tea, not only clear heat, but also eliminate fatigue.

When the temperature is low, people will be cold all over, hands and feet cold, at this time especially need to keep warm, you can drink some hot tea to warm your stomach and body. At this time, some old white tea can be prepared at home. After years of storage, the nature of the tea slowly turns to temperature. The taste of the tea is mellow and fragrant, and some have a faint aroma of traditional Chinese medicine. Regular drinking can keep warm and dispel cold and dampness.

If you care for your family, you can always prepare some Fuding white tea at home.