
What about yellow leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What about yellow leaves?

Cymbidium has strong adaptability, drought resistance and cold resistance, and has strict requirements on the soil. it generally grows better in well-drained, loose and fertile sandy soil. Light requirements are not strict, generally suitable for growth in medium light conditions, but also resistant to weak light. Wrong management will make the leaves of Cymbidium yellowed or even withered, so what should we do if the leaves turn yellow?

What if the leaves of the orchid turn yellow?

1. Direct sunlight and yellowing of leaves caused by dry air.

Hanging orchid like semi-shady environment, if direct sunlight, coupled with dry air, the most likely to cause leaf tip scorch, leaves turn yellow. Therefore, the hanging orchid must be placed in a cool and ventilated place, especially to pay attention to often spraying water to the leaf surface to increase environmental humidity.

2. Yellowing of leaves caused by improper fertilization.

Improper fertilization will also lead to yellowing and drying up of leaves. It is necessary to apply thin liquid fertilizer every 10 to 15 days during the production period. Fertilizer should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, the work can keep the leaf color green.

3. Yellowing of leaves caused by impenetrable soil consolidation.

Cymbidium should be cultivated in loose, fertile and well-drained soil. If the soil is not permeable, it will easily cause root rot and leaf yellowing.

4. Leaf hair caused by freezing injury.

Chlorophyllum originated in Africa, like warm and humid environment, overwintering temperature can not be lower than 5 degrees, winter must pay attention to frost injury and leaves yellow. Spring just arrived should not go out of the room to blow, the wind is cold in early spring, once the wind blows, the leaves will turn yellow and scorched.

5. Scorch of leaves caused by lack of water.

Watering during the growing period should be diligent, keep the basin soil moist, and the basin soil should not be too much. In particular, it is necessary to spray more water on the leaves, one is to keep the leaves fresh, and the other is to prevent the leaves from becoming scorched.

6. Yellowing of leaves caused by incorrect placement.

Hanging orchid can be hung, will have a different flavor, the height is suitable for human eyes or slightly higher, too high is inconvenient to water. When applying fertilizer, it should be removed from the hanging basket, and the leaves should be sprayed and washed carefully after fertilization. In addition, the hanging orchid on the heated iron flower rack or near the wall is easy to cause leaf tip yellowing, so we should pay attention to keep a certain distance with the wall when hanging.

Solution: the most simple and effective way to solve the yellowing and scorching of hanging orchid leaves is to turn the basin and change the soil. if you find rotten roots, you should cut them carefully. Carefully peel off the yellowed and scorched old leaves that have appeared. The hanging orchid grows very fast, and now it has gradually entered the growing period, so you can rest assured that as long as it is withered and yellow or other leaves that have lost the value of Deng's reward are cut off to warm the earth in spring, you will soon be able to enjoy a fresh and lovely bonsai.

How to maintain the orchid to grow well?

1. Substrate: Cymbidium has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil and is easy to cultivate.

2. Containers: all containers that can hold water can be used to raise orchids, preferably with transparent utensils, to enjoy the dazzling white roots in the water. The glass cups, teacups and mineral water bottles around you are both economical and beautiful containers. The containers of water-raised orchids can be single-layer or double-layer. The single-layer container is made of glass bottles and plastic bottles without bottom holes and planted directly on the hanging orchid. In the double-layer container, the plastic screen (also known as the planting basket) is taken as the upper layer, and the lower layer is a non-porous bottle. The hanging orchid is planted in the upper plastic screen and the root of the hanging orchid extends into the lower bottle.

3. Watering: the hanging orchid likes the humid environment, and the basin soil is easy to keep wet. However, the hanging fleshy root can store a lot of water, so it has a strong ability to resist drought, and it will not dry to death without watering for several days. Under 5 ℃ in winter, less watering, basin soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves are easy to yellowing.

4. Temperature: the orchid is resistant to high temperature. The suitable temperature is above 15 ℃ and the overwintering temperature is above 4 ℃ in winter.

5, humidity: like the humid environment, in order to make the orchid fresh and fresh green, you can often spray water to the leaves.

6. Pruning: cut off the yellow leaves at any time. The basin can be turned once a year in March to cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root. Cutting off some of the old leaves of Cymbidium in the first and middle of May will promote the germination of more new leaves and small orchids.

7, lighting: hanging orchids like semi-shady environment, spring and autumn should avoid strong direct sunlight, the summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50% to 70% of the sun, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the flower and leaf varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight, Phnom Penh orchid grows more beautiful in places with weak light, yellow Phnom Penh is more obvious, leaves are brighter. But it should be more sunny in winter in order to keep the leaves tender and fresh green. The family potted orchid should be placed in front of the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and even wither.

8, fertilization: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, if the lack of fertilizer and water, it is easy to scorch head aging, leaves yellowing, loss of ornamental value. From late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied every 10 days, but less nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to Phnom Penh, Jinxin and other mosaic varieties, so as not to fade or even disappear. The retting organic fertilizer such as bone powder and eggshell can be properly applied, and after full fermentation, take an appropriate amount of diluent and irrigate once every 10-15 days to make the flowers and leaves bright and bright.